
Monday, February 24, 2020

Earn $100+ A DAY Online Taking Pics With Your Phone! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Earn $100+ A DAY Online Taking Pics With Your Phone!

do you like taking selfies you find
yourself spending all of your days
making duck faces on your Instagram
profile because if you do and you like
taking pictures and you also like making
money oh I like money this is gonna be
the perfect video for you because I'm
gonna show you five different apps from
anywhere in the world where you can get
paid $100 or more per day simply by
taking pictures with your phone and one
of the most common questions I get is
Kevin can I do this from anywhere in the
world is this available worldwide will
this work for me if I'm in the UK or if
I'm in India or if I'm in the
Philippines or if I'm in Canada or
the answer is normally yes right and
another way that you can really increase
the amount that you can get paid from
websites like I'm gonna show you and
apps like I'm gonna show you is using
what's called a VPN and I'm gonna
explain what that is a little bit more
later in this video but just understand
that there's always a way to make money
on the internet and most of the time
that people don't make money on the
internet actually comes from their own
mindset one of the biggest things that
everybody struggles with when it comes
to starting making money online is
there's so many different options and
people get overwhelmed they don't know
where to start and so if you're in that
position right now then this video is
gonna be perfect for you because it's a
very easy way to get started it's very
easy to start making money and the cool
thing is you can do it from anywhere in
the world and all you need is a cell
phone that you can take pictures with
and so if you love taking selfies and
you love taking pictures of your grumpy
cat or your cute little dog then this is
gonna be the perfect video for you let's
go all right guys without any further
ado let's get directly into this so the
first app that we're gonna be talking
about today is called hope and this
isn't the coolest name of an app I'm not
sure exactly why they named it this but
the app itself actually is quite cool
now what pho allows you to do is take
pictures for money and if you're
thinking yourself but Kevin why would
anybody pay me for pictures that I'm
taking on my cell phone well the answer
is that there's literally thousands and
hundreds of thousands of companies out
there that need content for their social
media for their email campaigns for
television for all of the different
things that companies need to do to
produce content and instead of
hiring some expensive photographers
companies are actually getting smarter
and they're crowdsourcing all of the
different images that they need for
their catalogs or social media or for
whatever they actually need them for and
so what folk does is actually allow you
to take pictures that companies want to
buy to actually use in whatever they're
doing for their business and you can see
right here that folk has over nine
thousand reviews of people who've
actually used it and gotten paid for the
pictures that they submit and so how
folk actually works is they'll pay you
half of whatever somebody buys your
photo for so if you sell a photograph
for ten dollars
you'll make half of that or five and
these pictures can be of literally
anything at all it could be a picture of
a cute baby or a cat or a dog or a
landscape or some type of product like a
coca-cola can in some beautiful setting
you want to actually put yourself in the
mindset of these companies that are
buying these photos and I'm actually
going to show you in just a few minutes
how you can see which photos are selling
so you can get ideas of what type of
photos to take yourself to increase the
likelihood of getting a sale and another
cool thing is you can cash out directly
to your PayPal and just to try this out
a videographer and I submitted four
pictures to folk and we actually had
somebody buy one for $10 which means
that we made $5 sent directly to our
PayPal and now does that mean that we're
gonna be able to retire probably not but
taking four photographs on my phone it
took me a couple of minutes
and submitting them took me maybe one
minute so you know we made $5 profit
just with a few minutes of work and as
you get better and better at identifying
what type of photographs these companies
actually want you can drastically
increase your likelihood of actually
getting paid for the photos that you
submit number four is called snap wire
now snap wire is actually very similar
to folk and the cool thing about these
types of apps where you can get paid to
submit photos or take photos is
generally there's more than one of them
and so if you spend time actually taking
these photographs it's in your best
interest to take an extra 30 seconds and
submit those same photographs to all of
these different websites to increase the
actual likelihood that your photograph
is going to get purchased and with over
2,500 reviews snap wire is a completely
legitimate option where you can submit
your photographs and potentially get
paid for them and one of the
coolest things about Snap wire is you
can actually navigate to the recently
purchased section like I talked about
before where you can get ideas of the
type of photographs that companies are
interested in buying and once you can
actually put yourself into the mindset
of what these companies want you can
really start to take photos that you
know have the highest likelihood of
being bought which is gonna mean that
you're gonna make more per hour of your
actual time spent taking these
photographs and submitting them if you
know what the buyers are actually
looking for and another cool feature
about snap wire is once you've actually
had a purchase you can actually level up
to what's called shooter status and what
shooter status is is it allows you to
actually submit your photographs to
higher priced bids and basically what
this means is some companies need the
perfect photograph and they're willing
to pay more than five or ten dollars to
actually get it and so if you really
love photography or you think that
you're the right person to actually
submit your photo once you upgrade to
shooter status you can submit your
photograph to a much higher price point
which means that your individual photo
would make significantly more than say
five to ten dollars
number three is called a gig walk now
what gig walk is is slightly different
than our first two apps that we talked
about but gig walk is a really cool idea
and with over five thousand reviews
again you know that it's legit basically
what gig walk is is it allows you to do
what's called a gig now companies and
services and businesses from all around
the world want to know what their
products look like in stores they want
to know how their products are being
presented they want to know all types of
information about their products right
and so gig walk essentially is a
platform that connects you with
companies that are willing to pay for
these sort of things and you become the
person who actually goes and implements
them and there are a number of different
ways that you can actually make money
with your gigs for example you can take
pictures of a house for insurance
purposes which is perfectly legal right
you can go to a grocery store and double
check prices on produce and the weight
you can go to a business and look for a
product and just take a simple picture
of it and you might be saying yourself
but Kevin why would anyone pay me to do
that and the answer is because companies
need this stuff done insurance companies
need to see houses or cars and they're
actually crowdsource it because
oftentimes it's cheaper to do that for
them than to pay somebody a full-time
salary to go take pictures in grocery
stores or things like that now prices
vary all the time but generally speaking
going to a business and taking a quick
photo will generally get you paid
five to ten and going to a grocery store
can actually get you paid between
fifteen and even up to seventy-five
dollars and the cool thing is you can do
multiple gigs in the same day or even in
the same hour to start earning
significantly more money doing this
you're not limited to just one gig or
one gig per day you can actually stack
them up and start to do as many as you
actually want number two is called a
field agent and our field agent is very
similar to a gig walk which we just
talked about but like I mentioned before
when you actually do these types of
things to make money you might as well
download all of the different apps at
once so that you can really start to
stack up the different gigs and missions
and tasks and do them all in the same
day so that you can earn the maximum
payout and field agent will actually pay
you to physically go to specific stores
answer questions about the store and
even take pictures of the store setups
or checkout areas and by completing
missions you will earn points that you
can actually redeem for gift cards or
even cold hard cash and if you live in a
big city this might be the perfect
option for you especially if you live
near a mall or a collection of stores
you can actually complete things very
very quickly and start to make a
significant amount of money and
oftentimes these gigs will reset as fast
as weekly or even daily at times which
means that you can make a significant
amount of money doing very similar tasks
in the same place over and over and over
again and the number one best app to
actually make $100 or more per day
simply to take pics with your phone we
will get to in a second but first you
got to do me a favor and tap on that
like button and make sure you join our
road to 1 million subscribers by
clicking the little red subscribe button
and turning on the notification bells so
that you are the first person to know
every time we drop a brand new video so
without further ado the number one app
to make $100 per day and just taking
pics with your phone is called movie now
Moby is similar to a field agent and gig
walk as well
where you get paid to actually perform
simple tasks in the area that you
actually live and the reason that I'm
mentioning movi is again like I said
before where you want to actually
download as many of these same apps as
you can so that you can have access to
as many gigs as you can it's the same
thing with folk or snap wire or if
you're doing user testing on websites
like user testing com the main problem
with most of these sites is there's not
enough gigs or tasks or missions to go
around and so the more that you sign up
for and the more that you actually start
to get some experience with the more
that you're actually going to be able to
make money and one of the cool parts
about the mobi app is the rejection rate
of actually applying for a task is
incredibly low when you compare it to
some of the other apps that we've talked
about which means that every gig you
apply for you're much more likely to
actually get accepted for which means
that you get paid now each task you
generally get paid between four and five
dollars for a mobi and again these are
very simple tasks like taking a quick
photograph in a store what I mentioned
before about VPNs is one of the cool
ways that you can really maximize your
earnings because many of these websites
like folk and snap wire or user testing
or any of the actual ways that you can
start making money on the internet for
the most part will pay people
significantly more if they live in the
United States of America so if you live
outside of the USA you can use what's
called a VPN or a virtual private
network to actually change your IP
address which tells these companies that
you live inside of the USA and that's
gonna mean that you're actually gonna be
able to get paid significantly more for
your work and if you don't know what a
VPN is right use the Google it now or
gin mentality and go Google search free
VPN there's many different free VPNs
that you can use to actually start
taking advantage of this stuff the
people who are gonna be successful in
this life are the ones who are actually
willing to Google search and learn new
things so don't be the victim don't
actually just comment on every single
one of my videos it does this work
instead actually do the work yourself do
the research yourself and that's the
number one thing that I can teach you to
be successful on the internet or in any
business you guys remember the victim in
this life gets nothing the person that
blames the government or some external
force they have no control over is
always going to be the loser in
life and the person who just gets it
done with no excuses and teaches
themselves new things learns new things
and is genuinely a curious person who's
willing to actually work hard is always
going to win so don't be the 99% of
people that never take any action be the
1% who actually tries these things and
actually sticks with it for longer than
an hour or a minute and you will see
results with them and so for those of
you who are serious about making it work
online or actually giving away a hundred
copies for free of my brand new book
unfair advantage this is seriously the
blueprint of how to go from zero a
complete beginner like I was when I was
a dead-end accountant to actually
creating a full-time online income and
living the life you've always wanted to
live with true financial freedom
everything that I've learned going from
zero over ten million dollars in just 18
months is literally in side of this book
and we have 100 free copies to give to
you right now so click the link down in
the description if you want it of course
there's no pressure at all you don't
have to get it if you don't want but we
do have a very limited number of copies
of this book and if you want to claim it
completely for free just handle shipping
and handling grab this book right now by
clicking the link down in the
description I promise you you won't be
sorry that you did or if you want to
just continue learning for free on
youtube check out this video right here
where we show you the top five money
making apps in 2019 promise you it'll be
a good one see you there 5 apps that you
can start don't show that one I was
wrong out with the 5 best apps that you
can make money with literally as soon as
today just using it yourself that is
what we're gonna be talking about today

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