
Friday, March 27, 2020

How To Make Money With Email Marketing - $1390.60 PER DAY Sending Emails #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Make Money With Email Marketing - $1390.60 PER DAY Sending Emails

hey guys what's going on Joshua elder
here and in this video today I'm going
to show you how I make up to one
thousand three hundred and ninety
dollars and sixty cents by simply
sending out emails and you guys have
seen over the course of the past few
weeks the past few months you've seen my
clickbank account grow an income and I
want to spit some truth to you guys this
isn't just from YouTube marketing but
it's also from following up with people
that watch my videos and opt-in to my
email list and so what I'll do is I'll
send them three emails automated emails
and after that I send broadcasts so
that's what we're gonna be covering
today so with that said if you're new to
the channel give me a thumbs up like
this video and don't forget to subscribe
to this channel I'm uploading videos on
a daily basis right now teaching you how
to build a life and business full of
freedom passion and fulfillment and if
you're returning welcome back lots of
new content to be released to you in
this video so with that said let's go
ahead and dive in now in past videos
we've talked about capture pages right
you should know what a capture page is
at this point it's simply a page or
there's just one intention get somebody
to opt-in to your email list now once
they're on your email list what do you
do with them then how do you follow up
with them what kind of emails to you
send out what type of content do you
send out this is the problem that a lot
of people have when it comes to email
marketing kind of hit a brick wall
and they wake up in the morning they go
to their computer or maybe at night they
want to send out an email and they're
like man I don't even know what to talk
about I don't even know what my market
wants and so a good indicator to figure
out what your market wants is to just
look at what they originally opted into
right what they originally opted into
which in this case they wanted to learn
how to start earning $500 to $3,000 per
day starting today so any emails that
you can send out that's going to help
them do that right are the types of
emails you want to be sending out so
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
walk you through my follow up process
I'm going to show you live some of the
emails that I send out to my list and a
lot of you guys probably receive these
emails but you're going to understand
the psychology of why
I send what I send out to you okay so
let's go ahead and dive into my
autoresponder here you can see that I've
got get response I'm actually testing
another autoresponder too as well this
is a basically a service where you know
all your emails are logged then you can
follow up those emails and send mass
promotions to a large email list right
and so everything all the emails are
housed inside of this autoresponder
service known as get response and so
what I did is I went to my newsletter
section right here actually no not my
newsletter section I went to my manage
autoresponders okay and this would be
known as an autoresponder series that's
automated so on day zero they're going
to receive this email on day one they're
going to receive this email and on day
two they're going to see receive this
email in other words right when they
opt-in to this page here they're going
to receive this email here and then
tomorrow at the same time they'll
receive this email and this email so on
and so forth
you can even schedule these emails to be
sent out at a certain time of day every
single day which is a little bit more
advanced marketing once you get metrics
once you find out you know when people
most respond and open emails and all
that good stuff
but let's check out these first three
emails now the idea of the psychology
behind these first three emails is to
get people to know me and my story right
so think about where they came from
originally because every traffic source
is going to be different right on
youtube it's very easy to build
relationships because they see on video
on Facebook it's somewhat easy to as
well because they might read a long
article you know on your Facebook fan
page or on your personal page before
they opt-in to your list so you've got
to think about where are they at you
know as far as the relationship building
process and how well they know you at
the point of when they receive your
first email and so what you want to do
is you want to continue the conversation
there right and so that's exactly what I
do here is I basically say hey you know
I'm not gonna bore you with you know all
the content here but the basis of it is
hey you know my name is Josh elder
here's what I've struggled with here's
sort of you know my experience with
online marketing here's what I know
here's just pretty much you know
anything about me that's going to get
you to know me better and show though
not some scammy sleazy person you know
I'm legitimate you know I'm an authentic
person and that's what I try and convey
in all of my emails is hey I'm no
different than you I've struggled in the
past and this is for the affiliate
marketing niche specifically to make
money online niche so you got to think
about what your niche is and what can
you do to create relatability to where
when people you know are going through
your emails they're like man I like this
person i resonate with this person I
like what this person likes they've
dealt with the same struggles I've dealt
with right so that's kind of what we
want to do when we're you know going
through the the email writing process
when we're creating emails as we really
want to put ourselves in the customer
shoes and kind of think about what they
would be thinking about in the morning
throughout the day you know when they're
working on their computer when they're
trying to make money on the internet
right really get into their head and get
to know them and so you know I really
overcome a lot of problems in this first
email with people like yourself that are
probably trying to make money online
that have struggled in the past you know
which is number one this probably isn't
your first rodeo you've tried stuff in
the past you've failed you know again
and again you've gotten stuck you've
been distracted by the latest shiny
object and if you guys are nodding your
head right now right it's because I've
been through it it's because I
understand and that's how I'm building a
relationship with you guys right now so
you want to do the same thing with
people that join your email list and I
will be happy actually
I will put a link in the description
below so where you guys can take these
emails and I don't want you to copy
these emails I want you to model these
emails to use for your own promotions
okay so that's sort of the basis of the
first email is just to build a
relationship and then I kind of sum what
I sell about 2% you can see I only have
one link here it's kind of like hey this
is what you check
out after you opted into this page I
wanted to remind you that hey if you
want to check it out again you can feel
free to check it out so that's the first
email the second email again is a
reminder email and I believe yeah it's
it's basically this email here it's not
that email that I just showed you so
this is the second email just asking
them hey how are things going you know I
just want her to follow up with you from
a day ago to make sure you got the info
your request and everything is going
smoothly for you and just in case you
can't remember who I am because life
happened and you're quite frankly
subscribed to a bunch of email lists out
there here's what you requested
so again acknowledging hey guys I know
you receive tons of emails you know and
this is another way of just me knowing
the market and knowing what people are
dealing with that are trying to make
money online so again I'm building a
relationship with them and just
resonating with them on a deeper level
and then I remind them hey you know I
partner up with a good friend and
business partner of mine who has been
graceful enough to show you in a
complete detail how to reverse engineer
his success through a systematic process
known as the challenge right you can use
this for whatever offer if you want to
swipe and again model these emails you
know I'll put them in the description
below so I kind of get I kind of sell
about 510 percent here give some
benefits of what the challenge is what
it's about and then I say hey this is
for you but only if you want it so I'm
not like telling people you've got to
check this out it's the best thing since
sliced bread you've got to buy now I'm
leaving it up to them if they want it
they will go for it they will click on
it all I'm doing is I'm sort of
providing them and leading them down the
right path and whether they take that
path or not is completely up to them if
they don't it doesn't affect me
so it's like you know I'm still going to
give you the same value and treat you
the same whether you buy for me or not
you know I come from a place of service
and not from a place of profit
at first and that's really what you want
to do in all your marketing is give give
give give give and don't expect
really anything in return if people buy
from you great if they don't you can
feel good about yourself because you're
giving value so that's a mental state
that you want to come from when you're
putting out content when you're writing
emails don't write emails just to sell
most importantly you want to help people
okay I know I get off on mice tangents
but you guys need to know this stuff all
right I know I'm gonna get flack in the
in the YouTube comments but I hope this
is this is helping you guys so again
this is just a reminder you can feel
free to go through it yourself and then
lastly this is the third email that I
send out which would be this email here
okay and I just basically say hey thanks
for trusting in me you know I just want
to give you a sincere thank you for
putting your trust in me over the past
few days honestly with all the garbage
that's out there on the Internet
relatability and out of all the emails
you get daily you've chosen to continue
to read mine and I just let them know
how much it matters to me and how much I
care about them again authenticity being
genuine being as down-to-earth as I can
because that's who I truly am so you
know you might be somebody that's
different like be your true self and I
think when people find their truth they
find that hey this is who I am and if
you don't resonate with me that's fine
you can go out there and join somebody
else that's what this is all about guys
because there there's a niche of people
for everyone right some people aren't
gonna resonate with me they might
resonate with you because I don't know
maybe you're more introverted than I am
maybe somebody only resonates with
people that talk less instead of talk
more like and that's the cool thing
about this internet marketing game is
there's no competition because everybody
has their unique story the only
competition you have is with yourself so
if you just get your message out there
people will follow you people will
follow you okay so that's the third
email there and then this is my
broadcasts so you have autoresponders
which I just showed you which are
automated then you have broadcast
newsletters which are these newsletters
that you see here and these are
newsletters I can send at any specific
time so like for example earlier today I
sent this important insiders only you
email out okay so this wasn't an
automated email this was sent out on my
it wasn't timed or anything like that
you know I get a lot of people that say
I know these emails are automated blah
blah blah that's that's part of an email
marketing business you guys like I know
you guys don't want to spend all day and
night sending manual emails to hundreds
of thousands of people because you want
to enjoy your business so you got to
understand why you would need to send
automated emails and why I send
automated emails because you have
leverage right people understand a lot
of these emails are automated but what I
do differently is I actually respond to
all my emails you know about 99.9% of my
emails and if I haven't responded to you
yet you will get a response right so you
want to make sure that you have your
first three emails which are automated
emails and the rest of your emails are
broadcasts and typically I'll send
broadcast emails you know three to five
times a week sometimes it's every single
day sometimes it's three three times a
week you know sometimes it's a couple
times a week it just depends on the week
and the promotion that I'm running and
the amount of value that I'm creating
so as you're sending out promotions what
you want to do is if somebody didn't
initially buy from you in those first
three emails that's okay this is because
they don't know you enough they don't
like you enough you know they might
still think you're a scam right so what
you need to do is you need to further
build relationships with people by
sending out emails that that send them
to different platforms online so maybe
one email you would send to for example
you would send to you know a blog post
like this okay and then people like see
that oh my gosh Josh elder actually has
his own blog okay this person I think's
you know more legitimate it seems like
and then another time you can send them
to like one of your youtube videos and
by doing this in taping taking baby
steps with them and meeting them where
they're at you're gradually building
relationships with them because they're
seeing you on your blog they're seeing
you on YouTube they're seeing you on
Facebook so maybe you'd make a Facebook
post give some value that relates to
making money online
right and and then what you would do is
they would probably see your photos on
Facebook they would see you know your
your past post they would see your
involvement with you know your community
with your family and then they would
really think wow this person is real
this person is legitimate and so it's a
process you know building a relationship
through email marking doesn't happen
overnight and it's not about the special
copywriting skills or SEL skills it's
just simply how you connected maybe with
your with friends that you created in
high school or junior high school or
college you want to connect with people
the same exact way just freaking be you
like don't have the intention that
you're trying to sell something to
somebody build a relationship first and
the cells will automatically come right
people will see that you're a good
person you're knowledgeable as well so
we're giving away knowledge as we're
indirectly you know building these
relationships and that's really what
it's all about so let me let me show you
some examples of some emails that I've
send out okay I don't want this video to
get too long and I'm giving you guys a
lot of information but here's an example
right again in the make money online
niche I'm showing some proof right here
and then you know I inject my YouTube
channel because I know as I'm writing
this email paper like I don't even know
who josh is maybe they forgot Who I am
because again they're on a bunch of
email lists and so what I do is I send
them to my youtube channel so they're
reminded oh okay this is Josh elder and
then I send them straight to a preframe
this is called a pre frame landing page
okay which pre frames them and pre
qualifies them and then when they click
the request access button here they go
to the sales page okay and here's the
deal guys people might not buy on the
first time from this specific sales
process from that landing page you just
saw and this sells page so what we want
to do is we want to offer different
angles we want to use different angles
to sell the same product okay so maybe
they didn't resonate with that angle so
what we would do is as our pre frame and
of this page maybe we would send them to
this page right this is a page that was
created by one of my mentors but it
sends them to the exact same cells page
right so we want to give them different
angles different features and benefits
from maybe different people different
audiences different pages right and you
could see another one here kind of the
same setup here but a different guy just
talking about the same product here okay
so what people tend to do is they they
slam their lists with the same offer in
the same way so maybe you want to put a
Facebook post in front the offer maybe
you want to put you know one of those
pre-frame pre-frame landing pages where
was that like a pre frame landing page
like this page here maybe you want to
put a blog post in front of them before
you send them straight to here right so
it really is all about what they see
before they see the sells video people
think that traffic and conversions is
just about sending a bunch of people to
this page and letting the numbers work
out ah it's more about what's happening
before they're seeing this page okay so
that's an example of one email
autoresponder let's see if I can show
you guys another one real quick here's
another one right here right so this one
is just pure value okay so with your
broadcast emails you want to follow the
formula value value value cell okay so
you want three emails that just give
pure value and maybe one email that
sells and then rinse and repeat that
process and you can even mix it up with
you know 90% value 10 percent and sell
and as you do this as you take action
you'll kind of figure out little methods
little ways where you can do that and
furthermore what you can also do is give
all the value in your email too so
instead of having the value on your
Facebook page or on a blog or on another
landing page sometimes you can even put
all the value in an email and then have
a sign-up link at the very end of your
email so your email itself is the pre
frame and at the bottom you have your
link that goes straight to the
sells page so again it's all about the
preframe but this email right here this
video just gives pretty much 100%
ninety-nine percent value okay so people
click on this from my email I show them
how to get free traffic to their
affiliate link and then at the end you
know 30 seconds before the video ends I
let them know hey if you want to learn
how to build an online business from
complete scratch check my top
recommended system below and that's
pretty much the process of email
marketing so don't be afraid to go out
there and start sending out emails what
I'll do is I will put a link in the
description to a google docs that will
give you access to those three initial
follow-up emails and I'll also include
some other emails that you guys can use
in your marketing too as well so first
model other people and then once you
really get the gist of how email
marketing works how the games played go
out there and start writing your own
emails okay short and concise emails are
best when you're sending people to a
page where most of the value is okay so
you're going to notice with this last
email you'll notice that I didn't put a
lot of text here why because the value
is in this video if the value was on
this email itself the email would be
much longer but my intention is to get
them over to the value to get them to
click over to another page so the whole
purpose of this email the intention of
the email itself is to get people to
click this link if they don't click this
link they don't get no value and then
they don't you know eventually buy for
me okay so you want to you want to sell
them on the click you first here you
want to sell them on the open so make
sure the open is congruent with what
you're trying to accomplish within the
email right and you want to keep the
messages congruent throughout so you
want to keep this congruent with this
here and you'll notice when they click
this link the title of the email matches
the title of the video okay and then you
want the content to be congruent and
then you want to send them to a page
where they can get more and
so that's really the process so covered
a lot in this video I hope this video
helped I hope it served you with that
said this is Josh elders signing off if
you want to learn how to build an email
marketing business an affiliate
marketing business or any business from
for that matter from complete scratch
check out the resources section below
check out my top recommended system it
will show you how to do that from zero
but you got to be willing to focus
concentrate don't get distracted by
everything else right and most
importantly like this video subscribe
below and we'll see in the next video
take care

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