
Thursday, April 16, 2020

How to Setup Hosting and Wordpress with Hostgator #Best Education Page #Online Earning

How to Setup Hosting and Wordpress with Hostgator

okay and so lets her up some hosting
with hostgator com I'm going to take you
through obviously setting up your
hosting so that you can then create the
website that you're going to be creating
probably with one of my other videos
okay so I'm going to put a coupon code
up on the screen now which will give you
twenty-five percent off be really
grateful if you could use that just show
a little bit of appreciation for my
videos if you'd like what I'm doing I do
in a very small Commission when you use
that so that'll be great thanks if you
don't know that's up to you okay so
let's go to web hosting and you can see
the free plans on this page if you're
just starting out online the hatchling
plan is probably going to be fine for
you you can use the one domain with that
I com or whatever you've got if you
don't have a domain right now you can
register that as well as we go through
this process so don't worry we can do
that here too so once you decided which
one you want maybe you think your
business is going to go crazy then go
for the business plan but if you're
starting out so go for hatchling plan
and click order now okay so around the
order form and the first box is where we
can register our new domain name so I'm
assuming in this video that you don't
already have a domain and we're going to
just start from scratch and get
ourselves calm or something so I'm going
to go for WP eagle demo for my demo
sites and that's available so that's
been added to the cart if you scroll
down you can select I'll see the
variations if you want Linda net org
whatever is available leave the packages
it was you pretty selected on the first
one you know I said hatchlings fine you
can select the billing cycle there we're
now going to select our username I'll go
for WP eagle or then we can enter our
security pin
there we go now you can fill in all your
billing information so I'll just do that
very quickly I love see a blanket out
for security reasons okay so once you've
filled all that out the next bit is to
decide where you're going to pay with
credit card or PayPal i'll go with
paypal and you can select if you an
individual or business I'll go with
business and to my business details okay
that's done there's a few other options
here you can add domain privacy which
you know is useful if you want to hide
your identity get out of sight lock
which basically is kind of like a virus
protection against any security
vulnerabilities and there's site back up
as well which is obviously good to have
if you feel rebuilding a site because
then if anything goes wrong you can
restore backup so just select the
options that you want now the coupon
code if you don't already have one said
please use mine it we put up on the
screen now but it's basically WP eagle
25 often that will give you a
twenty-five percent off discount and yet
that's all been applied you need to
scroll down and pick the terms and
conditions and then click create account
and then it should just go away okay so
then you come to this page and then
you'll see you simply click pay now and
that then brings up your your paypal
account and you're ready to pay so I'm
going to pay now then I'll wipe this
screen and come straight back and we'll
start setting up WordPress okay so I've
just got my emails from Hostgator and
paid and everything it went through fine
hopefully you at the same point now so
what we're gonna do is log in now to our
control area and we're going to set up
and the WordPress website so that we can
get started building our websites
so I'm back on Hostgator if you look up
here there's a login tab you need to
enter your your email address and then
you need to enter the password which you
will have got via email can be confusing
because you set a pin number when you
set up your Hostgator account but
actually they email your password so if
you go to a couple email here I
obviously blow out the details but they
send you actually two passwords the
first password is the one you want which
you'll find over this bit the first one
you get so I'm just going to copy and
paste that in and there's another
password in there which we're going to
need in a second so when you can log in
you get a screen that looks like this I
can save my password and then what you
want to do is scroll down and go to view
hosting packages down here and here's my
wpe demo comsol set up and we're going
to click on this link here which locks
it into the cpanel which it's like
different so this is the billing and
support system and then the cpanel is
where you're going to set up with your
website stuff so let's click this link
the username is the same as people just
talking with other one and say you need
to go back to that email you got from
Hostgator and the second part of the
dimension just copy and paste that and
that should look in nicely if you have
any problems there is a reset password
button there where you can reset it if
before the reason it's not working and
close all this stuff down we're not
going to need that I'm going to save my
password and here is the Hostgator
control panel so basically in here and
you can do everything to do with your
website account so that set up email
accounts into the WordPress which were
going to do in two seconds and few other
bits and bobs that you might find useful
you know do some backups and a whole
host stuff but we're not going to go for
any of this right now we're just going
to set up our WordPress website so at
the top we got this link here that says
get started with WordPress give that a
click it brings up this quick install
and it's brought up wordpress wordpress
is web software you can use we know what
it is is great and let's click continue
okay now it's going to ask words we're
still up so we're going to stall our
domain name that we just set up you can
enable auto upgrades which is quite
handy then just enter your email address
give the blogger named i'm going to call
it the wp eagle demo site put your admin
username in so this could be just admin
but scooter reasons i suggest you
something else then i'm just going to
put my name in and then once you've done
all that this this box up here by the
way i'll just leave that bank so that
installs it just on the root and but if
you for example for whatever reason you
know you want to do up like to be /
wordpress will slash blog you can talk
there but unless you know what you're
doing i suggest you just leave that
blank so we've done all that let's click
install okay this is just going to take
a few seconds so i'm going to just do a
little edit and i'll see you when it's
done okay it's all done so says my
wordpress installation is ready i can
access it by going here and there's my
login name and it's generating me a
password so you need to copy and paste
that password somewhere keep it safe but
what will do as soon as we login we will
change it to something and it's more
memorable because it's just a load of
old letters and numbers so i'm going to
click here and because the domain name
is brand new and the website's not come
up yet because it takes a lot of the
domain name to register so if you're
getting the same thing in then you may
need to just wait a bit and then it'll
load so luckily I've got the i've got a
video so i can edit it and i'm just
going to wait for it to appear and then
we'll come straight back so hopefully
what have to wait too long for yours
either and but when it's ready and when
you go to your website there's something
appears then you know you're ready to go
and we can carry out the slight appeared
it took a few hours so be patient if
you're specially if you're registering a
new domain name it takes over while for
the domain to be registered and for all
the dns servers all around the world to
update with the new details so just be
patient and if it's been in there more
than 12 hours or so
and you haven't your website hasn't
appeared then I would just get in touch
with Hostgator if you log into your
support area there's a live chat and
there's a ticket thing in there they're
always pretty quick and they'll get
stuff sorted out but generally I'll just
go for about our hitch a few hours and
boom you've got a WordPress website up
and running and this is the foundation
for you know anything really we can use
it to build lots of projects and and
we'll see this video you're watching
we're going to build a website using
WordPress and this is kind of like just
the basic install ready to go and from
here you know we can build some great
things so the first thing we're going to
do is just change that password and
because password that you get from
educator isn't particularly to remember
so we're just gonna log in and change
that as I mean get start to build in
some great websites so I'm just gonna
open or the tab because I like to work
this way so I have the back of the
website you know the admin area in one
tab and then the front of the website in
another tab so I can just quickly switch
between them too and I just find it it's
a quick way of working Bob so you can
just have it all in one tab if you want
so you get on so I'm should open the
sliding this one so it's obviously WP
eagle test oh no not test demo demo
common its bring it up because I went
there a minute ago just to check it ahem
it's slash WP hyphen admin now that
brings up your login screen for your
WordPress so this is how we access the
the at Mayor so I'm typing these notices
username that you set up when you were
doing the quick install on on Hostgator
then you need to copy and paste that
password that was generated again by
okay to hopefully you kept it in a safe
place so it's in my clipboard and there
we go see if you have lost your password
there is a lost password link on that
screen and you can reset by rima so
we're in now to reset that password sent
more easy to remember if you go down the
left-hand side these are all the options
which obviously we're going to go
through as we build our website and
you'll learn about them but start we'll
go down into users and then all users
there's only me in there at the moment
and then we're going to click Edit
and then we're going to scroll down and
the box at the bottom is the password
and then you can just an enter the new
password that you want something that
you remember and then that's done so
there we go and we can now get started
building our website

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