
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Stefan Testing Out His New Gravity Boots Best Education Page #Online Earning

Stefan Testing Out His New Gravity Boots

hey guys what's going on just got this a
chin-up bar installed in my apartment
and the reason why I have this it's not
to do pull-ups and stuff but more so
because I just bought some gravity boots
as you can see - my feet there and
basically the purpose is so that I can
hang upside down and decompress my spine
get an awesome ab workout in it just
came in from Amazon so I'm super excited
to test them out and I'm gonna record it
on video as well so check this out oh
there we have it gravity boots hanging
upside down can do two awesome out
workout as well oh it's actually
hard to get out of these awesome so
excited for this but basically hang it
upside down like that it decompresses
your entire spine mainly because the
fact that you walked around and you know
I do a lot of squats and stuff in the
gym it decompresses your spine so when
you are sorry it compresses your spine
I lose my breath just for
doing that as a workout right there
but basically buddy I hang it upside
down and decompresses it it's really
good for your alignment for your posture
it's awesome so I'm really excited for
just want to make it a little quick
video about it and hope you guys are
having a great day bye

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