
Friday, April 24, 2020

Affiliate Niche Site Example - Dog Food Advisor #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Affiliate Niche Site Example - Dog Food Advisor

hey we're going to take a look at a real
life Amazon affiliate site my name is
Doug Cummington and from niche site
project and we are just going to tear
down an actual real profitable Amazon
affiliate site and you'll actually have
the opportunity to get a bunch of
keywords like about a thousand keywords
for this specific site and a bunch of
others so just be sure you sign up for
you know the email list and you'll get
those keywords so let's get to the
teardown right now
hey what's up it is Doug Huntington and
we are going to take a look at another
niche site an Amazon affiliate niche
site this one is called dog food advisor
and if you haven't seen any of these
other videos yet we do you know sort of
walk through some critical information
I've extracted some data from SEMRush
and also a similar web and then we'll go
take a look at the site I'll give you
some impressions this is an interesting
one because this set was founded in July
of 2008 so it's like almost nine years
old and if I'm doing the math right so
it's been around for quite a while
it has about almost 90,000 words ranking
in the top 100 which is a lot and when
you look at this graph here you can see
that estimates of the traffic you know
this is the SEMRush report here and it's
always funny right I think I say in
every video
it's funny how big the estimates from
semrush and similar web differ
regardless we can agree that a lot of
people go to this site dog food advisor
has been around for a while
it's a very trusted site it is
interesting to note you know the slow
growth over time you know this is no
slouch it looks like the the traffic
zero but there were tens of thousands of
people going to the site back then and
um you know early or yeah looks like
sort of early 2014 maybe late 2013 there
was a change here right so there was a
some sort of traffic spike here things
were great good times are coming and
you'll see you know everything was
moving up until you know early 2016 or
maybe the first quarter of 2016
something happened something dropped
down I'm not sure you 100% what it was
but you can see there's some correlation
between this these red dots are
algorithm updates by Google so there is
some correlation here I mean that lines
up exactly as we go through before we
tech take a look at the site you see the
domain Authority is
xD one trust flows at 17 so it's funny
to see the correlation of these be so
far off there are over 8,000 pages that
are indexed a lot of people spend a
decent amount of time here so average
time on site is over three and a half
minutes and over three and a half pages
per visitor I mean those are some of the
highest stats that we've seen but as a
dog owner myself you know we really care
about what we feed those guys in fact
you know my my dog unfortunately is a
little sick right now and you know we're
giving him like chicken and rice we
started giving him some eggs so he's
he's an old guy won't get into into too
much but we'll take a look at the site
now okay so this is the homepage of the
super simple I mean it does actually
look like a site from 2008 um you know
what that's a little harsh it's been a
it's been around for a lot obviously
been updated but it does sort of look
like a site from a few years back I'm
sorry I'm just pouring some coffee right
here if you hear that verbage um and as
we look here they have a actually I love
the simplicity right so it is no crazy
logo here right nothing a nothing
unusual nothing gaudy it's just a text
right so saving good dogs from bad dog
food right great tagline and there's a
cute puppy up here Anna cute puppy right
here so very simple you know I will
point out it looks like a three column
type of setup which i think was pretty
popular at a certain time you know
nowadays you don't see sites and themes
sort of look like this um usually some
are around but it does have a bit of a
dated look we'll notice right away great
social proof one hundred ninety four
thousand likes on Facebook can't see any
other kind of notation here they have a
simple way to navigate so
Bran's A to Z dry dog food wet dog food
raw dog food reviews and then they have
sort of a category navigation stuff over
on the Left sidebar they tell you about
a you know where to buy so you can get
20% off here and this goes to Chuy's and
you can see their affiliate it this is
actually an affiliate link and then
there is a directory for dog food stores
here so they give you an online option
and if you want to buy local you can do
that here um they do talk about needing
you need help
the editors top picks you know what
let's take a look at that in just a
second they talk about the latest
articles and I closed it earlier but
they actually had like a pop up decided
for their email list so I would say
they're probably able to build an email
list very effectively and they're
probably able to like push products push
people to you know go to certain pages
however they want the other thing I'll
point out I kind of skipped over earlier
there's a you know nice menu up here I
would say it's very thorough it's almost
you know almost too many choices up
there but they're all relevant and if I
am interested in the about page which
we'll look at in a second you know I
would know where to go frequently asked
questions that's an interesting one to
take a look at actually will look at
forums to the new mention recalls which
is a big deal for you know pet owners
it's important to know about and reviews
of course so let's take a quick look at
the editors choice here so the editors
choice landing page is no longer there
so that's funny because it was actually
listed here I mean this is the one we we
clicked on so that's not there anymore
that's a that's a mistake so we'll move
on we'll take a look at the about page
and you'll see they added this is
actually new that did not use to have
this little
video here so you know this adds a great
deal of credibility
I mentioned it over and over if you
watch the other videos in this Amazon
associate example site playlist you'll
see I talked about sites that have low
credibility and high credibility if you
have an about page and you seem like a
real person then you have high
credibility so it's super interesting
this person is actually a doctor right
they're a dentist they have a story
about the dog which is clearly it's the
same guy here and he's a dog lover he
has a medical degree and he's a dentist
tons of credibility across the board he
says he has a staff and since 2008
they've researched reviewed and rated
over four thousand five hundred and
sixty three products so you know that
you know they're paying attention they
also mentioned they've uncovered
investigated and announced 129 recalls
which is a very big deal especially to
you know pet owners so this is an
awesome about page I mean if you can
develop an about page that is anywhere
close to this that has this sort of
credibility I mean that's huge now it is
tough to sort of like a B test whether
you know the about page boost
conversions but you could rest assured I
mean when you see this
credibly this site are you going to
believe some random other site that
doesn't have you know credibility like
this okay so he tells a story here you
know uh it sounds like they lost a dog
um - okay so they lost a dog - and their
unquestioned trust of commercial pet
food so that's very sad it looks like
the video Bob tells the same story okay
so we made it to the end there's
actually a LinkedIn profile and
some other information here they have a
Community Action website
so overall huge credibility on this it's
really sort of unmatched in a lot of
ways moving on so I wanted to take a
look at the frequently asked questions
just to see what they had here um so
they have a whole lot of information
here I won't get into too actually I
won't even click on too many of these
because I think I'll go down a rabbit
hole as I have an interest in dogs but
we can see there's just very sort of
high-quality information your
informational post not necessarily
associated with affiliate content which
is great so people will you know read
this information they'll share it with
your friends that may find it
interesting or helpful so this is really
good to have and it looks like a you
know a nice way to navigate people
through the site um we usually don't see
forums but it's interesting that they
have one especially you know given the
fact that the site's been around to that
since 2008 you know back in the day
forums were sort of like the place to
congregate versus you know I think
nowadays it may be like Facebook groups
in a few years it's going to be
something different but they develop
this platform and you can see that
there's actually like active posting
here a lot of stuff like in the last
couple days and you can see people are
talking about nutrition diet health food
coupons um ingredients homemade dog food
and so on and so forth so there's a
pretty good amount of activity here
which is pretty interesting and I'm sure
there's you know quite a community here
I wonder if it says how many members
they have sometimes it mentions that it
doesn't look like it does unless I'm
missing it but you can see that number
of post
uh that's just a lot of so this is you
know from an SEO standpoint there's tons
and tons of content that was created by
the users here you know nowadays forums
don't seem to be ranking as well as you
know they used to but the fact is
there's a lot of longtail searches in
here so this you know it's interesting
to have a forum and I wouldn't
necessarily recommend anyone to try and
start forum unless you have a keen
interest in you know building a
community and doing that kind of stuff
and that would probably only apply if
you really were into the topic in which
your niche site covers okay and as we
move on here the food recalls I'm sure
these get a lot of shares all over the
place you can see this food recalls page
has 57,000 likes which is a ridiculous
number of likes so they cover them all
apparently these come out all the time
an alarming number just over this short
period of time it looks like most of the
recalls were just in the last couple
years by the way yeah there's a few
there's a handful down here but I mean
already in 2017 there's like half a
dozen so anyway the point is it's very
interesting that they're covering all
this information and we haven't even
gotten to the reviews yet right we
better start looking at the reviews or
we're just going to run out of time so
let's take a look I give my dog what the
heck is it it is called I'll think of it
I'm just scrolling through here it's one
of the big ones trying to blink trying
to blank here I'll see it though I'll
see it um currently we give Him science
diet that's right we used to give my dog
Brody we used to give him Purina Pro
plan the dry version and we would give
them the set I'll take a look at this
one we were pretty happy with it for
quite a while two and a half stars 158
people liked it so right off the bat
they do push this over to Chuy's here so
my guess is Chuy's probably pays out
better than Amazon for whatever reason
you know they've gone with Chuy's here I
will click on the link just to see where
it sends me they do mention that the
Purina Pro Plan covers nine dried dog
foods and there's you know a variety
here they have this sort of highlighted
area where they talk about the actual
you know ingredients and you know where
it ranks so they have this nice graphic
looks a little old-school you know but I
mean it provides the information that's
needed it gives you the analysis in the
calorie weighted basis of the food so
but you know we're looking at like
macronutrients here carbs protein fat
and it looks like a fairly formulaic
type of review here so they're you know
they're going very deep or they're
talking about the first ingredient
second ingredient and then it looks sort
of like almost like a Mad Libs
paint-by-number style of of a review
which the number of products that they
review here you know you can almost have
to do it this way but it does give you a
pretty good idea of like what the heck's
in the what the heck's in the dog food
so as we scroll down they talk about the
the Purina Pro Plan the bottom line so
judging by the ingredients is below
average dry product which is sad out
we've we've switched foods since then so
we'll look at the new one in a second
they have the recall history which is
very good and then the discounts that
you can see here um final word they just
to talk about how they do the reviews
and it's the expressed opinion of the
author and so on and so forth
and as I would have expected as I would
have expected there are a lot of
comments here for such a big site it's
interesting we'll just look at this one
this site seems to be garbage as a chef
whose best friend is a hound dog I'm
constantly researching food this food is
not bad for dogs myself and my parents
have used it for years for no issues
there's a lawsuits for recalls its
Purina is a big company and ok so some
people get caught up in the organics and
paleo and you know what um I was a
little off put by the review they are um
they are a little bit sort of like I
said they're they're using like a
paint-by-numbers type review so if an
ingredient is mentioned they talk about
what the ingredient is and then they go
um and I honestly I kind of agree with
this person here and that they're sort
of like making an assessment based on
just the ingredients now I'll tell you
the reason why I pick that that dog food
back in the day is it's actually like
it's above average cost so it's not the
cheapest or sorry isn't the most
expensive dog food out there but it's
like above average cost so anyway let's
look over here real quick so just send
you over to Chuy's which is a huge
vendor and essentially you're able to
you know buy the product here they get
the Commission so um open my dog is
walking in here now hi Brody welcome and
the thing that we'll do we'll take a
look at the science diet I actually
wanted to take a look so we'll look at
the new food just to get an idea of what
another review would look like
so I don't think they have the specific
one that we get interesting
so we'll just arbitrarily look at this
one here he'll sign its diet plus so two
all right it looks like I feed my dog
terrible food based on these reviews
here um you know what actually plus it
looks like it has like extra calories so
maybe I'll look for perfect weight that
maybe a little bit closer to we actually
give them like a active active health
okay so we're getting a little bit
better so three and a half stars and as
we're looking at it here still more
carbs than I would expect the other food
actually had like a better split I think
okay so as we're looking at it I'm
getting into the details unfortunately
of like the actual product so the review
seems reasonable I like that they have a
number one right they have a call to
action here right away so immediately I
see the rating and immediately I can go
by it over on Chuy's and they have a
sort of no-nonsense rating where you can
see it graphically on the makeup of the
actual you know dog food and then you
can also see another call to action here
buying tip where you get free shipping
click for detail so an excellent call to
action it's in a box and you know I it's
just clean right the other thing I sort
of like here um you know I don't love
the three column look but essentially
they have it in one column because
everything in the sidebar kind of goes
away so I really like the way it looks
here they do mention actual studies and
notes here so these are external links
that you know give credit credibility to
the site in the review lastly um they
these like the same sort of sorry
comments online or hilarious oh they
have the same sort of comment structure
here using discuss and not that many
people commented here it's a much
shorter review and some more expensive
dog food just overall so probably fewer
people buy it
I would guess slightly more expensive at
a time okay so I'm just I'm curious I'm
trying to remember
um because I I thought they had some
actual Amazon affiliate links here but
at this point it looks like they're
pushing Chuy's really hard so we have a
quick look just see if I can find any
other reviews or anything here I'm just
going to arbitrarily click on one and
well you know what it looks like they
drive everybody to choose so okay I
guess this is actually not an Amazon
affiliate site it's more just a pet food
affiliate and perhaps they get a much
much better um like payout from Chuy's
and but you can still learn lots of
stuff from the reviews so again to recap
you have like the nice rating here you
have a you know call to action up high
what I would like to see is like a
picture of the bag right so when we
actually click the link here we'll see
this is um well looks like this a bad
link unfortunately but anyway the point
is it'd be cool to see the bag or the
picture um you know a lot of times we
actually remember the picture of the dog
on the bag as we're trying to choose
which dog food that we should be getting
so I think it would be really nice to
have a picture of that here and just
like more images right so the big flaw
here is they don't have to have this
sort of summary here but then after that
they really don't talk much or they
don't have many images and they do a
good job breaking up the text
everything's like one sentence long so
that looks pretty good
but you know pictures worth a thousand
words they also have an opportunity to
do like you know videos right so they
can put youtube videos and imagine the
people that could watch you know on
YouTube essentially someone can just
summarize the content here and then
that's all that would really need to do
so I'll leave it at that and I don't
think there's anything else to see it
looks like just a whole lot of reviews
so if you enjoyed the this video check
out the other ones I do review actually
Amazon affiliate sites this one sort of
snuck in I don't know if they were doing
like sort of products before they
switched over to Chuy's or what the deal
is but in any case you can learn some
great tips and you know see what good
things other sites are doing so check
out the other videos there should be a
playlist that you can get to hear
additional you can get a whole lot of
keywords around Amazon affiliate sites
those are free all you need to do is
give me your name and email address I'll
send you a link so you can get to duck
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keywords like I said you can get it
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