
Saturday, April 4, 2020

This Changes Everything #Best Education Page #Online Earning

This Changes Everything

okay so how to make money online for
free I'm gonna show you in this video
how you can get up and get running and
doing that so what does that my name is
Tyler I like to help entrepreneurs just
like you go out there and have success
before we jump into the video there will
be a subscribe button and a bell hit
both of those because what I'll do is
I'll send you my number one recommended
opportunity right here online also
there's about 800 videos in the playlist
so if you can't find what you're looking
for in this video make sure you head
over there and you will find something
that will help you start to make money
online and you can do it for free so I
wanted to prep this really quick to you
making money online for free it's not
like it's a tree out there when you just
go outside and just pull money out from
the tree it's not gonna work like that
but there are a couple of things that
you can't do in order to get up and get
running but I want to make sure you
understand what I'm gonna show you right
here totally free okay if you have it
now you gotta you buy it you got to buy
a computer or obviously alright if you
have a need you got to buy a smartphone
if you want to do that but yes there are
some equipment so it's not really free
right but all of these you don't have to
sign up for in order to make money in
fact if you ever go to a website and you
have to sign up just to make money
that's you got to stay away from that
all right that's just it's there just
taking your money from you in fact if
somebody comes to you and says I'm gonna
take your money and I'm gonna double it
for you overnight you got to run away if
somebody comes to you and says I'm gonna
take your money and we're gonna we're
going to invest it in this thing and
it's gonna be great run for the hills if
somebody comes to you and says you got
to robot there and recruit and you got
to you know get a bunch of people in
your downline run the other way it's not
going to work because what they're gonna
do is it going to make you pay a bunch
of money up front just to have the
access to go out there and start
recruiting too much people and it will
eventually collapse you'll lose all your
money and I don't want that to happen
for you now I'm not talking about
somebody that says hey I got a training
for you
so buy this training in order to do that
you do need to educate yourself now I
give you a ton of free stuff here online
I do have my own programs that I charge
people for because you you really have
to educate yourself okay but creating
money online it you can do it for free
but in order to maybe get the goods you
might have to invest a little bit of
your money into a training or a men
tor in order to get debt right
information I'm gonna jump into my
computer I'm gonna show you a couple
things that you can get started with a
couple of websites that's going to help
you kind of get up get get running
online so the first thing you want to do
is this is you can go over to a website
called offer vault no offer a vault what
this is is it's there's about right here
it says 5,400 results right now that
means there's fifty four thousand
different things that you can promote
okay you can go to all of these and you
can promote whatever you want
there's niches from all kinds of
different areas so you can come in here
and you can find something that you like
and you can go and you can promote it
you'll see that you got to offer name
there's the payout what you're going to
get paid for that so it's either going
to be a percentage or it's going to be a
dollar amount the next one type is going
to be sale towards either sale or a lead
meaning a sale is somebody has to put in
their credit card in order to buy that
product you get your commission for that
based on percentage or you're gonna get
a full income for that and then also
leads so leads are gonna be where people
would put into just their information
they can put in an email or a name and
then once they do that you get paid for
that so for example like if lawyers if
they need leads all the time they're
gonna pay a big premium for somebody
that needs help like some whatever they
need they need a lawyer for they're
gonna buy those leads like crazy so if
you can find people that need a lawyer
those leads are gonna be in high demand
but that would be an example of
generating leads insurance companies and
people have insurance businesses they're
always looking for leads so if you can
find insurance leads they pay out
big-time financial investment things
like that for legitimate investment
companies Goldman Sachs and thing and
those big companies they plate they pay
a premium for leads so that's the type
that you can see right here and then you
have obviously the category but the
network is the most important thing here
is because the network is the actual
company that's going to pay you out now
a lot of the networks of the companies
have been around for for many years and
they pay out you know just all the time
some of the networks though they tend to
hold your money for
a period of time maybe 30 days or 90
days okay you just got a you kind of got
a read you know kind of read what
they're doing they will pay you out
eventually okay so you just got to read
the terms before you jump into that but
you want to understand their payout
terms for that a lot of times they're
gonna hold your money and it's not
because they don't want to pay you it's
just because they want to make sure that
if somebody buys a product and they
refund it they can't really pay you and
then get that refund back you see them
saying so there's a refund period of
about 30 days maybe 60 days that if
somebody does refund then they obviously
can't pay you out a commission for that
refund but after the 60 days if nobody
refunds then boom they're gonna pay you
out it's a little long I like you know
web websites like jvzoo or warrior plus
but that's kind of different websites
here but just understand that a lot of
these are gonna pay out a long time now
some if you send a ton of leads or sent
us on of sales they will bump it up to
like seven days or maybe even 14 days
paying you out if they see that your
traffic is good when you're brand new
you just got to understand the rules
before you jump into that so network is
gonna be where you'd go to sign up and
get these offers right here now all
these networks are all gonna be free of
don't have to pay to get into them if a
network says you got to pay to get into
it run the other way okay don't spend
your money on a network they're all free
you just go into the networks and you
can get a link and start promoting it
now a lot of the networks will require
you to go through a kind of a process of
filling out some information and making
sure that you're legit they'll call you
they want to know your traffic source
they want to know where you're from all
that good stuff they just want to make
sure you're sending legit traffic okay
because there are people out there that
send bogus traffic and they don't want
to get stuck with a bunch of crap
traffic or crap sales that they have to
pay out when they're not really legit
sales okay so offer vault is going to be
a great place to start when you come
here now once you once you get in and
get your offer
finally the offers kind of the easy part
right so it's easy you can go in you can
sign up for free with all these networks
and then you can grab the link for free
there's no requirement for that but now
what you have to do is you have to find
the traffic you got to find the you got
to find
people that want to buy these products
okay so example if you're gonna find
insurance leads you've got to go out
there and find people that are looking
for insurance you got to find where
they're at where do they hang out and
and you can do that from a different
couple different places so for and I was
just sorting I like to throw out the
insurance ones because these these have
always paid out the most and like
insurance leads can be anywhere from
like 50 or $60 per lead sometimes lawyer
leads will pay like $100 investing leads
sometimes they'll pay out like a hundred
fifty almost $200 just for legitimate
leads okay so just understand that a lot
of these bigger with tons of money to
spend they'll spend all day long on
leads all right so you're going to go
into like Facebook groups is a great
place to find people that are gonna be
interested in different things so you
can go into you know insurance you can
find all kinds of different groups in
there are people that are hanging out
I'm not necessarily knowing they're
looking for insurance but it's a great
place to find people that maybe be
talking about insurance a cup of people
might be asking about you know what's a
good insurance company that I can go
with what's a good you know place to get
maybe car insurance house insurance
that's when it's a good opportunity for
you to pop your link into them alright
so Facebook groups is a great great
place to start now Facebook groups are
free obviously you can start for free
you can sign up for facebook free
account you can get a you can get into
any of the groups for free there's no
requirement to get into that all of
these social media platforms are all
free there they don't charge anything
for you to get into that so you have
social media platforms that you can get
into that you can start up you can even
start your own group start your own fan
page you can it's where all the people
are hanging out now that's where YouTube
all the people are hanging out in
YouTube they're all hanging on twitter
twitter they're all hanging out on
instagram so if you can find the people
that are that are interested in the
product that you want to promote that's
where you're going to start generating
tons and tons of income for yourself and
you can do it all for free so you're
going to go to you know like YouTube you
can create YouTube videos you could
upload YouTube videos and once you get
these YouTube videos uploaded they
go viral they could get a ton of traffic
coming in you could put your affiliate
link in the description below once you
get the description below then people
are going to click on the link and
they're going to go out to the offer
once they click on the offer or the link
and they go to the offer they buy the
product then you make a percentage on
that okay so that's affiliate marketing
and this is how you get more traffic for
free you can go to Twitter so you can go
to Twitter and you can just type in
anything like insurance or leads or you
know need a lawyer or I need to lose
weight or all these different you know
people that are saying this and you can
search that find those in Twitter then
you can put your link it for them to say
hey I got a great product for you to
check it out like that all you're doing
is referring your product to you you
know like if we go to the movies and we
watch a great movie what do we do we end
up going and telling all our friends
about it but we don't have an affiliate
link for that movie imagine if we did
we'd probably make a ton of money with
that but the movie theaters they get all
their revenue based on word-of-mouth
people go tell their friends always a
great movie go check it out or go you
know go see this movie is really good so
a lot of them the word-of-mouth
advertising is done through movies
that's the same thing you're going to be
doing with affiliate marketing is you're
going to be just talking about
word-of-mouth it's just going to be
you're gonna be just you know sharing
what you know to people that are
interested in it so if somebody's
looking for different types of products
you're gonna take a link you're gonna
put it in to them and say hey check this
out and you can go from there so you can
do ads I mean you can you can do
Facebook ads you can do YouTube ads
there's all kinds of different avenues
that you can get into that you can run
you know all kinds of stuff but just
understand that you know going off
revolt or even you know if you go to
clickbank so if you go to clickbank and
you find a product on Clickbank these
are all these networks are all free you
just signup form and you can start
promoting them they're not you know they
put these products together for you or
anybody to come in and promote them if
you send a bunch of traffic to an offer
and it doesn't convert you know it's
it's it you it's like the traffic is
done you send the traffic doesn't
convert then what you have to do is you
got to find another offer maybe that
converts find better traffic but the
thing is that
that works they don't really care what
it's like but once you send sales and
those sales are legit they're like okay
great now you're gonna sail now we're
gonna split the profits and we're gonna
send it out you know back early in the
early days of the internet a lot of the
traffic was generated based on clicks so
there's a lot of you know people who
click through banners and you would pay
per click so it was you would pay like a
thousand or let's say you paid like like
10 cents per thousand clicks or or 10
cents a click or even you know 50 cents
a click it used to be like that but
there used to be so much so many scams
going on with people just having all
these BOTS that were clicking through
these banners and you know people were
the networks we were having to pay out
all this bogus traffic so that's why it
went straight to sales so you could send
a thousand clicks and if nobody buys the
network's not out you're not out all you
have to do is just readjust your traffic
send it to the network and you're good
and that's how you create income for
free that's how you make money online
for free it's just going to these
networks finding the traffic find an
offer that works start sending traffic
to these offers and start generating
good income all right not all you do is
go out and take take action just go out
there and take action to find the offer
that's going to be good for you find the
traffic that's going to be working for
you take action go you know get these
people in front of your offers once they
start clicking your links then you're
gonna start making that really good
money and I want to see you succeed so
make sure in the comments below you let
me know what's working for you and
what's not working for you that way I
can kind of help you out maybe make some
videos it's going to help you move
forward so this is Tyler Prada really do
hope you enjoy this video make sure you
like to like it comment and we'll see
you on the next one

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