
Monday, February 24, 2020

Kevin David - What it ACTUALLY Costs To Start Amazon FBA in 2020 #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Kevin David - What it ACTUALLY Costs To Start Amazon FBA in 2020
you've heard of Amazon you've probably
heard about all of the people having
success selling on Amazon but how much
does it actually cost to get started
selling on Amazon FBA as a complete
beginner in 2019 and if you want to take
the leap into one of the most profitable
ways to actually start making money
online you have to know exactly what
you're getting into and exactly how much
it costs to start but before we actually
do get into this video and break down
exactly how much it costs do get started
on Amazon FBA in 2019 I want to prove to
you that anyone can do this and I'm
gonna show you guys just a couple of
people inside of my student family that
started from scratch that made Amazon
work this right here's Matt before he
actually started Amazon Matt was a
helicopter pilot but he wanted more time
and to be able to spend with his wife
and his newborn baby who was on the way
and so he started Amazon FBA and you can
see right here that he made over one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in a
single month with his Amazon business
and just for full transparency that is
revenue but a very realistic profit
margin that you can expect with Amazon
FBA is about 40% so he didn't make one
hundred fifty thousand dollars profit
but he did make forty percent of that
which still breaks down to over sixty
thousand dollars in a single month and I
don't know about you but sixty thousand
dollars profit in a single month sounds
pretty good to me
this is Oksana Oksana used to have a
corporate job but she started selling on
Amazon you can see right here that she
made over five hundred and eleven
thousand dollars in a single month and
again full transparency that was during
q4 that was after over a year of
actually creating and setting up her
business and investing thousands and
thousands of dollars into inventory and
learning how to actually operate her
Amazon business but Oksana started as a
complete beginner and she made over five
hundred and eleven thousand dollars
revenue in a single month and of course
there are expenses of course you know it
is a business like anything else so
she's not pocketing that entire amount
but that is a absolutely mind-boggling
number when you think about the fact
that Oksana was a complete beginner and
had never done Amazon FBA before in her
life before she actually found my
youtube videos about Amazon
you're thinking Kevin this is crazy
there's no way this can possibly be real
you can find these people inside of my
private group go ahead and be an
Internet detective like I know you want
to be come check out my private student
group you'll see that these are real
people you'll see that they have a real
everyday lives and they just decided to
take a chance on Amazon and made it work
and so I want to show you just one other
person and then we're gonna get into
showing you exactly what it actually
costs to get started on Amazon this
right here is Liz Liz and her husband
Casey quit their insurance jobs sold
their house and followed the dream that
they'd always wanted to do living in an
RV traveling across the country because
of Amazon FBA van I don't want to tell
you about all these people I'd rather
just show you so you can hear from loser
so we have three separate accounts now
one is strictly for wholesaling and then
we have two private label accounts
overall we're consistently bringing in a
profit front around $9,000 a month which
has been amazing a lot of people see a
lot of stuff about Amazon online they
question whether you can make money
whether it were it's a business it takes
money it takes time and it takes a lot
of work we wanted to say thank you to
Kevin without him I wouldn't be able to
travel with Casey and do this on the
road and it's just really helped us be
able to do something we never thought
which is sorry travel full-time and an
RV together we spent so much time apart
Amazon has really helped us be able to
travel and be together and do something
that people only dream up so we're so
unbelievably thankful for Kevin and we
consider him more than just a mentor we
consider my friend and we've met so many
amazing people through this group just
such a real impactful part of our life
and guys it's not just Matt knocks on ax
and Liz there's literally thousands of
everyday people just like you and me
we're making Amazon FBA work every
single day Amazon actually released a
report recently showing that over
200,000 people earn six figures or more
last year selling on Amazon and that
number is going to absolutely explode
this year Amazon is bigger than ever it
is the perfect time to get started on
Amazon no matter what anyone says it
will never be saturated Amazon is
literally a trillion with a
dollar company and they're growing and
literally taking over the world so
without further ado guys let's get into
breaking down exactly what it actually
costs in 2019 to start Amazon FBA so
there's so much misinformation when it
comes down to how much it actually costs
to get started on Amazon FBA so we're
gonna set that to rest and we're
literally gonna show you and break down
exactly what it costs so you can finally
stop hearing all these people saying
that you can start Amazon FBA for a
dollar or ten dollars right because the
truth is Amazon FBA does take money to
get started if you're on a razor-thin
budget Amazon FBA is probably not the
business for you just honestly that
doesn't mean that there's no online
businesses for you but Amazon FBA does
take some money to get started and I
want to put this in perspective so you
really understand right if you wanted to
try to start something like a McDonald's
franchise you would need $500,000 liquid
cash to even be considered as someone
who could possibly open that franchise
or if you think about University where
they charge fifty thousand or a hundred
thousand dollars to give you a degree
that you may or may not even be able to
get a job with Amazon actually starts to
seem like a very good deal and so the
first expense that we're going to be
talking about is software now software
is something you really can't avoid when
it comes to Amazon because Amazon is
wildly complicated when it comes to
finding the perfect product right
because if you find the perfect product
you can do mostly everything else wrong
and still make money with Amazon but
it's incredibly important that you find
the correct product and the best way to
do that is by leveraging product
research software that actually goes out
and scans tens of millions of products
on Amazon and shows you the perfect
product that has a lot of demand without
much competition something that sells
very consistently throughout the year
and is not seasonal you can actually use
software to go out and find that perfect
product for you out of all of the tens
of millions of products listed on Amazon
you'll also need software to help you
with what's called keyword research when
you're creating your product listing you
want to make sure that your title and
your bullets and your overall product
listing is optimized with the keywords
that your customers are actually
searching in real life who find your
product and eventually purchase your
product so if your list
and your title and your back-end
keywords are not optimized with the real
keywords that buyers are searching on
Amazon every single day your product is
not going to appear as high in the
ranking and you're not necessarily going
to get as many sales as you would have
gotten if your product listing was fully
optimized and while those are the two
software's that I would say are 100%
necessary to be successful on Amazon
there are also some complimentary
software's like ranked record this shows
you the overall rank your product has
when it comes to being on page one for
your best keywords
there's PPC optimization tools that help
with marketing on the Amazon platform
there's launching tools that help propel
your product to the first page of
results so that you can get more organic
eyeballs of your customers to look at
your product and eventually buy from you
and if you bought all of those different
software's individually that might be
500 dollars or more every single month
but luckily for you there's an
incredibly affordable option called zon
base com Zeo and ba se com which has
every single one of those pieces of
software all in one beautiful incredibly
advanced and accurate bundle that will
give you every single tool that you need
to be successful on Amazon and also
provides some training when it comes to
using those tools inside of the platform
and luckily for you they do offer a
completely free trial so go ahead and
take advantage of their free trial
signup see if you like it if you don't
like it you can use something else or
use nothing at all if you do like it and
it's helpful to you and helping you find
the perfect products then maybe it makes
sense to keep it and so you want to
budget in $97 for software when it comes
to your Amazon business to find you the
perfect product but like I said before
there is a free trial or if you're
already an Amazon seller or you're very
serious about this we do have a 50% off
coupon code for all of the zon based
plans available here inside of FBA
ninjas which is the largest Amazon
Facebook group in the entire world with
almost a hundred and ten thousand people
inside of it so make sure you actually
click the link down in the description
and join FBA ninjas where there's
thousands of other Amazon sellers
helping each other every single day I'm
very active in there as well and so it's
the perfect community and place to be if
you want to actually learn how to sell
on Amazon yourself the next expense that
talk about is something called samples
so once you find your perfect product
let's say for example it's a garlic
press because that is my favorite
example from the beginning since I
started teaching Amazon if you are
selling a garlic press you want to
actually see a sample of that garlic
press before your manufacturer goes out
and creates 500 units or a thousand
units because you want to make sure that
the quality is extremely high it looks
the way that you expect it to and so
sample since your manufacturer is only
making one or two units rather than 500
can actually be significantly more
expensive right so if you buy a thousand
units of a garlic press they might only
cost three dollars each but if you buy
one or two it might cost a hundred or
even a hundred and fifty dollars and I
know that might sound kind of crazy but
it is expensive to ship individual
things from China it's expensive for
your manufacturer to make just one unit
with your logo and all of the different
branding and things like that for your
actual product and so what we're going
to budget four samples to actually
receive an individual unit of your
product is one hundred and fifty dollars
receive a finished beautiful version of
your specific product shipped straight
to your door from your manufacturer the
next expense is the largest of the
expenses that we're going to be talking
about today which is your inventory your
inventory of course is what you're
actually going to be selling on Amazon
and so this obviously is going to be the
most expensive part of the overall
process because it's what you're
actually making money selling and so
I've seen so many different actual
numbers here I've seen people say you
can't get started with a hundred dollars
I've seen people say that you need ten
thousand dollars to get started I have
gone through literally thousands and
thousands of students I've also sold on
Amazon FBA myself and there is of course
a range of what this number actually
could be because if you're buying you
know electric wheelchairs that cost 500
per unit obviously it's gonna be more
expensive if you want to buy things in
bulk versus if you're buying coffee mugs
that cost 40 cents a unit and you know
at that point you could probably buy a
thousand for $400 and so obviously
there's no perfect number here but
having seen many many students actually
go through my program I've seen people
be able to get started for as little as
fifteen hundred dollars and that does
not mean that more money won't help you
because with every business the more
money you have the more you can invest
into it and the faster and larger your
returns are going to be but I want to
make this realistic for people of all
different types of budgets not just
people who have $10,000 laying around
and so $1,500 is what I would call the
minimum amount that you would need to
actually get started selling on Amazon
no matter what anybody else out there is
telling you that you can get started
with $20 or $100 trust me when I tell
you you can't write you need at least
$1,500 to get started and do this right
remember we're creating a business and
if you compare it to something like
McDonald's that cost $500,000 to even
you know open a conversation $1,500 is
not that unrealistic or crazy when it
comes to starting a full-fledged
business that you can scale into a
full-time income sometimes in a matter
of months
the next expense is barcodes now Amazon
does recommend getting barcodes from a
place called gs1 which is a little bit
more expensive than some other options
out there but Amazon does not yet
require gs1 barcodes for all of their
different products and so to really
simplify things if you want to do things
right and for the long term you can get
your barcodes from a place called gs1
where it is two hundred and fifty
dollars per ten barcodes or if you want
to do what thousands of other Amazon
sellers are doing and buying barcodes
from cheaper websites that are gs1
certified but not directly from gs1 you
can buy them for a lot cheaper for forty
dollars per ten barcodes but if you want
to be able to sleep at night and if you
want to be able to get your own 100%
legit barcodes from gs1 you do need two
hundred and fifty dollars to be able to
do that and remember what you're
actually buying from gs1 is what's
called a UPC which stands for a
universal product code which is
essentially a number that eventually
becomes the barcode that amazon scans on
your product which is actually called an
FN SKU right and we don't have to get
super detailed about all these little
things but I like to be over detailed
when I'm explaining things to you guys
so that you know exactly what's involved
with the overall process rather than
being vague in general and high-level
like so many other people where they're
not telling you the information you
actually need to know to be successful
the next expense that I wanted
talk about is shipping right and a lot
of people actually leave this out but
shipping of course is an expense and
when you're shipping 500 or a thousand
units sometimes that can get expensive
to do that and of course like everything
shipping is very dependent on the actual
product that you're shipping if you're
shipping a silicon wedding ring for
example versus a bowling ball those are
going to have drastically different
shipping costs and so basically how it
works is you can ship by sea or you can
ship by air by sea takes 30 to 45 days
but generally costs about 1/10 to 1/3 as
much as shipping by air of course
shipping by air gets there significantly
faster but you do pay for that
convenience like so many other things in
life and so to generalize it and to give
you a nice round number you want to
budget at least $500 for shipping your
product again if you're going to ship by
sea and you're willing to wait a little
bit longer you can save a significant
amount of money my very first order when
I first started Amazon FBA I did ship
everything by sea I put it all into one
shipping container and my shipping costs
were at an all-time low
that's why my very first order our
profit margin was over 50% on every
single Park that we sold and we made
back our original investment literally
within the first week selling on Amazon
which meant that all the rest of our
inventory was just pure profit that we
reinvested into the business the next
expense I want to talk about our
giveaways and PPC and I'm gonna clump
these together because at first and
sometimes always they go hand in hand
so what giveaways means is when you
first launch your product on Amazon no
one has bought it Amazon doesn't know
that it's gonna be a successful product
and so you have to do what's called
giveaways to actually launch your
product from obscurity onto page one for
the keyword that you actually want to
rank for so for example if you created a
garlic press listing no one has bought
it so Amazon doesn't know to show your
specific listing to people when they
search garlic press on Amazon so the way
that you actually get that to happen is
you give away more units and the
products on page one are currently
selling and that might sound complicated
but basically what it breaks down to is
if there's ten products that are
currently on page one or the search term
garlic press and they're all selling ten
per day if you come in and sell 11 units
per day for seven days you're going to
jump all of those products and that's a
drastic oversimplification of course the
Amazon a nine algorithm is very
complicated but generally and in a very
simple way that is how it works based on
sales velocity and that's how Amazon
organizes what products to show for what
particular keyword searches that people
are making millions of times every
single day on Amazon and the way you do
that at first is by using giveaway
services to go out and find buyers at a
heavily discounted price who are going
to buy your particular products 11 times
per day for seven days which is going to
help you rank your products onto page
one for your specific keyword in
question PPC is essentially marketing on
Amazon it stands for pay-per-click and
it allows you to actually advertise your
specific products every time somebody
searches the keyword garlic press you
can actually advertise it on the top
where you see a little ad and then if
somebody clicks on it and buys and you
are going to actually get credited with
that sale and Amazon is gonna piece it
together they're gonna say okay you
advertise for the word garlic press
someone clicked your advertisement so
they're obviously related so maybe we
should start ranking your product a
little bit for the term garlic press and
if you combine giveaways and PPC you can
rank your product to page one in no time
and this is an incredibly important
piece that most people miss right
because when was the last time you went
to page two of Amazon right no one does
it it's the same thing with Google if
you're not on page one for your specific
keyword your Amazon business will fail
it's as simple as that
and luckily inside of zon based calm as
well they have a launch and PPC service
that they'll do 100% of the hard work
for you so again make sure you take
advantage of that free trial or if
you're interested in actually investing
into it definitely check out the FBA
ninjas Facebook group where we do have a
50% off discount code and the last
expense that we're going to talk about
is the professional seller fee which is
$39.99 per month to have access to what
Amazon calls seller central which is
essentially the platform that Amazon
created for all of their independent
third-party sellers just like you and me
but the cool thing that a lot of people
don't know is when you actually sign up
and start
$40.00 per month fee Amazon will
actually refund you all of those charges
until your first product sells right so
if you join Amazon FBA on January you
start selling in April for example
Amazon will refund all of those
different months that you don't have
inventory active in your Amazon account
because you're not actually using the
services because you can't sell
inventory if you don't have inventory in
your account and so it's actually take
advantage of that refund all you have to
do is submit a simple ticket to Amazon
sellers support and say hey you know I
wasn't using seller central for three
months I didn't have any inventory yet
it was being shipped
can you please refund me for those three
months and they're gonna immediately
approve you and refund you so that is a
little ninja tactic for you as well to
save a couple extra bucks and one final
optional expense that you can decide for
yourself whether or not you think is a
good investment would be a digital
course or a blueprint or mentorship from
someone who's really done this and been
successful doing and full transparency I
do have a digital course you know we've
had thousands and thousands and
thousands of people join it you saw
before Matt and Oksana and Liz and
literally countless other of my students
who've made this work but again it
doesn't matter to me if you do join in
my program I just want to educate you as
to what is actually out there right
because the thing is people probably
wouldn't go out and try to become a
lawyer or a doctor if they didn't go to
school from it one of the fastest ways
to actually achieve success is being
taught by somebody who has already
achieved that success because likely
that person who has achieved success has
most likely already made all the
mistakes that you could potentially
avoid by learning from them so to stay
objective I'm gonna give you a range for
this one as well generally I've seen
courses for between one and five k of
course if you do want one-on-one
mentorship that can be significantly
more expensive but most commonly all of
the courses that I've seen and actually
heard good things about range between
one and five K so we're just gonna
budget two K for the course which again
is completely optional if you want to go
out and try to learn all of it yourself
you can do that on YouTube and with
blogs and hopefully you know you'll be
able to figure it out without making any
you know really bad mistakes people have
done it before it's definitely not
impossible but if you do want to learn
from a proven mentor who's actually
really made it work and follow a step by
step proven blueprint they do exist
and they're very readily available for
you to at least learn more about so as
you can see the total to get started on
Amazon is right here and if you want to
learn more about how to get started on
Amazon in a much more detailed much more
thorough step-by-step way check out this
link down in the description which is
again our completely free training where
you can learn more about how to become
an Amazon seller full transparency there
will be an offer at the end for my
digital course that again thousands of
people have joined and many have had
incredible success with so if you want
to learn more feel free to click the
link down below again it's completely up
to you 100% optional but if you are
interested in Amazon I promise you
there's not going to be a more
step-by-step detailed thorough way to do
it and you're never gonna find a mentor
who cares more about you and it's more
willing to help you on your path to
Amazon success or if you just want to
learn more about Amazon on YouTube check
out this recent video we did right here
that talks more about what Amazon FBA is
and how to actually best take advantage
of it for you promise it'll be a good
see you there according to recently
released data from the US Census over
3.7 million people in the USA alone
worked at least half their time from
home last

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