
Thursday, April 16, 2020

GAAAARRRR Internet Explorer!!! #Best Education Page #Online Earning

GAAAARRRR Internet Explorer!!!

hello this is my second v lager and um I
thought I'm gonna I need to do on today
because I've been working I've done it's
quite a few videos actually you need to
check those out on the channel some
tutorials and a theme review so I've
been busy and but i've also been busy
fixing problems on a website that aren't
really problems they're created by a
certain browser that browser is internet
bloody explorer now i haven't used in
sexual over quite a while mainly because
I i use mac so you can't actually use
internet explorer on a Mac thank God but
unfortunately and if you if you started
doing websites for people you know try
to make a business out of it you'll
create a lovely website and you'll
pretty you know test it out on Chrome
and Firefox and Safari and on your
iPhone and on the iPad and owned only
anything else you get out of and it
would be perfect it will look wonderful
and then out of nowhere a few days later
someone will send you an email and say
oh the website doesn't work it's not
looking right and something's broken and
you think a strange and you'll have
you'll have a look on Chrome and Firefox
and it's absolutely find then you
discover that they're using internet
explorer and they're not only just using
Internet Explorer they're using internet
explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8 which
is you know from God knows when and and
just doesn't work a classic example I've
done a website and just recently and the
client wanted it nice and soft and
friendly so we went for round corners
because if you want you know friendly
and soft you you know you round
everything off and so it looks lovely we
rounded all the corners different curves
for different callers so oh yeah looked
look sweet and then you know most of
their office runs old pcs that you know
use IE ate and I ate doesn't even know
what a round corner is so it just
doesn't square and it look the crap hey
you know anyway not all of these videos
are going to be rants I also that I'm
going to do some other ones and I'm also
gonna get a new camera for these videos
because this this camera here which is
my of my imac it doesn't look great as
it so
I'm going to get proper camera i'm going
to show you the office or the broom
cupboard and I work out of and and yet
more WordPress videos and more about
being WordPress entrepreneur all that
kind of stuff so if you want more of all
my videos including tutorials reviews
and all that kind of stuff then please
subscribe to my youtube channel and
check out wpbeginner

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