
Sunday, March 29, 2020

How To Use Viral Instagram Traffic To Explode Your Shopify Profit! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How To Use Viral Instagram Traffic To Explode Your Shopify Profit!

what's going on guys welcome back to another video in today's video I'm gonna
show you how to use viral Instagram traffic to explode your Shopify sales
now you don't have to go out and get the traffic we're gonna be finding people
who already can make things go viral for you and get you lots of sales so we've
been testing this for quite a while now and I understand that people don't have
time to grow instagrams and get sales as well now we've been testing this method
and one of my students has been doing this but my first piece of successful
Shopify thanks to a viral Instagram video 18 sales and he actually missed
down on a bunch of sales cuz he had a problem with the store so he sent a
thousand visits to a store and he had a problem and then he found the problem
fixed it and then he that the total number was one point two thousand so one
thousand two hundred so he sent 1200 visits basically from the two hundred he
made around about $200 $190 from the first thousand visits he had a problem
so he would have made a lot more guys so I'm gonna take you through step by step
how this works what to do and stuff like that but remember guys I give away
access to one of my trainings in every video do you want it from the last video
is in the Pend comment if you want to win we'll have a chance to win this
stuff make sure you'd like and subscribe it's really important that you like
because if I get over say 400 likes on this video then we'll be adding an extra
person into the drawer for the next video so make sure you like and
subscribe to jump into this competition and leave a comment okay you've got to
leave a comment as well those three things alright guys so how does this
work what do we do now if you've been following me for a while you know that
we've been working on a massive kind of like a project on how to go viral on
Instagram and has been working very very well the video on the right is actually
a product that got promoted on my Instagram that's why I've blanked that
out but this product got over 500,000 views one hundred eighty one hundred
eighty three reach maybe we've got more maybe we've got listviews than that
anyway we've got a bunch of stuff made a bunch of money this one here we got lots
of views but understand that people don't have time
to get all of these views and try and make money at the same time it's hard to
juggle all of that so what you can do is you can actually go out there and find
pages that are already doing this and I'll tell you what to look for what
signs to look for now this is actually a product here I've blanked it out to keep
this is actually the oh this is the product here that from here so 500,000
views this is kind of to give you an idea of what to do so there was a video
here the video is real easy guys you probably just order the product to self
or see if your supplier has one but the products that we're promoting are really
easy to do videos for you can do them in a couple of seconds this is the caption
the product and then we link to the profile that wants to shout out and then
we do 50% sale today and then put the website as well and then link again to
the profile really really easy to do so simple to do now what we've linked we
don't put the UM link in our profile unless they ask if they ask us we will
so just make sure you ask the profiles if you can put your link in their
profile so how does this work guys I'm going to jump into my phone in a second
but first we're gonna go to Aliexpress and look at the kind of stuff that is
really good for this type of stuff so really anything can the travel niche and
the automotive niche so let's go to LX press real quick and first will do I'm
automotive keychains because those do really well so keychains and so stuff
like um these turbos do well these nice bottles do well these mag wheels do well
these actually do surprisingly well and these little gearshift the things you've
probably seen them on Instagram we might actually see them on Instagram when we
could jump to my phone in a second these do really really really well because
they're cheap and you can make a pretty good profit but not like a massive
profit but if you keep doing it over and over again you're not only getting money
but you're gonna be building up an Instagram page at the same time you're
basically guys this guy here is basically making money and promoting his
own Instagram profile at the same time so you can keep making money forever as
long as that page is getting built up so essentially his
his own client base by giving out shoutouts and he just just keep
snowballing guys it's a big snowball effect so there's that niche the
automotive niche is huge but it's also the outdoor niche so outdoor I don't
know what's going to show up but haven't really looked at this maybe like a
waterproof bag bella clovers do well those I kind of knew that those buff
things I think it's what they're called I don't know if you could do an ex
yeah these here so these fishing buffs do really really well and like the
travel outdoor kind of niche but you'll just go on guys oh this isn't a video
about finding products you'll just go and find products that all travel like
maybe those air beads that you blow up off the wind this you know these travel
pull things I don't know but you can go out there and find the products to sell
what I want to do is show you how to go out there and find look for signs to
find these Instagram profiles that you want to go and promote on okay and the
aim of the game is to get the video viral we don't really care about
anything else we want to find a page or profile that can get our video viral so
I'm gonna jump it to my phone right now give it up on the screen and I'll show
you exactly what to do alright guys so in my Instagram right now and depending
on what you're doing like if you already have a store then you probably obviously
want to pick a niche there on the products you're selling but if you're
new and you don't have a store or selling any products things like luxury
luxury is good for like I'm carbon-fibre money clips so we have luxury travel
automotive and probably some other stuff fishing as great outdoors this is also
the stuff you could probably do so what you want to do is go to the search thing
and you're going to come to the explore page now if you don't know how that
algorithm works anything that's going viral is pretty much on the explore page
what happens is a lot of people do what we call engagement groups and they boost
their content to the explore page and we want to find videos so first you
obviously want to pick your niche at the top okay
or in the search bar so you've got food sports travel all sorts of stuff we're
gonna go audio what you want to do is look for videos in the
big square okay so something like this let's see no so that was posted over a
week ago and it's only got 40,000 views we want videos that have lots of views
at least half a million so we'll try this one here 13 hours ago a hundred
thousand this might be okay so what you do now is you go to the profile and you
look at all of the all of their other videos so these guys don't actually have
many videos then one has 400,000 views so I wouldn't bother with that you want
someone with videos because they know how to get videos to go viral if they
have lots of videos so at this point you can actually just keep scrolling down
here if you like okay but it's really important to make sure they are on the
explore page okay if they're not it has to have to be the explore page because
you know that they can get to the explore page 200,000 views in one week
that's still not really what I want to go for here we go
200,000 views in 15 hours excellent 180k and you see they post a lot of other
videos and they're getting really really really good amount of views okay
not the greatest to be honest we could probably do better this is pretty this
is the right but you just go here and you just go DM them send them a message
and you can say hey can you do a shout out I want to do a video only please and
give them the video now if you have trouble making a video just get some
images of your product and match them together and put them on a loop that's
all you got to do right it doesn't have to be crazy hard don't pay over 60 bucks
per shout-out for this type of stuff okay like maybe 60 more if it's a really
really mess of patient that gets millions upon millions but at least
don't go over $100 but definitely definitely go over 100 don't go over 60
unless you really think it's worth it so that's not a very I'm trying to find a
good example here nope see we get asked up the go super viral okay here we go
800,000 views in three days turn a thousand okay I'm
gonna pause this video guys and try to find a profile that does relevant to
what we're talking about alright guys so I found one called super audit autos 365
the reason you want to find profiles that go that have videos that go viral
all the time is because you know that yours will go viral okay so this video
here half a million views this video here half a million views this video
here half a million this video here a quarter of a million now this is the
Russian account so I don't know it might not be the best but the reason we do
this guys is because there's a method to growing these accounts and going viral
they use engagement groups to good engagement groups and that's really the
secret so these guys are in the good engagement groups and they put the work
in to get their content to go viral 300,000 views you don't want to go for
profiles they have one video that's gone viral there is heaven or a couple of
videos and or it's really inconsistent you want a profile that has videos that
go viral every single time they post them ok that one didn't but you see what
I mean so that's all you do guys you go to the explore page you find the
particular the particular topic that you are the niche that you want to travel is
a big one ok so travel everyone always goes viral in this your 700,000 views 1
million views 1.8 million look at this one I less 30,000 that's that's not very
good but you get the idea okay you need to go for profiles that make videos go
viral all the time every single time they post look at this one one more they
don't do any videos but when they do it looks like they go viral 1.8 million and
all you do guys did you say hey can I get a shout out but it has to be a video
and I want to put a link and stuff like that and are you interested in putting
my link in your profile sometimes they'll do that for free sometimes I'll
charge you for it depending on the price sometimes it's not worth them but the
whole aim of the game here guys is to get the video to go viral just like we
did here 500,000 views just like my
studentid here 400,000 views maybe that's all we do but the you have to
have a video and that's really how it is because videos are going viral right now
like think about it for a second if you do a shout out with an image you might
get like I don't know a few hundred a few thousand likes or something maybe
and you might get like I don't know a bit of reach but with videos you're
getting millions and millions sorry hundreds and thousands of views
some of these videos over 1.8 million views right so you can make so much
money doing this stuff and at the same time you're building up your profile as
well alright guys that's it for this video I just want to show you that this
is how we're going out who I'm I'm doing this as well that this student here is
going out and doing this because these students this is what it's about getting
students results these guys are going out and doing this and getting these
results and Mitch got the city's name but he would have actually gone out and
got a lot more money if he if his site was working properly at the time all
right guys that's it for this video go and find those profiles super super
simple go to here and they have to be on the explore page and they have to be
always posting videos and gaining lots of views that's really the most
important thing look seven hundred thousand seven hundred thousand seven
hundred thousand right that was a perfect page to go and do this one
called discover all right that's if this video guys like subscribe all the
details for the competition are below on the pin comment and I'll see you in the
next video

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