
Friday, March 27, 2020

The ONLY THING You Need To Know To Make $500 A Day Online #Best Education Page #Online Earning

The ONLY THING You Need To Know To Make $500 A Day Online

okay guys this is probably one of the
most important videos that I've ever
shot here to date and I'm gonna give you
the only thing that you need out there
to make five hundred dollars a day
online it's not another seminar it's not
another product it's not even another
video for me it's one thing guys
build a frickin audience you see the
people that are making the big money out
there you see grant cardones of the
world you see Gary v's of the world you
see the PewDiePie's of the world they
are building an income because they have
a large audience the great thing guys is
you don't need to have a big audience
like Gary Vee or PewDiePie to make a
bunch of money okay what you need to do
is you need to go deep with the audience
that you're cultivating and building
right now but most of you guys are
looking for the solution and buying the
right product enjoining the right
opportunity realizing that success is in
that opportunity no you guys have to
realize that success read between the
lines it's in building a freaking
audience and that's why I made a post
today on my Facebook wall you can see it
was roughly nine hours ago and I said
stop joining the next deal and build an
effing audience like the gears that are
recruiting you with that said you can
see all of the engagement that I got
from this post so you think this is
probably a ring in a bell with a lot of
people I think it is you got 87 likes
here and we've got so far we got 14
comments mark says love this Joshua Nate
says bingo Alexander says truth Daniel
says truth Curt says finally someone
said it Caesar says he's trying to build
an audience nobody's watching my videos
if you're watching this video Caesar
we're gonna solve that problem for you
today anna says exactly Justin does mic
drop and he says kind of funny and sad
to watch at the same time but hey people
love new deals and will continue to join
them Brady says preach Sean says truth
bombs you guys
can see right truth bombs the truth
solid another truth bomb great advice
and these a lot of these people here
that are commenting are the same people
that are crushing it here in the
industry too as well so I want you to
keep in mind that these people know what
it really takes to build an online
business right and so it's not about all
these technical details don't get caught
up in buying the next thing don't get
caught up in spending thousands to go to
the next event understand this one thing
build the following build an audience
right comedians build an audience
musicians build an audience public
speakers build an audience influencers
build an audience right we are all
building an audience celebrities
build an audience that's exactly what
we're gonna be talking about today is
how do we go about building an audience
as you can see here on my Facebook wall
alone or my facebook profile I've got
five thousand friends plus three
thousand four hundred and eighty nine
followers so right around eight thousand
four hundred and eighty nine people that
are following and sort of engaging with
me on Facebook that's the size of my
audience on Facebook so if you've got 50
friends on Facebook you've got two
followers and you're trying to make
sells online there's probably a reason
why you're failing is because that
audience may not be a targeted audience
it could be the fact that maybe your
posts aren't engaging there could be
different variables but it really comes
down to having in targeting the right
audience from the get-go okay so we're
gonna go into detail about this here
we're gonna talk about how to build an
audience right and what I want you guys
do first and don't mind me using my
notepad here in a couple weeks I'll have
myself a whiteboard in my brand new
house so I'm super excited for that so
we won't have to use the good old Google
Docs anymore but for the sake of this
video or will continue to use it so what
we're going to do is we're going to
number one to build our audience to make
de online we're gonna choose one
platform to market on okay and I'm
repeating myself right and I'm going to
continue to repeat myself until you guys
go out there and actually pick a
platform and go deep with it instead of
jumping around right there was a reason
why a small percentage of people in this
industry succeed and it's because most
of them don't just pick a freaking
platform and take action it's not
because it's hard it's because people
just don't take action right when in
doubt what am i doing every single day
in my business I'm taking freaking
action you guys on a daily basis I'm
putting out a video I'm putting out
I mean emailing my list what are you
doing that's all it takes is to take
massive action and go deep ok so
consistency is key right consistency is
key if you want this to work if you want
to make five ten fifty thousand dollars
per month and by the way you can do it
in two to four hours a day you can do it
in less than two hours a day if you
prepare properly right and you're
putting out content daily you can
achieve the results that you want
so let's go into depth about the
strategy let's say that you decide to
build an audience on Facebook right and
when you're building an audience guys
don't even think about how you're gonna
monetize don't even think about how
you're gonna sell people just start
sharing your passion with people start
sharing your freaking story with people
start connecting with people okay
because what's gonna happen is once you
connect with people on a given platform
and then you finally introduce the
product they're more than likely going
to buy from you because they're like
okay I know this guy's story I know his
background I know where he came from you
know he's like he's like a friend right
I see his post daily we've built this
rapport and so when you make the offer
it's not gonna be like what I see daily
on my Facebook wall is somebody pitching
something that I've never even met or
seen before I don't care how famous they
are if I don't know their story or their
background I probably
by from them right and so what we want
to do is we first want to recognize the
problems within our marketplace okay we
want to find the niche that we really
want to go into right the problems that
we want to solve in that specific niche
and then what I want you to do is I want
you to you know look into I mentioned
the YouTube Commons you can go to
youtube and look in the YouTube comments
of videos are related to your niche and
see what people are talking about you
know go to Instagram see what people are
talking about go to Facebook see what
people are talking about go to forums
right see what people are saying see
what they're discussing find out what
their struggles and their problems are
ok and then what I want you to do is I
want you to follow this vvv s formula
it's called value value value sell
formula and what I want you to do is I
want you to go out there on Facebook
with no hidden agenda and I want you to
start posting solutions to those
specific problems okay and I want you to
start doing it consistently on a daily
basis and then while you're doing this I
want you to start going to events and
network with people in certain
industries and what will happen is
you'll start friending these people on
Facebook and then you'll start to get
into their community start sharing value
you know continue to share value on your
wall and what will happen is your
friends friends will start to see your
content okay so you don't necessarily
have to go to an event but that's a good
way to connect with people in your niche
or you could just simply go to Facebook
groups right you can find Facebook
groups by just using the search toolbar
here at the top of Facebook and just
start searching for different groups and
you know for example if it's a Facebook
group about diet then I want you to go
in that diet Facebook group and I want
you to start providing value within that
group based off of the data that you
gathered after surveying different
people and you can very well go into a
group and then survey people in that
group by finding out what is your
biggest problem when losing weight and
keeping that weight off right and a lot
of people will come and give you
comments and
give you feedback and then you can
create content around that post it that
content inside that group and then also
post that content on your wall so now
you're engaging with people in the group
and and you're also engaging with your
friends on your wall and their friends
friends because your reach on your post
don't just reach your friends but the
way the Facebook algorithm works is
it'll reach your friends friends right
so now we have two ways working for us
and all we need to do is be patient and
focus on consistent progress and growth
ok that's it
join you know one group start with one
group and then look for another Facebook
group and then look for another Facebook
group so we can we can let's see let's
think of a random niche that we can go
into this is gonna be hilarious but
let's just knitting for example I just
want to show you guys all the different
groups that are out there look you got
the knitting and crochet group 47,000
members that you can start contributing
to inside this group we love mid
knitting eleven thousand guys this is
the real way to start building an
audience right this is how once you
build an audience what you can start
doing is start running retargeting ads
that retarget that audience right
whether they found you on YouTube and
they subscribe to your YouTube channel
they found you on Facebook and they
decided to like your page what you can
do is you can retarget those people
right so the ultimate goal is to slowly
get them from Facebook right from a
group to your profile and then from your
profile to an email list and then from
an email list to your other platforms
and then what you could do is you can
take that email list and upload it to
Facebook and you can retarget those
people right because what will happen is
Facebook typically when you register
with Facebook you enter your email
address right
and so what facebook can do is look at
all these email addresses in your email
database and say okay this is so-and-so
this is so and so and this is
so and then it'll target and add
directly towards those people and that's
a little bit more advanced right but I
want you guys to see the big picture
here so start with Facebook groups right
and then build an audience there and
start networking with other people at
events become friends with them on
Facebook post value on your profile and
your reach will start to exponentially
grow from your contribution in your
groups and then on your main page and
eventually you can start to create a fan
page where you can start to run paid ads
after you build that initial audience
you can take that audience from your
Facebook page to your fan page and the
whole purpose of the fan page guys it's
the same as a Facebook profile but with
a fan page you can run paid advertising
right you're gonna be limited to your
reach on your Facebook profile so with
that said that's really the Facebook
strategy and you can post videos solving
the problem I would keep your videos
anywhere between two to four minutes
don't make them longer than that because
the behavior on Facebook people have a
short attention span so keep your videos
content driven straight to the point and
two to four minutes long you'll notice
these types of videos my YouTube videos
are much longer because people come to
YouTube to stay and browse around
they're gonna be here for a while right
so focus on posting at least one time a
day if you really want to be aggressive
post you know two to three times a day
and post consistent value solving
specific problems so what you'll do is
you'll give just straight value three
excuse me three times in a row and then
you can sell then you can straight pitch
you can include a link within your post
sometimes your reach won't be as high or
you can have a call to action at the
bottom of your post saying if you want
more info you know type I am in below or
more info below and I'll private message
you right you can private message those
people so that's the Facebook strategy
that I would follow my YouTube strategy
is very very simple write what you want
what I want you to do first is I want
you to subscribe to all channels that
are related to your niche so what you
would do is you go to YouTube
you just type in in the search bar right
here any channel that's related to your
niche so if it's knitting you're just
gonna type in knitting right here
knitting for beginners and you can look
at all these channels that relates
knitting like needing help and then what
you'll do is once we click knitting help
and I show this in the last video but
we'll show it again real quickly is
you're going to sort by most popular
okay and let's see how to knit a
complete introduction for beginners 2.8
million views knitting one row
buttonholes so these are popular videos
that you can go out there and begin
creating to model after this channel
because this channel has already proven
these videos to be successful got it and
then what you'll do is you'll just
you'll just subscribe to all channels
related to knitting if that's your niche
you're in the weight loss industry
muscle building industry find the
channels related to that industry
subscribe to all of them get Bell
notifications for all of them and by the
way if you haven't subscribed to my
channel do below by clicking the red
subscribe button and then ticking the
bell icon to be notified of future
videos that I upload when I upload that
so if you want to be be notified of new
videos that people upload in your niche
you want to click that that bill icon so
I followed this in my niche I'm modeling
a video after this video after another
video that I saw out there on YouTube
because it's getting a lot of views and
it's effective and it's getting a lot of
engagement so you know I don't reinvent
the will so what you also want to do is
you can post anywhere from one video a
day to one video per week it's really up
to you
and how you want to get started I would
recommend if you're new start with you
know two to three times a week right you
can even start with once a week to get
the ball rolling and I've talked about
you know overcoming the fear of being on
video and there's real really no other
way than to just throw yourself you know
off the cliff and just turn on the
camera and start shooting a video and
start talking it's just like the same
thing when you drove a car for the first
time you wrote a bike for the first time
you went in the gym to lift way
for the first time it's awkward it's
weird it's difficult accept it you're
human it's okay it's part of the
learning process right so that's that's
number two number three is Instagram
right I don't know a whole lot about
Instagram of course I know that Facebook
bought Instagram so their algorithms are
going to be very similar Instagram is
focused on quality of images
so again content driven you know you
want to make sure that if you're taking
photos make sure the Lighting's good
make sure that you're branding yourself
include yourself in as many videos as
you can or as many photos as you can and
also include videos giving value so what
you're gonna do on on on Instagram is
you can do instagrams stories just like
you can do Instagram stories or I'm
sorry Facebook stories on Facebook you
want to do that on Instagram and you can
make these videos even shorter and if
you really want to get really technical
and get detailed you can start with
YouTube take your full YouTube video
splice it up make it smaller condense it
and put it on Facebook and put it on
Instagram right also Facebook lives and
Instagram lives get amazing engagement
so make sure that you're doing live so
if you're posting one to two pieces of
content a day make sure one piece maybe
as a Facebook live and another piece is
either a photo a quote a Facebook post a
blog post of content whatever you prefer
now I pick these three strategies you
guys because in my eyes this is where
all the eyeballs are going on the
internet according to Alexa YouTube
Instagram Facebook are ranked at the top
you know next to Google as far as the
most trafficked websites out there also
on Instagram follow the VVS formula the
same formula as Facebook make sure a
posting consistently keep it you know
one to three times plus per day right
throughout the day be posting be
engaging guys this initial 90 days is
going to take a lot of work but once you
get past that 90 days it's going to
become a lot more effortless and a lot
easier for you okay so with that said
take one strategy focus on building an
audience for the next six months to the
next two
years solid go hard give give your heart
give your soul give value to people make
sure that you're not focused on the
money and you're focused on helping
people and changing their lives so with
that said I hope this video has helped
you get your butt up finally
to go out there take action if you love
this video you know
subscribe to the channel give me a
thumbs up and check out the resources
section below if you want to learn how
to build an affiliate marketing business
from complete scratch and complete and
utter detail there's a link my top
recommended system is below and if you
decide to join with me right work at
this long-term okay focus on this
long-term avoid all other distractions
this is the only thing that you need
okay it's not another book it's not
another event it's not another audio
it's not another podcast it's not
another YouTube video this is it right
here right now hope you got some value
from this you know this video and go out
there and be consistent get out of the
way yourself stop overthinking things
you guys can do this anybody watching
this can do this I don't care your
background or where you came from you
have it inside you to do something great
go do it we live in the greatest time in
our existence we have access to social
media there's more power in this phone
then the computer system that used to
launch off rockets when we first went to
the moon
guys we're living in amazing times use
this there's no excuses you can walk
around the mall shooting a video giving
content you could do it in your bedroom
you could do it in your kitchen you
could do it as you're walking down the
street you could do it in your car with
that said take care of you guys check
out the resource section below see you
in the next video

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