
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Where to Find the Best Tacos in Mexico City | City Guides: Mexico City | Bon #Tasty Food

Where to Find the Best Tacos in Mexico City | City Guides: Mexico City | Bon #Tasty Food 

ne of the things that I love about
Mexico City are all the different street
vendors right now I got some amazing
delicious sweet mango with chili and
lime on it but that's the pregame to
what I really came for the tacos so I'm
meeting up with a friend of mine
reuleaux he's a local celebrity
man-about-town he knows everybody from
fine dining places all the way down to

the best street vendors in Mexico City
he's going to hook me up with some
amazing tacos today things that I've
never heard of things that I've never
tried things that are just going to blow
my mind and I cannot wait so look this
is Pat ikuyo supposed to be legendary
I'm glass right for the first time now
this is amazing everything on the menu
is in this pot right here chief there's
eye ear sweetbreads the try which is the
lining of the intestines I think well
it's a tongue and says which is french
fries I love braised yeah well I'm gonna
get brains and ojos - okay this brisket
the deposit aha follow so that's my eye
eye brain guts
it's a texture thing it's just really to
Linus and kind of chewy I'm going to try
it out
that's a brain is really good
especially really squishy alright raise
the next place yeah
all right this is what I've been waiting
for you gotta meet that's your favorite
you're you're a poor person yeah okay so
nothing this is one of the best going to
place in Mexico as I told you people
argue all the time
everybody has his home favorite actor
yeah but I think this is my favorite at
least you know I've actually been here I
smother like three tacos a kajita back
to the u.s. last time I was here oh we
don't build that wall so that goes on
the other side of a reason why the wall
all right so let's order we should order
the chickaletta and she's fat with some
limit they chop it really short River
small and then they fry it on the pan
this is the real reason why I came to
Mexico City this taco stand right here a
we've got to eat this very little
vegetable other than the pickled carrots
and the salsa edited so goes do it
pedimental it's still a little chewy
there's a little crispness and it's
super four feet fatty rich something
like the best pork roast you can have a
romantic the last button
this is my neighborhood this is Odessa
they sell missile attack pose so these
others are the students
it's to see yeah so you were telling me
about this the taco that you always
start with it's whack Amole beans cheese
and no Palace which is cactus room I
also want to try the deliver the tuna
and sardine okay which seems very
strange to me some of this guy would
want to serve you two tacos at the same
time Giorgio says one by one then I get
cold then I get wet all right so this is
the tuna and sardine when you're like
this can't even imagine go for you
nothing it's really good actually really
it's basically like a Mexican tuna fish
sandwich it's got that sort of canned
tuna sort of vibe but with a little bit
of basil fresco and salsa it's not bad
and I'm not a huge fan of up to now how
many different types of pulling today
how many four for this unlocks what
that's a lot Wow I know liver is the
most populous crazy all right well I
think we're done here
ready go let's go let's go is it safe to
say that tacos al pastor are sort of the
quintessential Mexican taco I would
bring solo this is called a crop oh yeah
okay so this is basically a giant spit
it's just layers and layers of pork
without you up there and dried chilies
you've got the pineapple that like the
faceless the pork as it goes would you
like to buy the whole pasta I would pray
father do it ha ha ha that's that keep
the fish out of Mexico same time this
the king of Mexican tacos right here
let's go to you next door say said well
let's find out how good these are they
look really good no you look pretty good
how are they
salty spicy 74 feet they're dangerous
so the spaetzle is really awesome yeah
and you see them all in season one you
don't see what you need to be secure yet
is this you wanna see what were you
taking me like a beef past or what not
really big size Church very like a latte
like steak on a stick and wrote it like
it s not like alright ready 1 2 3
as amazing so is it it's really quickly
seared and so the meat doesn't have time
to seize up like it might if you put it
on a grill that's like super tender cut
really thin Wow
so what are we getting now so that we're
gonna get a cappuccino which is chorizo
variants out here with patina super
salty meat and it's beef yeah we okay
but you need so again per Tommy yeah and
then we have a we're gonna have rib with
cheese on a Arab bread like like a PITA
like okay technique it's called cup of
charcoal tacos because they're doing
everything's in the charcoal gray okay
you become smelling like Angus like your
life that mr. Chekov
mmm wow that looks amazing Sina and 20
so needs to get right so this is salsa
guacamole exactly more yeah I'm
gonna get the Oh a little bit thinner
than our American guacamole it's like a
salsa with avocado with an avocado in it
yeah and here you have the other thing
we winner which is the rib with a so
Kennedy era prep wow that looks amazing
good now what are you gonna put on that
bonito alright oh yeah
Morita is a smoked jalapeno yeah
wow that's really good let's try this
you know this is chilly some and soon we
meet in Cetina that's the the sculptured
really fall team reason one night the
lemon and devil cover the gap that cut
strip got a nice spice from the chorizo
I'm done I got up early to exercise just
like I am says I'm done before and I'm
done really ha ha ha misty does this is
awesome thank you so much giving you
yeah hope you do it again okay whenever
you want tomorrow okay all right you
know what the way we're gonna finish
because there are so many good as you
see just keep trying okay
see you then all right

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