
Sunday, May 17, 2020

My 24-Hour Crazy Fat Loss Experiment: How To Lose 5 Pounds Of Fat #Best Education Page #Online Earning

My 24-Hour Crazy Fat Loss Experiment: How To Lose 5 Pounds Of Fat

yo guys what's up I'm creating this
little video for you guys today this
weird little video to share with you a
little experiment that I'm gonna be
doing over the next 24 hours so one of
my goals is I have about 5 pounds of fat
that I want to get off my body it's that
last 5 pounds that I want off and so
what I decided to do is I decided I need
some sort of leverage right and I need
something that's gonna motivate me and
inspire me to actually work my ass off
to get that last 5 pounds off so I
wanted to actually see what five pounds
looks like okay so right here in my hand
in this bag is five pounds of fat okay
called up my friend who's a local
butcher and he hooked me up some fat and
it's pretty heavy check this out that's
pretty damn heavy okay it's disgusting
it's gross and people don't realize you
know we carried around 5 10 15 30 50 a
hundred pounds of fat in our bodies and
it's not real to us a lot of the times
right so I want to actually see what it
looks like I wanted to feel what it
looks like I want to see how disgusting
it is and in my opinion was more
disgusting than actually turning around
five pounds of fat in our body right
that's even more disgusting so I'm gonna
show you what it's looks like just kind
of see how disgusting it is hopefully
you're still watching check this out
alright so this is just right here is
five pounds of waste okay
it's not human fat obviously but it's
fat nonetheless it's disgusting it
smells unbelievably bad
it's sticky slimy and it's pretty damn
gross so this is what the experiment is
finished over the next 24 hours
okay the next 24 hours
I'm gonna be carrying around this bag
okay this bag of fat has come with me
because I want to feel what it feels
like to be carrying around five pounds
of fat extra five pounds of fat that I'm
already carrying around in my body and
hopefully this little engineering
experiment is gonna motivate me and
inspire me towards my ass off to get
that last five pounds off so that's it
that's my experiment I want to share
this video with you guys it's gonna show
you what I'm doing if you want to do the
same awesome great I can I can hook you
up so back
that's basically it all right so this
five-pound bag of fat
just come with me all right thanks for
watching peace

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