
Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Problem With Problems #Best Education Page #Online Earning

The Problem With Problems

have you ever wanted to start something
in your life basically any project
creative endeavor or even a new hobby or
career path and immediately come up with
problems that would stop you from
succeeding or even finishing the damn
thing I wear a couple of different
creative hats and every time I set out
on a new endeavor as soon as the Wonder
and romance of how cool it would be to
actually do that thing wears off I
immediately start counting off a list of
insurmountable problems that make any
enjoyment or merit I'd get out of that
thing I'm thinking I'm seeing totally
pointless and definitely more trouble
than it be worth to actually complete
even doing something as simple and low
stakes as writing this I found that
within the first few sentences I already
started catastrophizing about all of the
things that could go wrong with this
relatively simple thing I decided I
wanted to do it's not just that I'm lazy
although I definitely am it's that I
have an unconscious habit of turning
almost anything I can think of pursuing
into a massive walking problem I imagine
that a lot of other creative people must
do this too because the number of
genuinely moving passion projects in the
world seems low and the number of
relatively boring paint-by-numbers
cash-in seems painfully high so why do
we do this well it's inherently human
we've evolved over thousands of years to
recognize and identify threats to our
livelihood and since we've run out of
dinosaurs and mammoths and wolves and
great white sharks to be worried about
on a day-to-day basis we've started to
create totally new totally imaginary
problems for ourselves
in fact we're probably spending more of
our creative energy coming up with
terrifying new reasons not to do the
things we love then we are actually
doing them I could come up with a
brilliant solution for the age-old
problem of problems but when I start
thinking about how I would do that
I immediately arrive at a list of
immediate problems that make the
solution seem hardly worth it so instead
of thinking about any immediate problems
let's consider the ultimate future
when you are old and ready to die are
you going to want to look back on this
particular moment on this particular
pursuit and have to call up that list of
problems that kept you from going
through with it of course it would
probably be just as painful to look back
on a life spent ignoring every problem
doing your damn thing and still failing
miserably every time but what if even
one thing you persisted in turned out to
be pretty awesome what if it touched the
life of even one other person on planet
earth what if someone was so moved by
your totally incredible thing that they
got a really awful tattoo of that thing
on their body which would cost thousands
of dollars in laser removal sessions to
get rid of if they ever decided to
wouldn't that single victory feel good
enough to account for the myriad of
imaginary problems you're thinking of
right now in relation to your thing you
don't have to be the next Elon Musk but
I really wish you would because I'm kind
of sick of hearing people talk about him

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