
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Budgeting Sucks! Financial Expert Garrett Gunderson Explains Why... est Education Page #Online Earning

Budgeting Sucks! Financial Expert Garrett Gunderson Explains Why...

hey this is stefan from i'm at the
amazing summit this is Garrett Gunderson
the best-selling author of killing
sacred cows he's got a book that's
coming out on budgeting sucks how you
doing man I'm doing great man
just been talking about budgeting sucks
with a group of people so yes seems to
resonate I love that book title
budgeting sucks do you want to tell
people why budgeting sucks and what's
the solution for that
yeah number one is you don't shrink your
way to wealth and so budgeting elicits a
scarcity mentality where it's all about
what you can eliminate and if you think
about all the mental energy that it
takes to cut something out so you go
through comb through all your bills you
cut it out you double coupon clip you
think about all the time you you don't
do things you enjoy eventually life
becomes pretty miserable and you use too
much energy towards something that
doesn't build lasting sustainable wealth
if we sat down with people that have
really made it and said did you cut
expenses out completely
no one shrinks their way to wealth and
when you get that then you get it's
about production it's about value
creation so adding value what are some
of the best ways you find for people to
be able to you know change their
finances you know what tips do you have
for someone that might be struggling
financially right now that wants to take
their finances to a whole new level so
I'm sure you've heard to live within
your means it doesn't sound too exciting
the first way you can do that is by
budgeting but the second way is by being
efficient so if you improve your if you
improve your credit score you can
negotiate better interest rates you get
better interest rates then also you have
more cash flow or if you start paying
attention are you overpaying on taxes
and really kind of spent some time there
most people are so if you can save tax
that's money to your bottom line or do
you have hidden fees or commissions with
investments that's money that can be
back in your pocket or insurance so it's
like just paying a little bit of
attention to your finances and using
that time that most people use budgeting
to be more efficient that's key or the
third thing that you can do a little bit
than your means is expand your means
actually go out there and think how can
I deliver more value how can I serve
more people how can I have a greater
impact what unique skills do I have that
if I leverage properly will bring in
more income and instead of thinking
about waiting for retirement
think about building cash flow today and
focus on improving and creating cash
flow whether that's from your
investments whether that's from starting
a business or even in today's world
there's a bunch of like ways to start a
business without having any capital
right we've seen companies pop up like
air B&B and who bring all this kind of
stuff so there's ways to be a you know
even have a job and do something on the
side or we're sitting here right now at
amazing dot-com where people are selling
stuff on Amazon with a really low
investment it's not like they have to
raise a bunch of money to do that so
think about ways that you can increase
your reach and impact and dollars full
of value so I always ask how can you
create more value for people I love that
one thing we were talking about before
you're mentioning the 18% model they
want to share what that is so budgeting
is about what you can cut out I still
believe that you have to have
infrastructure so what you do is you pay
yourself first anytime you go to you
know pay like if you're getting paid by
a company a lot of times you can
automatically have a certain percentage
of every deposit set to a separate
account so you go set up a separate
account checking savings money market I
don't really care what interest rate it
gets just that it's separate from your
business or your personal checking
because you don't want it to mingle
there's something about Parkinson's law
which says if you don't have an
infrastructure and you have an increase
in income but then three to six months
your expenses will rise to meet or even
exceed that income so you take 18
percent of every dollar now if it starts
with one percent or three percent you
just start to have it and paying
yourself first and then finding a way to
make everything else work so that
there's something for you first before
it just gets gobbled up and you know and
18 percent is because one I want you
know I want 1/6 of that to go to you to
just blow and spend anyway you want
without guilt so you reward yourself
right that's different budget yeah and
then the other 15% is so that you can
have more money in the future even after
taxes and inflation and you have to
replace things that break down
or you have you know luxuries once
enjoyed become necessities so you want
to improve your life and there's
technological change so there's things
you're going to buy in the future that
you don't even know exist today so the
easiest way to get to that 18 percent is
by finding lost money right improving
cash flow by not overpaying on financial
fees I mean I think it's at least 10
percent or more than anyone's losing and
you can find anyone no matter what your
situation is you can always find that
hidden money whether it's a credit card
and their taxes whatever it might be
watching this thinking wall you know I
you know I can't put aside that 15
percent or whatever but there are ways
you just have to be creative and
actually find it right and then so um
one thing I'm gonna ask you you know a
lot of people might wonder okay I'm
putting money aside what should I do
with that month you mentioned blowing it
spending the 3% spending that but the
you know there's stocks there's mutual
funds or so many different options for
people what what would you recommend for
people to you know learn more about what
the deal the first thing is you automate
your savings but you get deliberate and
intentional and strategic with your
investing so don't have your investments
automatically deposit I have your
savings automatically deposit when
there's enough money get really
strategic of how you're going to
allocate that for some people they just
should pay off loans because their loans
are a higher interest rate cost than
they're earning on their investments as
a matter of fact you might even go cash
out some investments and pay off loans
because you'll save a guaranteed return
when you pay off a higher interest rate
than you're earning right so there's
that but the second piece is you learn
your investor DNA we all have our own
kind of abilities we have our own
competencies and what drives us we have
our own values we have our own focus and
instead of diversifying which is usually
like admission that you don't know what
you're doing I'll put some here and
there and hopefully not everything loses
at once diversification is that is kind
of diversification for some people
instead focus on just a few things that
you really understand that you really
would pay attention to anyway and if you
don't know where to invest invest in
yourself and your education and the
discovery of that investor DNA because
keeping your principle is more important
than missing out on an opportunity right
like some people like oh I miss on the
and they invest and then they lose
losses are too - you know it's like
throwing a puppet number one rule don't
lose money
number two refer back to rule number one
so you know I always look at creating
cash flow creating efficiency but build
up your safety and stability because
people that go bankrupt people that get
into financial trouble people to get the
high end straight debt that's because
they didn't have enough liquidity and
we're all in store for financial
surprises in the future we just don't
know what they're gonna be or when
they're gonna happen but if you have
enough safety and look there's just not
a lot of financial people they're gonna
tell you to do that because no one gets
paid a commission on that stuff right
right right but have at least six months
I mean if you have two years even better
and then you're more ready to invest
once you have that happen it's awesome
so I got one more question now I want to
ask fascinated about morning rituals you
know what people do that people they're
successful there's certain things they
do each morning just that allow them to
be successful so what's your morning
ritual I call it the three e's exercise
education and enlightenment as the order
is actually I start with meditation okay
and I mean I think back in 2004 I
started meditating for like 15 seconds a
day right it was fine so now I'm up to
an hour so I meditate and then I'll
either read or listen to something in my
field of expertise or in productivity or
it might even be in you know any area
when it really comes down to depending
on what I'm what I'm reading or
listening to but I always have that
stocked up ready to go and then I write
in my five minute journal so in the five
minute journal I do three things I'm
grateful for great things that would
make it a great day and a declaration
and that's kind of how I how I really
start the day and then exercise then
comes last for me and I don't do it
every day I exercise more like four days
a week and right
awesome man well thank you so much I
think this is gonna help a lot of people
how can people find out more about you
and what you're up to
well I don't know if it's gonna be up
just yet at budgeting sites calm so you
guys should go too well factory calm
about dr. calm and we have some killer
guides on there like how to produce more
cash flow for entrepreneurs how to do
right you know kind of like make sure
that investments right for you and the
right fit we have an investor's
scorecard on there I think we have one
other kind of cool bonus that are all
just kind of free giveaways and you can
really start to get entrenched an idea
of the opposite of budgeting called
cashflow banking or the opposite of
scrimping called value-based spending
which i think gives a lot more freedom
and allow people to really grow awesome
thank you so much I'll throw some those
links below this video all right thanks
man appreciate it
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