
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Amazon Affiliate FAQ 5 - Empty Checkout, Thumbnail Regen, Missing images and more #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Amazon Affiliate FAQ 5 - Empty Checkout, Thumbnail Regen, Missing images and more

in this video I'm going to be answering
some more frequently asked questions
around the Amazon affiliate websites
that we created in previous videos so
let's get started
hello it's alex here from WP eagle
thanks for watching so in this video
it's more frequently asked questions
around the Amazon affiliate websites
that we created in previous videos well
hopefully you did if you haven't and
please do check out those videos they
are in this playlist therefore let
videos and you can create your very own
amazon athlete website with your own
products and all that sort of stuff so
yeah check them out but I think you'll
probably here because you've already
created one of those websites and maybe
you're some problems or whatever so I'm
going to answer some of the questions
that I've been getting over the last
couple weeks with regards to the kingdom
theme and flat some so the tools one and
a zombie one and what let's go for him
so the first question is around an empty
cart and so you add a product on your
website into your shopping cart and you
go to check out but then when you get
redirected through to Amazon the cart is
empty now this is down to an update that
Amazon did without telling anyone with
regards the way that it does this sort
of adding to cart thing but luckily the
AAA team did issue an update to wasone
out which fix this problem so if you are
getting the old empty cart thing make
sure you run the very very latest
version of wasone which is available to
download from code canyon the second
problem a lot of people have been having
is regarding the regeneration of
thumbnails so I think this applies
pretty more to the flats and theme the
tools website that we set up basically
what happened is wus own made a change
where they're not actually downloading
the images onto your website from amazon
for your products and they're actually
just leaving them on amazon and showing
them using amazon links which is fine
but it seemed that a lot of themes were
unable to regenerate the thumbnails when
you've resized the images on your site
one workaround that I found on this is
that if you switch your theme to like
the standard 2012 or 2015 10 WordPress I
do this with in appearance and themes
you should then be able to regenerate
your thumbnails once they were
regenerated you can then switch back to
your main theme Flatts improbably and
all should be good I haven't tested this
fully yet and because I don't actually
have to put on my site but if you are
having the problem and give this try and
be great to hear how you got on leave a
message in the comments the third
question is around the kingdom theme so
this is the thing that we use when we
created the zombie
affiliate website a lot of people notice
that the theme had an update available
within the word press update section in
your dashboard and when they clicked
update it kind of installed a
weird-looking random theme that was
nothing to do with the kingdom theme
that they had and sort of broke out all
their layout and all that sort of stuff
my advice is don't do it if you want
update the theme go to code canyon and
download it and update it manually I've
raised the ticket with a a team on this
I'm not sure what's going on but as soon
as i know i will update the description
or put a comment or another video or
something but i will let you guys know
if i don't think i want to talk about is
the product image problem that we had in
a previous video on the kingdom theme
where product images weren't showing
when you actually became the product
page they appeared on categories and
other places but we actually click
through to a product there was no image
to be seen now I did work around in a
previous FAQ video where we added a few
other images to the gallery and it
seemed to fix it but I've been speaking
to a a team about this and they are
aware of the problem and they are going
to fix it in the next Kingdom update
hopefully so that's good news so that's
all for now on this faq obviously if you
cut any more questions I'm sure you'll
send it to me all either in the comments
that's great i love to hear from you and
I do my best to answer as many as i can
i will stress that i'm getting busier
and busier with regards to getting
emails and comments and stuff and that
is causing a little bit of a delay in my
reply and sometimes i even kind of miss
comments and emails because there's so
many and if i do that i don't apply to
you i am very sorry please just leave
another comment and i will try and get
to you if you don't i'm doing please
click the like button and subscribe to
my channel for more videos but until
next time bye for now
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