
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Real Play Button vs CHINESE CLONE #Helpful Post

Real Play Button vs CHINESE CLONE #Helpful Post

I've Dennis Oman can you get off your
phone for 10 seconds at work geez okay
so this is actually gonna be a lot of
fun we've got a bunch of cool stuff but
the highlight of the show today is our
Chinese knockoff play button it's not
okay well we'll explain more about that
later my first Dennis I wanted to ask
you a question what do you think of our
new Xbox sudden it's a new model or
something I don't really know I don't

play console games this one right here
you wanted to know if that's a new model
what do you think does it look better
than the Xbox one X it means it looks
bigger and I don't know it's like
industrial look and fit the set right
hold older I don't know I don't yeah
that's more like pluck in right so okay
there's a video coming soon I'm just
bugging Dennis it doesn't know anything
about it but we've got a sleeper video
coming really soon
featuring the world's most powerful Xbox
one not to be confused with the Xbox one
which is the Xbox model Oh anyone that's
the original Xbox one yeah from like
2003 or 2002 or yeah so we actually put
a super-powerful PC inside it so it
supports our TX real time ray tracing so
cool yeah so it's pretty cool and it's
like completely stealth from the outside
you'd never know but those those ports
on the front yeah those jacks that's cuz
that Xbox used to require wired
controllers so that was where you
plugged in the controllers but they've
all been swapped out for USB so now we
could plug in ps4 controllers or a new
Xbox controllers or anything we want
okay so it's it's pretty sick anyway
anyway that's not what you people yeah
but you need to see yeah just wait wait
for me I'll be right back Dennis
entertain them entertain them my own
show it's my own live show no well I
miss anymore but no more coding we are
doing a live stream that we are
replacing - for this channel from now on
with you yes so because this is our new
set help hey guys how long should I let
them suffer over there okay I cannot
tell any jokes
how long should I let them just sit
there I mean Dennis you scream you
scream I'm sitting on the couch and
camera pointing on me I mean like you
know what's is usually look like I'm
back I'm back I'm back okay so first I
gotta give a shout-out to our sponsor
memory Express there Victoria location
is now open so their new location has
all the same product selection quality
as their other stores and you can click
the link below in order to learn more
okay so first of all YouTube actually
has a couple of different styles of play
buttons that they've had over the years
so because we've been on YouTube for a
very long time sometimes I marvel at
those how old I am and how old the
platform is these days we have samples
of the different kinds of YouTube play
buttons so this is the original 100,000
subscriber play button notice I grabbed
the yeah cuz I knew you were gonna be
here and that was sort of you know a
thing that you love that's good
so memory yeah Memorial you know even if
people subscribe we're not resurrecting
it these we try okay look the thing
about channel's super fun because we've
had a lot of people ask us to bring it
back is I have already said sure go
ahead make a channel super fun not only
can you do it on work time but you can
even just spend any money that was
brought in by the channel super fun
Adsense completely 100% passed through
channel super fun ad revenue to do
something you say any money like No
Limit did I is maybe not
he said no any money
basically didn't care because we haven't
spent any on channel Superfund and it
still makes like a couple hundred bucks
a month in Adsense or something like
that like it's not insignificant so like
if people wanted to go skydiving or some
crazy crap all they have to do is plan
it and take the money and go and nobody
has done it so it's it's like actually
not my fault at this point can we pan
your car again no no no no okay
so the original the original silver play
button was kind of I don't know it's
what about three or four inches by two
and a half three inches really shiny it
actually looks quite nice it's in a
Vexin photo is relatively cheap but yeah
it's an aluminum aluminum frame proper
glass front and then it's just like it's
a pretty standard frame pretty easy to
mount though it's got like really really
strong mounting hardware here which is
pretty cool pretty robust been in the
last couple of years at some point I
don't remember when they did it but
YouTube ditched the og play button and
brought us this honestly it's it's okay
so this is the one we got for tech
linked I also have a similar one for
Linus cat tips this really makes me
regret not doing the cat tips one a lot
sooner because then they could have had
an OG one for it but whatever yeah oh
it's fine it's got a velvet backing
which is this is nice I guess
touch but one thing that's that kind of
stands out to me about this one is it's
quite a bit cheaper that scratched oh no
it's just a hair oh it fogged it's
really cold in here anyway so it's just
got like a shiny I'm not sure if it's
glass or acrylic so I'm not gonna try to
scratch it cuz then it would get
scratched and then it's just got like a
brushed aluminum piece here and then
this is a veneer so this is just like a
single brushed aluminum piece that goes
on top and then this is just like some
kind of screen printing on here so yeah
I like this one more know what what do I
got more yeah this is more modern and
but look at the the shininess of the
plate is plastic I know well no it
actually is No
might be it might be metal coated people
have actually like broken it down and
tried to figure out the composition of
it before I'm not sure about the silver
one definitely and this is also a mirror
that you can actually make a use of it's
like can look at it
Wow you'd have to be a whole other level
of narcissistic to like dude that's yeah
that's how you use it
okay but you guys aren't here to see
real YouTube play buttons you're here to
see the Chinese clone so he got one of
these I'll explain later how we got it
actually we got it quite a while ago but
it's yeah turn the 18th it's it's taken
us until now to unbox it so Dennis come
come on in come in and close David
Dennis do you want to do the honors yes
this is from Bailey Bailey
don't explain how we got it okay open oh
okay oh so this is my ulterior motive
for inviting you to do the stream with
me okay so you can read it okay sure
okay Linus tech tips
Bailey Billy Billy Billy lately CEO
Billy Billy there's another Billy
billion their CEO really Billy yeah okay
okay so can you read this for me so
first of all you can see two like cheers
yeah I says Kombe like Cheers
okay drink beers them okay so we have we
reach 100,000 fans that's a hundred
thousand fans sure achievement okay okay
so Lana's take to achievement that's you
have to write all that crap for
achievement reach achievement Richard
told ya okay so that's it thank you for
creating the contents all the way along
along the way if I only imbue you have
reached ten hundred thousand followers
right because the way it works in
Chinese is it's yeah ten thousands right
is that right yes ten this another word
for ten thousand so bad but ten ten
thousand yes
in dozens yeah okay this is 100,000 yeah
every day right this is the so this is
something that were for you is that
milestone is that big milestone yeah my
stone really happy to see you your your
your project have been recognized by a
lot of followers okay cool
a lot of them have become your silicon
friends in your in the online world
silicon France in significant
significant friends yeah okay meanwhile
I probably couldn't communicate with a
single one of them if I met them on the
street but yeah that's the beauty of all
mine right yeah are people watching this
cool eighty point oh wow so the no
pressure witness but like your
translation okay I know I'm released
yeah multiple ten thousands of people oh
my god okay okay this look like an
English English test for me
initially this is me in real-time it
just okay cuz you know I can replace you
with Google okay because our because of
your consistent hard work hard work yes
how work and never like with never
giving things are you have create your
own little world on buoys at the
meantime this is jinx yes is she to
chant and you know that actually doesn't
help me very much
okay the Chinese is very different than
my Chinese it's a great thing the great
thing about this is I actually know how
hard it is to translate in real time I
attended a like some kind of like
learning professional development
something thing with my mom back when
she was a teacher and she's hard of
hearing and has trouble with conventions
and like presentations in particular
because the audio solution means that a
lot of the time the synchronization
between the lips and the audio is not
quite perfect so I had to sit up at the
front and translate to sign language
what they were saying and I am like
barely functional like Khan I was at my
best I was barely conversational fluent
in in sign language and like at the end
of those two days each day I just would
go back to the hotel room just lie down
and sleep
absolutely one of the most mentally
fatiguing things you can do like there's
a reason that by law translators have to
be swapped out every I forget how often
it is but it's like shockingly fast
because the the tax it is on your brain
is like it's really different from
almost any other kind of work so I'm I'm
giving them a really hard time but it's
actually doing a great job okay so
there's no saying you're a very powerful
creator in this area a lot of new new
users coming to sure share your content
okay because they love your not your
artwork and create a new world and okay
okay so right
yeah as people well if there was exit
I'd be able to find that too because
it's on that exit
yeah we believe that you have your
passion to constant them consistently
putting out your hard word to what you
love is a is a treasure in your life I
hope you can maintain your passion in
Billy Billy and create unlimited
possibilities so that's it that's our
letter from the Billy Billy
CEO now what's this ma'am I don't know I
can't read a signature in Chinese I
can't return English there's no there's
no I yeah there's no that printed just
yeah so okay yeah you do the owners
Dennis this wouldn't happen without you
it's really cool I don't think it could
be more Asian if they tried yeah
adorable it's a TV
it's so cute on TV I know what rabbit
ears on a thing means it is let's have a
look at it Wow look at that
oh you can they have signed it - yeah I
have like a stand here and you can put
it this - sure that's pretty cool you
can also hang it on the wall it has a
couple of like nail hooks on the back
it's velvet on the back your favorite oh
yeah you can touch it so you can just
take this off with the four screws and
then you can hang it on the wall like
that this is acrylic actually that's an
interesting pretty good so you can see
like they have a lot of comments here
okay are those comments like from our
channel you think no I think they just
it just for this plate okay I don't
really understand some of them okay but
yeah some of them like this like Oh
absent is 3000 times is like not
original I'd like to do is not very
original no I'm probably asking you're
turning off with three dots in time okay
up something something Jay call I don't
really know I don't really understand
what about this one with Billy Billy and
this Cheers
Billy Billy this is like a face emoji
yeah I know I know the face this isn't
some things are universal this is what
this is a some keep give you my knees
like T monitor that means like now we're
gonna be demonetized
on YouTube and Billy Billy we
is this give up my niece's so that means
I give you my niece that means like okay
I'm like kneeling down for you
oh okay so it means like it's like
that's warmer it's like it's like a text
bout yeah uh pow pow okay oh no power
like this like New York not like no down
now powers like that no that's like I
don't understand what you're doing oh my
knees for you is that what it says yes
yes your knees for you yeah actually
that's what it means yes but not like
what you're thinking but I'm thinking I
would never regret that join Billy Bowie
desire yes so um so yeah they've gone
like a very shadowbox kind of looking
style kind of like the old YouTube one
it's quite a bit bigger which I actually
like because I've always felt like that
the silver play baton was like kind of a
saving on shipping cosplay but I mean I
guess YouTube had to kind of see it
coming that they were gonna ship
literally hundreds of thousands of these
things at some point so you gotta kind
of control you control the
ridiculousness of your spend there
honestly I really the one thing that
really stands out to me about it
compared to the YouTube one actually
either the YouTube ones is that instead
of just going with a cheap like screen
printing finish both on the glass of the
original one and on the metal top or on
the metal front of the of the new one
they've actually got like a textured
like it's it's an etched kind of
embossed font here and then there's
actually a like a shiny silver ink
that's uh that's filled in on the Linus
tech tips what does this actually say
congratulation you have reached 100,000
followers fans okay and then on their
logo as well like the thing actually
looks really sharp and even up here you
can tell that what they've done is this
is like a
translucent MACT peace and then they've
like itched away a top layer like it's a
really cool kind of printing that it
looks like they've done on here I wonder
if you could even back light this thing
that's why I'm thinking I thought you
don't like it no I think you could cuz
look if you look through the hole here
it's a little bit trouble you said why
don't you put it behind the slate oh
that little M yeah oh here here is
that's here yeah yeah if you take this
thing so we would have to take it apart
we'd have to put some kind of diffusion
layer and then we just have to put some
kind of lighting in there we could
totally backlight it you can also G a
bit well yeah obviously I thought that
without the same 1000 percent RGB okay
so so yeah oh so come on in and let's
let's kind of talk about what happened
so I had said but this is something that
wouldn't have happened without Dennis
and as much as the title of this video
made it sound like we just bought like a
like a Chinese clone of a YouTube play
button as you guys might have picked up
on at some point here either if you've
heard of Billy Billy before or you went
in googled it or just from our tone this
is a real video platform that we
actually do upload our videos to and we
actually did just reach a hundred
thousand subscribers and for us this is
kind of a big deal because this is on a
Chinese language video platform that
without the hard work of our translation
team yeah coordinate yeah huge shout out
we have like a team of 54 people that
day yeah I do a contract but they but
they do a lot of how work like a lot of
videos that we don't have script and
like vlog like 20 minutes they have to
like work on it and get it released we
after that wearisome focus trying to
sing that with YouTube but a lot of
videos are really hard to translate but
they did a fantastic
job so good job our team and yeah and
right now this is 100 right now we have
400,000 oh really subscribers are we
actually growing pretty fast right now
let me see I actually stole numbers oh
that's kind of crazy so we have four
hundred and nine thousand like fans
followers and we have we have over 60
millions play that's not bad actually
that's pretty cool I don't pay that
close attention to it so like I said
this really wouldn't happen without
Dennis's hardwork coordinating it and
without the translation team we do
obviously like pay money so I guess I
can tribute that to it and it's all the
original LTTE videos but I guess this
raises the question why do people need
to watch on Billy Billy comm instead of
just watching on YouTube we have Chinese
subtitles because this platform you also
has different kind of function that
YouTube doesn't have you can comment on
the timecode that so the common good pop
on the screen that people they trans
people usually do that absolutely that's
kind of cool you can turn it on and off
right yeah the comments floating by on
the screen but then what will happen is
if someone comments on a particular part
of the video then at that moment in the
video the comments will scroll by on the
screen so it's kind of like a highly
engaging way to to do to leave comments
so there could be like no comments for a
while and then like a really funny
moment happens and it's like wow that's
like what everyone else thought about it
which is kind of kind of cool kind of
also that because I was subtitle who
burned into the video so that we can
change the fonts easier to read on
subtitles okay yeah yeah that's
basically it and of course the elephant
in the room yeah that there's no access
to YouTube in China yeah so right now
because of the the complicated nature of
getting money out of the People's
Republic of China
wait the PRC that's like mainland China
right people Republic of China is that
right yeah yes okay okay so because of
the complicated nature of that even
though Billy Billy actually does have
an Adsense like program we can't be
eligible for it because the money would
have to go to someone who actually lives
in China which creates a bunch of
Taxation complications for them because
they would then have to forward it to us
but like how like it's it's really
complicated and there would be no way
for us to claim ownership of it so if we
just set it up so it went to someone
then they could just take it not not
that we don't trust like the members of
our translation team it's just that
that's it's not that's not a good way of
doing business so we don't actually make
any money on it at all but this was just
a decision that we made like a couple
years ago I think 2016 2016 just to hey
we need to have some kind of a presence
in China people in China like if they
want to watch Linus tech tips they needs
time away not just on this platform we
also have our China on egg fun you can
you can you can no two doors Costco to
dal we killed yeah yeah this is the one
that honestly has been the most success
this this one's the biggest one like in
China online video is really different
in China like a lot of those bigger
sites it's not so much indie creators
like like us like we'd be considered
indie it's more like like like actual
shows and stuff that people are just
watching online and even Billy Billy the
foot there's a funny story behind the
start of what we were doing there so
Billy Billy was more like a pirate site
so actually the reason it was brought to
our attention was that the translation
group some of the early members were
pirating our videos translating them for
nothing just out of passion for
technology and wanting to share our
videos with people in China and
uploading them to Billy Billy and we
were like yo WTF you actually can't do
that and they were like oh sorry we just
wanted to help and we were like oh okay
so now we actually contract yeah to do
it officially so so that was that was
really cool that's something we started
working on a couple years ago and this
is just it's an exciting milestone it's
something that a lot of thought a lot of
you probably didn't know that Dennis
died was here yes I do think this on
camera like personality where it's like
Oh Dennis he's just he's just stupid and
he doesn't know what he's doing and he
trips on things are like whatever I do
but this actually does a lot of stuff
here so he's our primary editor for fast
as possible he actually edits a lot of
tech linked now like 95% though yeah he
does he coordinates the Chinese
translation team he does shooting for us
so sometimes if we have to go somewhere
particularly Chinese speaking I will
prefer to take Dennis with me because
you know when we did for example the the
gaming high school yeah and Taiwan
Dennis arranged all of that like
start-to-finish contacted the the people
there arranged the shoot day shot it
edited it did the thumbnail for I didn't
think the thumbnail was great anyway
the gaming hotel did really well that
was another Dennis initiative so yeah
here's a little award maybe we should
argue be back light it and put it up in
like the gaming lounge or some yeah cuz
honestly okay you're gonna have to let
us know in the comments guys I think it
looks better than either of the YouTube
ones it has so much more character like
this feels so sterile to me and this one
has always looked kind of small and
cheap to me whereas this like really it
feels ok don't break it oh that's
already dead yeah so don't you don't
have to be on its grave sure should we
should we do a couple Super chats or
something I actually don't even have my
laptop here to talk with you guys have
people been super chatting yet okay oh
sorry you guys I don't even I don't even
think there's a way for me to access
them on mobile there's so many things on
YouTube that are just like YouTube's
amazing the technology that they have
for vaad online is I don't know if
anyone will ever catch them but there's
stuff that's just like kind of basic
that I don't have like four stories for
example there's I have no stats for the
whatsoever I have no analytics for them
I can't access them in the in the
creator studio app or anything like that
like it's just there it's just not in
here yeah I could I could go over there
and read a couple or like I thought I
had my laptop over here David you want
to just follow us over here like now
look Dennis does lighting - yeah a plus
ten out of ten lighting okay so it's not
entirely an on camera like I mean
there's an element of Dennis being kind
of a klutz sometimes okay so what have
we got
Ivan tek-tips is king now apparently
Dennis needs a weekly live show
nice Dennis isn't fired Dennis was never
no we've never even joked about known as
being fired you're thinking of Colton
yeah can you quit it with the artsy
aspect ratios on your videos 18 by 9 is
probably here to stay I don't know if
you are familiar with this but tech
linked is still sixteen by nine right
yeah and if that this still sixteen by
nine okay but LTT is probably gonna stay
18 by 9 a lot of our viewership is
mobile you guys and mobile phones are
moving to that wider aspect ratio
personally I'd really like to see TVs
available in a wider aspect ratio I've
pitched my case to the TV manufacturers
that I sort of have the ear and we'll
see what happens but especially with how
many movies are shot in a wider aspect
ratio I think that's an obvious next
step Hank says here's five-year host for
super fun Oh get your own car painted
your car's kind of a piece of junk to my
that's fine where's my Civic too but
it's what your doesn't eight yeah looks
like it has a lot of rust on it no it's
okay it runs yeah Selenia says finally
off work in time for an ltte stream yeah
we were late today that's why that
happened i kevin says if you still have
the old Civic I'll buy it from you I do
endurance racing for beaters okay that
might actually be fun I think we have a
plan for it we were gonna run over it
with a tank but then that died so maybe
we're doing something else I don't know
we'll see um maybe we got here my
company has been trying to get a hold of
you guys respond sir
Watson can't get a reply well you kind
of sponsored us now
thanks for the 20 British pounds that's
if you didn't get a reply from the email
that's listed on our channel they're
supposed to reply to everyone but if
they're not interested sometimes they
forget so that might be what happened
with the sales team total gamer says
Linus you and your crew deserve a coffee
break open your wallet and help them out
hey look I paid them every class they
buy is opening my wallet I'm just saying
not that that's you know the beyond and
they'll actually we even have free
coffee in the kitchen yeah yeah and we I
already pay more your coffee Andrew says
come join floatplane showers or birds
means cheeky lines that's a weird
comment I don't understand your comment
Beautif your life Linus says Jule Spice
Girls no no I'm gonna see the Backstreet
Boys although I would totally go see the
Spice Girls if they came to town that
that would be a thing okay they seem to
be a repeat dennis is the coffee break
guy just sending us like I love you too
nice to just over and over and over
no I yeah I think so we're what the heck
a couple gamer maybe is maximum yo what
was the thing you used before Flo
playing oh this is chicken nugget style
I almost wore my vessel shirt today but
then I didn't it was called vessel it's
demo why are you guys charging so much
for shipping from the LTTE story that's
because shipping from Canada is actually
really expensive especially tracked
shipping we are working on a solution
but it will take time I think that
especially people who live in Hong Kong
or the UK sort of take for granted that
you can have cheap worldwide shipping
with a tracking number for like a few
bucks that is not a thing here Canada
Post is not subsidized in any way so
it's just really really expensive like
you have to pay for the fraction of a
plane ticket that your package would
have taken up the seat of like it's
ridiculous so that is our cost um Justin
says when was your love of computers
I don't know around the same time I was
magnet says I want the new t-shirt
design as a sticker that's probably
worth investigating but we're working on
boxers first do you believe someone said
be replete Cheers Oh Peter Phu alright
so that's it guys thanks for tuning in
to the stream thanks Dennis for helping
me co-host yay oh and thanks to our
sponsor pulse way who's talking points I
have on my phone over there ha ha yay
you're tethered you're tethered David be
careful Paul's way is a remote
management system for servers computers
really any machine you have it's
compatible with Windows Mac Linux and
applications and we use it for all kinds
of cool stuff for example I get a pulse
Li notification any time one of our
servers goes over a threshold that I set
for a disk space so that I can
screenshot it and forward it to Ed and
be like hey yo why haven't you why
haven't you moved some videos over to
the vault
you can monitor yeah I know the vaults
broken right now we're working on it
so that's why you haven't heard from me
about it lately ok it's not that it's
not bull our servers are all fall it's
bad it's a bad scene
they're both all full and awful for
those of you who misheard me the first
time anyway so you can use it to monitor
all kinds of aspects of system health
you can set up all kinds of great like
notifications and and warnings you can
fix problems on the go by sending
commands from any mobile device you can
deploy custom scripts to automate your
IT tasks you can scan install and update
your systems on the go it's got remote
desktop functionality it's basically
awesome so go over to pulse wave comm
we're gonna have that linked in the
video description and give it a try it's
really really cool
so thanks Dennis for co-hosting thanks
for keeping it happening do they do a
gold play button I don't know so that
would be the next cool right we reach 1
million well hopefully yeah I would
think I mean if they're gonna copy
YouTube and might as well copy all the
way right so yeah should we do another
stream when we get our gold play button
ok so there you go I'm not promising a
weekly Dennis live show but I will
promise that Dennis and I will be back
when we have a million followers on
Billy Billy with our gold chinese clone
play button or you can go subscribe on
Beuys yeah you could do that if you
understood I mean the audio is still
English yeah yeah so I need to find us
all right you know follows that stuff
yeah okay go ahead and kill it at
 it's when show time again everyone
I've been having a lot of fun we
actually just shot a crazy video so man
it's not gonna be up for a while and I
hate teasing stuff that's gonna be a
really long time actually we shot two
crazy videos today have you seen the
sleeper Xbox I have not but I've seen
it's amazing the finalized video though
it's amazing the power led is RGB that's
pretty cool one like not obvious thing
about it yeah yeah yeah the front ports
have been changed out for USB and work
cool yeah they were circle yeah so you
can plug controllers into it man like go
full retro if you want but it also has a
wireless Xbox controller adapter okay
and it's got an RT X 27 T in it mmm with
a six core processor so it's like nice
powerful that's cool it's I've always
really liked something like that console
mods have always been cool and it's
probably the best done like it's it's
the most well equipped mod we've done
yet so we actually ended up getting a
metal break like just for this it was
like $700 or something like oh yeah got
like a big metal break so that we could
make the like the metal tray that goes
into the plastic chassis Wow
yeah so that's fancy alex is getting all
kinds of cool equipment over the next
day and we're gonna do some very cool
videos but no the one that I was just
doing was um you know those mining cards
you mean the bender it's called a metal
Brad yeah yeah they like you you put the
thing in the new why does it call the
metal break isn't it a bender
cool all right I was confused for a
second then I was like wait no yeah I
saw that I saw him doing it not my
all I see is the invoice all the Brasher
yeah I believe you I just yeah I don't
know but the one we just did was on
those those mining GPUs that don't have
any outputs and our driver a lot so that
they can't be used for gaming okay yeah
did you do something did you flash it
ah you hacked very fun that's cool
so we didn't actually looks like is that
okay is this like two videos and one
then it's no it's just one video okay
cuz um but you convert a card to work
for gaming yeah in that video
yeah it's that's a packed video it's
cheap it's really cheap it's like super
cheap anyway we're not recommending it
fire selling stay tuned stay tuned watch
the video it sounds like a very do not
recommend but a very fun project of the
same it was fun yeah um so we've got a
few kind of big stories for you guys
um four planes busy talking about
whether or not I have a dent in my head
that's fun I do in fact but I'm not
going to tell you why do you yeah
it's less obvious but it's here give me
your finger I see yours yeah but it's
right here oh yeah yeah it's pretty
pretty denting here there you go yeah we
have dents in our head it's it runs from
here but it's like much shallower here
so it's less all good yeah all the way
back to about here okay yeah I think
it's actually from hitting my head mine
is too
I'm not sure though okay cuz I didn't ok
well that's very sure about mine okay
so what I did was I was running around I
must have been about I must have been I
wasn't school-aged yet it's my one
memory from before school okay
so that would lead me to think that I
probably tell me yours first though okay
I don't know exact age I'm guessing
three or four my mom's in the doctor's
office yeah I'm chilling with her in the
doctor's office fortunately you were in
a doctor's I know exact that's this is
like the best part about the whole story
I'm sitting on a chair and I both I
can't show the stream that's but I both
my hands grabbing the edge of the chair
yeah and I'm just kind of like dude to
do and I just don't walk too far no I
just went too far and just I'm so I'm
probably like two or three so I just
don't catch myself doctor he just picks
me up puts me on the table stitch back
I guess you're good to go way later down
the line we figured I have like this
yeah give it crack kind of thing in my
skull but it's fine so sounds good cool
yeah so
I was playing uh chase me daddy game boy
and I was in socks and there was a
hardwood floor involved and so my dad
was renovating our house for the
umpteenth bazillion of time and doing it
and so you know everything was always
kind of in a state of semi-finished in
the house that I grew up in and anyway I
go so I go whipping around a corner my
legs go out and he had just removed the
door that I was running through and the
hinge was still so as far as I can tell
the angle of it lines up such that I I
smoked the exposed like the cylinder
hinge cylinder and so it actually didn't
break the skin
I didn't bleed but I hit my head really
hard holy cow I'm like I still remember
how upset I was yeah and like that
feeling that was probably the first time
in my life that I was really I have no
control right now whatever happens is
gonna happen and I hurt myself a lot
like that wasn't the sensation that I
like it's more of an emotional memory
that I'm sorry hurts me yeah I was going
full bore like I was only like three or
four or whatever but I was like going
God so there you have it guys you're
getting the news today from people who
have this is pre like people knowing
about her caring about concussions yeah
but we both are DHS dented heads yeah
yeah I was just I was picking up what
you were throwing down right there the
connection makes a little more sense um
so we've got an X data breach update for
you guys yes also flow plane has a
competitor we're gonna be talking about
that and other floatplane news what else
are we going on there's a migration
that's still going on well it's time for
them more later okay let's go ahead and
roll the intro

oops I clicked the wrong thing well that
ship has sailed down I guess we won't be
showing the sponsor logos after the
intro anymore alright so what do we want
to do first do we want to get right into
the NCIX data breach update I want to
drop a migration thingy early
I'm not gonna get into I'm just gonna do
a quick thing like you can tell where he
actually works so as a lot of you but
apparently not everyone know we are
migrating payments from Lana tech tips
calm to Oakland calm for flow plane
subscriptions if you have a floatplane
subscription check out on the forum
there's a banner at the top of the forum
explaining everything or if for some
reason you don't see that you can go to
the ltte official forum and then in
there there's a pinned post talking
about the migration you cancel your sub
and move over to flow plan calm
I'll keep it nice and short and go with
that if you cancel your subscription on
the forum this is something a lot of
people seem to be confused about if you
cancel your subscription on the forum
you don't lose access to your sign-in
option based account on full plane comm
your account is still linked
everything's fine it's just a sign-in
option it's not tied to your
subscription being on Form it's just a
option everything's cool you can
still log in you're fine and by the way
if you want to convert that sign an
option account to a full account just
sign in with the forum go to your
account go to settings reset your
password and then now it's a full
account or a sign-in option account
they're both great there you go more
information on the forum huzzah now do
you want to talk about the NCIS rage so
this was posted by Rima gonne the forum
the original article is from the c b:c
court blocks actually we should do some
background here first so for the
uninitiated I used to work at a Canadian
computer retailer called NCIX
um as did as did I sort of sort of yeah
yours was a little more ya applicated
like they didn't even they didn't even
try to retain you like when there was a
situation where I was trying to take
someone else with me for founding Linus
Media Group and they were like no if
you're gonna take that person you're
gonna get nothing and with Luke
just like sure does he even work here
technically not well sir I was a
contractor it wasn't even an employee
same with that yeah they just gave zero
apps about you guys like see that's the
they don't even recognize some of their
best talent they're just like let it
walk out the front door and then they
tried to restart the channel afterwards
but they let us go which was like okay
anyway anyway so I used to work at once
if you're not familiar with NCIX they
were kind of like Canadian Newegg and
Canadian Micro Center but because
they're Canadian they were just like
smaller and crappier in every way than
either of companies
I'm not crappier in every way the Newegg
they've done some pretty they've done
some interesting there's some
interesting stuff that's happened over
there actually you know what and I don't
know anything about Micro Center you
know what they were smaller that's all
I'll say
anywho they went out of business over II
was over a year ago holy crap
like late last year and in the course of
going out of business it became even
more apparent to those of us who had
worked there and I guess became apparent
to the people who didn't work there how
poorly run certain aspects of the
business were and one particular aspect
of the business that was in shockingly
poorly run as it came to light was its
data security and its management of
private information yeah so there was a
leak that came to light I don't I don't
remember so I'm not gonna guess but it
came to light sometime after the company
announced its closure and the bankruptcy
auction which I actually attended that
was really it was both kind of he was
both interesting and like kind of
emotional it was interesting you can
check out the video there's actually two
parts but after the bankruptcy auction
it emerged that some of the servers
which I had actually raised questions
about in my video not the server
specifically but the mountains of
customer data that were just sitting
there on pallets on the auction floor
they weren't for sale there wasn't a lot
number on them but like it was just
there nothing would have prevented me
from sitting there and opening
box of invoices and looking through and
just reading people's addresses and
phone numbers it's like it was right
there and so it really came to light
that the handling of private data and
this whole endeavor was not being done
very well and one of the things that a
lot of people wondered about is what
about the servers cuz NCI X's servers
were on they used it started using AWS
about three years before we went down I
guess but I think it was mostly as a
load balancing or like traffic spike
it's the word I'm looking for mitigation
strategy so the site itself was for the
most part hosted out of servers in the
warehouse itself yeah so that means that
all the user data any authentication
that they were doing it was all handled
in-house and to put this in perspective
when I started and it wasn't quite this
bad by the time I left but when I
started the server room was quite
literally those I don't think you ever
saw this those metal wire like racks
that you get at Costco or whatever with
old towers like like full of old towers
like 30 plus 40 plus old towers many of
them just running like Doran's
that was literally what ran the NCIX
website back in that must have been
around 2012 no no no no because LEDs
been around for six years holy crap I
gotta sell AJ on doing that what have
been around six years before that so
save some money on infrastructure would
have been like 2005 2005 2006 that era
that was already unacceptable like even
then yeah so anyway what happened was
the servers showed up in a Craigslist ad
so it turned out that the story as far
as I've been able to follow along with
is that the auctioneer sold the servers
as physical Hardware without any due
diligence having been done either by
or its bankruptcy trustee or the
auctioneer actually there
three parties here that didn't do any
due diligence as far as I can tell we're
sold just as Hardware without actually
wiping them yeah because the so the
landlord was frustrated because
apparently they didn't get paid for some
amount of months or whatever so they
were trying to fire sell stuff to get
money back that's why there was the
auction so the landlord didn't care and
they were just like dude so the landlord
was arranging I think the landlord
servers I think the landlord sold the
server okay okay so there's yet another
issue here Wow there if you want a
really really good recount of the
history of how all this kind of stuff
came together there's privacy fly comm
slash articles /nc X underscore breach
or just Google privacy fly NC x breach
but basically what happened was the
servers however the person got them
showed up for sale on Craigslist not as
servers but as specifically servers with
credit card information address
information names phone numbers Social
Insurance numbers which is the Canadian
equivalent of a social security number a
number that you unless you're under
witness protection like cannot change in
your life and is the kind of thing that
is required like an employer has to
collect it in order to create the t4
which is our like annual tax form and
all that kind of stuff to make sure that
people aren't working illegally like
this is actually very important
information for identity thieves to get
their hands on and they were
specifically selling either I think it
was like partial the data or all the
data or the servers with the data if you
didn't want the data getting out to
anyone else and it has been confirmed
that that data even though the police
did raid the guy and confiscate the
servers oh its own it has been confirmed
that that data is out there so anyone
who shopped at NCIX or especially worked
there because they have even more
information about you yeah I mean yeah
and her yeah and other her and tons of
other people and
it doesn't matter anyway the point is
our data is out there so you have to
make sure that you're doing everything
you can to protect it which I've taken
all the sort of usual steps and I'm not
going to talk too much about what I've
done by don't it's done luckily I was
somewhat more protected than you were
although not as protected as a customer
was because I was also a customer
because contractor has some barriers
compared to employees and my side is not
as screwed on so the inference is just
on there a lot of it was unencrypted I
actually got an apology note encrypted
saying you know I did everything I could
and sorry I kind of said ok what did
they do
I don't know if I can tell nothing not
enough I have tried nothing and I'm all
out of ideas
dban is really hard the thing that kind
of baffles me about all of this really
ok so the thing with a bankruptcy
trustee is that they'll come in like
unexpectedly so that you won't have a
chance to like you know walk out of the
office with a bunch of GTX whatever's
you know to just flip on Craigslist
after the fact like that's a thing that
there's someone in lock the doors but
like and snacks must have known that it
was closed like if I knew that sometime
in the next month I've already let all
of the staff go sometime in the next
month or so you know that might be the
time to kind of like encrypts and drives
yeah I'm not saying delete everything
like like pour gasoline on it and light
it on fire I'm saying maybe at least in
credit or pour gasoline on and land on
fire or that or dban it depends really
easy Derek's new thing is like there was
a whole thing where the original owner
slash trustee had a disagreement about
who owned the IP of like the actual
platform on which the site was built
because it was like sort of a separate
company blah blah Blee tried to buy it
at one point yeah anyway one of the
things that they disagreed who owned was
the actual customer data and that was
something they were actually trying to
sell so they didn't want to just light
it on fire okay but you
can anyway I'm gonna jump in and say one
quick thing about the landlord thing
apparently n2x is previous landlord a
bit was owed about $150,000 in past due
rent now and they had abandoned the
hardware there
the landlord decided to try to recover
some of the money at the abandoned
warehouse so they worked with someone
named Jeff in exchange for trying to
recover some of the money he was able to
copy the source code and database
because he claimed it was to help his
development team on a project so he got
the source code for the web site and all
the database information and all the
servers because he was given them in
order to try to sell them so then he
just copied all the data off him okay so
cool that's really great
right sorry Nick I will get to you in
one second here we're just cut we're
getting through this like very heavy
topic here yes yeah
no one probably wants it anyway it's
probably not worth it okay ah shoot I
forget where I was gonna go with this
but anyway so this whole thing happened
a lot of people were really mad and so
there was a proposed class-action suit
yeah about that where people were like
they were mad I mean that's how
class-action suits against land and
people's like full customer information
including full address and credit card
number and everything and employees like
very important information was all
leased this will cause financial damage
yes in some form will yeah or probably
has already yeah so they were alleging
that there is a massive personal data
breach and that they should be
compensated in some way but the ruling
on it so far is that the class action
will not be allowed to proceed against
the trustee for the bankrupt NCIX
and that is the Bolar group other
defendants included NC axis landlord
this is the really confusing thing I
don't know how NC acts managed to owe
their landlord so much because they
actually owned that building up until
the fire sale leading up to NCIX
ultimately dissolving so they couldn't
have been owing their landlord that much
because they wouldn't have been paying
rent until the ownership of the building
actually changed now that's more common
than you would think a company selling
the building that it occupies no I erase
I understand that part I don't
understand that like this I am they had
a lot of building space but it still
shouldn't have been a hundred and fifty
grand I don't they do not a lot of
building space though in a pretty high
desirable well I can tell I can tell you
based on what I know about commercial
lease rates which I know a thing or two
about I can tell you that that building
probably cost in the neighborhood of
forty plus thousand dollars a month to
lease so it could have been three months
yeah so okay maybe it's not that
unbelievable maybe they literally never
paid them after they saw the building
that could have happened they could have
sold the building and never paid back yo
we just gave you like thirteen million
dollars we know you have the money like
what a complicated relationship that is
yeah um okay so the potential defendants
for the Bowa group the trustee NCIX is
landlord and the company responsible for
auctioning off the computer firms old
equipment so the plaintiff former NCIX
customer Warner Kipling says he gave the
company his name address and debit and
credit card details and claims the firm
failed to properly encrypt that
information and the personal data of at
least a quarter million people the thing
that irks me on this part is they didn't
even it doesn't even seem like they
tried like it's not like they had a
security system in place and there was a
failure or a breach it was like they had
unencrypted data and they gave it away
so because NCIX is bankrupt the claim
against it was state automatically what
money there's no money now it's possible
to sue the trustee but only with the
express leave of the court this extra
step is necessary to protect officers of
the court including trustees from
baseless frivolous or vexatious lawsuits
which was either which would otherwise
interfere with the due administration of
the bankruptcy estate so supreme court
master described the plaintiff's
evidence as inherently unreliable and as
bear allegations not supported by fact
the plaintiff has not satisfied even the
relatively low threshold required to
justify the court exercising its
discretion in favor of leave she said
that there simply wasn't enough
admissible evidence to allow the claim
to proceed so here's the evidence Morna
submitted an affidavit swearing his
belief that customer databases were
mishandled during bankruptcy proceedings
under the supervision of the trustee
there was a post on the cyber cyber
security website privacy fly by Travis
turning during excuse me and he alleged
he'd seen customers financial
information and the personal tax details
of former NCIX employees anyway if I
during filed an affidavit not affidavit
on behalf of Warner but it is very
difficult to extract any admissible and
reliable evidence from that document
there's information taken from blog
posts and YouTube videos created by two
people who said they attended the NCIX
equipment auction
however warned and did not obtain legal
affidavits from those two people so the
response is that it's inherently
inherently unreliable and amounts to
double hearsay Richmond RCMP opened an
investigation into the breach in
September but that ended without police
recommending any charges and basically
people's privacy has been compromised
but there's really the biggest problem I
have no other chase is what's this
essentially opened a door for any I
guess Canadian company in the future to
just willfully sell em any data they
now that's deficient illegal has not
been set for that being okay
they just haven't allowed this case to
move forward okay so if you do it even
slightly under the table you're almost
certainly fine unless that is so if the
data could actually don't recommend
anything I'm just saying like they got
away with it pretty if if Warner here
had the data set and went I obtained
this illegally here it is I mean a that
might put him at all no trouble problem
but anyway that wouldn't be double
hearsay that would be here's the actual
data that would be more difficult to
ignore yeah so we can't say that under
different circumstances this might not
have gone differently but what we do to
at least seize the servers as far as I
know yeah
I don't know if they had been wiped
already though I don't think we've
gotten any further update on that but
the point is a lot of people's data is
out there and we should all be really
careful about who we give our data to
because in the
that that entity disappears there's
absolutely nothing that can really be
done to this is a part of the reason
gdpr is a thing on actually you know the
subject of people who are not
necessarily working in your best
interests having control of your data
ties into a lot of the reason for that
potential floatplane
I think competitors probably the wrong
word but potential alternative video
platform that is also being worked on in
the same space being created yeah but
first I will let Nick jump in with
whatever it is that he needs I'm sorry
Nick you were standing there for a while
my angel bird should be here I think
it's been here for a long time I don't
know where it is theoretically it's not
in my office I think it was given to an
editor like over two years ago and never
returned so I have no idea where it is
it's it's not gonna be found so in other
news what are they called again yeah
they don't have a name is it no they
don't aim for it okay there's there's
multiple sections where they talk about
I think that video is probably the most
direct in terms of talking about it let
me see if I can find this I wouldn't
play it no I'm not going to I don't want
like yeah yeah basically though here's
the page so Jordan Peterson certainly a
polarizing figure uploaded a video
called goodbye to patreon on January 1st
2019 so this was three days ago and
basically the summary is that well
there's a lot of stuff in there that I'm
not gonna unpack on this show but the
summary is that right now the position
that PayPal MasterCard Visa the the main
one that I know of is MasterCard yeah
and the like but well it's that the
processors yeah is one of such power
that it has the potential to cause
enormous problems
for freedom of expression and that is
something that we have actually been
discussing already because of what's
been going on over at patreon and we
have already been working on our own
contingency plans for for a floatplane
yeah but in a nutshell what happened was
a couple of again I'm just gonna call
them polarizing figures because that's
the easiest most neutral way that I can
go about this and that really is our
position Switzerland yeah a couple of
polarizing figures were recently Bend
from patreon removed from the platform
forcibly in some cases over actions that
they had taken that were not actually
even on the patreon platform yeah
patreon is position in all of this has
been that we're sorry this has to happen
but it has to happen because at the end
of the day if MasterCard doesn't like
something that you said over there and
tells us if we allow money to be
funneled to you then they're just gonna
pull the ability for us to accept
mastercard money outright from the site
which would hurt thousands tens of
thousands of other creators then we just
are gonna have to kick you off to throw
patreon a ball here they're in a really
rough spot MasterCard and payment
processors or whoever put them in a very
very awkward position where they are
being effectively forced to play moral
police in a way that I don't think was
ever really in their vision um you know
patreon has certainly drawn lines in the
sand for what type of content they allow
on their platform but this was not one
that they had traditionally drawn and
they are putting in a position where
they are not even the ones who are able
to dictate what's on their platform and
it's not even about what's on their
platform because in at least one of
these cases the infraction so to speak
took place off platform of patreon so it
was just a particular individual that
had been specifically targeted by the
payment processor someone saying here
correction in
interview someone Jaclyn Smith I don't
know who that is said it was completely
patreon I don't know okay I don't know
so we do know from our own dealings with
payment processors that that doesn't
seem that likely yeah yep
I don't think we should go way too deep
into that now the payment processors are
very it is it is shocking how many
arbitrary lines in the sand appear to be
drawn so on the one hand I can pull my
visa out of my pocket in a convenience
store and I can buy a porno mag on the
other hand if I am an online business
then being able to accept money from
that payment processor for unauthorized
content which isn't clearly documented
anywhere could all of a sudden be a big
no-no fly yeah we don't have a clear
answer because they don't answer those
kinds of questions so we we understand
the position that people are in and as
we've alluded to before we have our own
mitigation strategies that we are
already working on yeah but basically I
guess that's just the news that
alternative video platforms with
potentially millions of dollars of
fundings so I think you had said that
he's kind of alluded to a project he's
talking about working on a so in this
video he talks about how they they were
originally planning on going online with
their alternative on January 15th which
would if you can even assume remotely
how much work would have to go into
something like this if it's gonna have a
chance of not being blown out of the
water in terms of costs from stuff like
AWS it's gonna take a little while to
build so I assume they've been working
on something for a while my vibe from
this video was a little different from
yours though like it sounds pretty early
stages they did they did however say
that they're pulling back and they're
not actually launching on the 15th but
regardless they somewhat like they're
launching very soon I hope for their
sake they're not setting themselves up
a sewer or AWS or something because
don't you tank themselves they could
have done it much more quickly than us
that way though yes
so floatplane is not set up in the same
way it is built using or much more it's
hard to find the right word without it
sounding bad affordable approach yeah
well but it's sustainable yeah that was
the point if you drop one thing if you
think about the amount of if you think
what the companies that have setups like
AWS like a zoo or something like that
all of them have an online video
platform that is somehow attached to
their company yes all of them bandwidth
out for all of them is
disproportionately expensive for no
really explained reason I wonder why
what takes a lot of bandwidth on the
internet video they don't really want
competing companies to pop up in terms
of video platforms it is not in Amazon's
best interest no for twitch to continue
to exist independently taking up what
percentage of like web traffic with
explicit from points like that I don't
it was enormous yes ma'am I couldn't
remember live streaming is very
demanding so so I mean okay yes we're
wearing our tinfoil hats what Microsoft
video platform is mixer lol there's one
yep yep I mean microsoft also has the
ability you have the ability mr. by
content in the yeah yes the ability to
buy content in the Xbox Marketplace for
example I don't forget what it's called
it's called Xbox store now I don't I
know it doesn't matter the point is
Microsoft serves plenty of video don't
worry about it yep it's a thing so we're
going a little tinfoil hat here but the
point is we did it our way for a
specific reason and that reason was that
we have always seen Google as a valuable
partner at line or a group because
especially at the very beginning we
relied on Google for our very existence
if Google turned turned us off then we
would just not exist and so we have been
planning for the eventualities where
Google might just shut us off or shut
YouTube off in general or decide
arbitrarily okay
we're gonna instead of doing a 60/40 cut
on Adsense we're gonna do ninety ten
haha what are you gonna do about it
we've been preparing ourselves for that
so there are valued partner but we trust
them about as far as we can throw them
you think about how big Google is that's
probably not very far and well to be
clear at the same time too in basically
all realms of business you want to
diversify your income stream so you can
survive whatever so balance that was why
the forum wasn't a Facebook page that
was why floatplane wasn't going to be
built on AWS because it's not just
Google it's just anyone putting yourself
in a position where your means of
existence is solely reliant on the whims
of forces that are much larger than
it's just it's not it's not smart and
it's not a great idea so to the best of
your ability I would encourage anyone to
to work towards less reliance on one
singular thing yes not having all your
eggs in one basket I mean it all comes
back to it should we stop speaking it
should be like announce the feature that
we're using right now for in it speaking
of like we want to promote not using one
single pairing so I forget what feature
it is what feature are we using right
now the streaming thing oh yeah right
that's really cool oh cool yeah this
isn't available for all creators on flow
plane yet we're like kind of yeah we're
like kind of beta testing it with ltte
but if we really well I promise you
we'll hear from Luke very soon if you
haven't already about getting
live-streaming going for you yeah so but
we have a really cool feature which is
basically rtmp on our side so we have it
set up where you can stream to
floatplane do you want to explain what
rtmp is it's like a restream with the
yeah I go okay I'm doing that right
thank you
so you stream to float plane and then
pump punch in your keys for YouTube and
twitch and whoever else but that's all
we have right now but it's not really
hard so whoever else theoretically we
could support kind of anything that
supports rtmp sources right streaming
sources yeah yeah that should be No
just streaming sources in general yeah
so yeah right now this stream is going
to flow plane and my coming from flow
plane to twitch and youtube so we are
handling that on our side because that's
something that is confusing and tricky
for a lot of creators you have to set up
a server you have to do all this other
kind of junk do some command line things
and that's above a lot of people yeah so
we're gonna handle that for you because
we think being on multiple platforms
it's a good idea and before you before
you correct us that you don't actually
have to do your own server there are
services that exist that do this they
also aren't particularly user friendly
and I believe the one that we looked at
anyway was paid as well generally
they're kind of clunk so so floatplane
the idea behind it is that if you're
already on floatplane we are already
getting paid because of the cut that we
take from the contributions that's the
way the whole model works this is yeah
we're we're out to continue to build
services that just make it easier to
diversify yeah
we think it's a really cool thing and I
I was like that's gonna be very
technically difficult and then AJ was
like no no it's not and I was like okay
sweet let's do it it's not even actually
costing us a ton more bandwidth no just
really sweet because of how some things
are organized yeah AJ architecting
things in the first place that's
actually a big thing that we're working
on right now and is a big part of the
reason you're not seeing a ton of
updates because we're really working
towards building scalability so a lot of
back-end stuff on the one hand whatever
Jordan plane or whatever they end up
calling it oh my god that was so cool
every alternative video platform that
springs up has to have plaintiff so
whatever they end up calling it you know
what you know what I'm doing right now
I'm gonna go Daddy okay Jordan plain
comm so whatever that ends up being
called really shouldn't nobody should
buy that domain 299 is too much whatever
Jordan plane ends up being called it has
the potential to be a competitor because
we were actually really hoping to
position ourselves as a neutral party in
all of this which is a part of why we
have already been investigating ways to
decrease our reliance on payment
processors that have seen it have seen
their place in the world as the you know
the decider of who gets to speak online
and who does and we like have everything
laid out for this it's just we have so
many other things a bit like its yeah
you can't share it publicly especially
in light of knowing that there's there's
now a competitor trying to do the same
just trying to do exactly the same thing
anyway so they have the potential to be
a competitor but they also have the
potential to be a very positive thing
for our business yeah because this whole
this whole sort of this whole movement
we're normalizing we need yeah
normalizing non patreon sources of
creator funding and normalizing non
YouTube video sources and normalizing
the idea of alternative platforms for
for creators is is a good is a good
thing for us so we'll be keeping a very
close eye on this one regardless of
personal politics of the people involved
yeah speaking of Dave's again we don't
care this is something I in the QA thing
that did last week this is something I
kept on nailing home because we had a
lot of questions about this type of
stuff is we don't care if you must know
I I think I've decided to do a chapter
I've been meaning to do a book for a
long time yeah like partly because just
like it seems like everyone's doing it
um but also just because there's kind of
a lot that I had to say that I don't
necessarily feel comfortable doing in
video the thing about reading and I plan
to actually talk about this in it as
well but the thing about reading is that
you're sort of inherited inherently
limiting your audience to people who are
willing to read okay so I kind of feel
like at the same time we can have a more
private conversation someone's gonna
scan it so just post it online yes who's
gonna grab a single line but someone has
to read it yep I'm just preparing you
yep yeah so anyway I to have a chapter
discussing my personal politics which is
oh boy
thing that I have never done before the
reason that I've never done it is that
it's not that simple and again I feel
like the only everyone sells stock and
LTG yeah right
so the only way for me to tackle it
though I feel is in written form where I
can I can lay out all my points I can
reconstruct them to make sure that
they're getting across correctly and I
can do it in a way that's far more
verbose than most people are willing to
sit through in a video type of setting
because the problem with video is they
the problem with video yeah is that even
though you can say all those things you
could read that entire script I mean
that's the point of audiobooks and
podcasts right is that you can long-form
long-form audio audio-visual content the
problem with it is that I have access to
the retention graphs the majority of
people in a long format video will never
hear the closing argument that's a big
so anyway again I think you're gonna
have a similar problem because you have
people sniping parts of the book and
posting it online you can but at least
in that case you've already you've
already laid it out and I mean yeah
they're okay you know what you're right
no matter what I say people are gonna
find a way to misconstrue it I'm ready
for that I also just I don't think that
as not as polarizing a figure I don't
think it has I don't think it's gonna
blow up people will be mad yeah someone
because if someone will be mad imma be
literally if you're like I'm a squirrel
and I vote for nuts but like yeah I'd be
kind of mad about that cuz throwing away
your vote is actually not with that said
okay you know what I'm gonna go ahead
I'm gonna do one who I was I meant like
literally a squirrel voting for
literally nuts okay like someone would
find a way to be mad about that you're
right you know I'm not gonna do anything
controversial right now other than say
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Oh LM GGG / p ia when that's shortner
god it's really close to Taiwan but it's
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it's close I said it's close yeah
meanwhile hold on a second one hold on
wait for it wait for it but PI 1 CA ah
no that's available I'm having so many
ads I'm just curious what is PI Wan calm
this might be bad I don't I wouldn't I'm
a construction alright alright that was
quite the Yolo and we've had all of our
funding cuz it's gone it's and it's gone
it's gone
um what else do we have to talk about
our absence understood that reference
that was the South Park reference wasn't
yes it was holy cow I got one voice so
do you want to talk about Google's
touchless gesture control using radar
sure so this is project soli and the
idea is that they weren't able to they
weren't able to move forward with it
until now because they had to increase
the power levels of the radar above like
regulated levels in order to get it to
work but basically it uses radar
technology to detect the locations of
your hands and your fingers and allow
you to interact with virtual interfaces
okay so it's like a whole new level of
theremin yeah so you could you could
turn a virtual dial yeah or flick a
virtual switch
or play a virtual keyboard or whatever
like the possibilities are kind of
limitless you could make virtual
gestures you could do sign language into
your frikken you know this this box
under your monitor and especially
especially mixed with augmented reality
that'll be pretty huge pretty is if you
can see the thing that you're still
sweet interacting with like there's a
numpad on the back your hand you get to
interact with it honestly you could be
pretty accurate if it filled the back
your head but if you could actually see
it then that would be pretty cool
you could wear virtual stuff like cuz
because obviously you wouldn't be able
to do that with just radar but we're
talking radar data combined with camera
data combined with you know I mean we're
gonna get to the point where our
computers have so many friggin sensors
like right now we've got a webcam oh boy
we are like just at the beginning it's
gonna have infrared it's gonna have like
a motion sensors when you're like
sweating it's gonna be able to tell that
you're like afraid like it oh he's
afraid so home survival surprise yeah we
are heading into a very sort of
interesting future um so anyway after
the initial debut of the prototype blah
blah blah blah blah blah okay yeah I
basically covered covered everything
that's in the notes there thank you
games anyway though else we got we want
to talk about the guy behind China's
largest torrent site jailed sure there's
another I'm gonna try to find it while
you talk about that but there's
something I want to talk about which is
a poll on the forum someone actually
used the forum poll thing and it was
based around I gotta try to find I think
some to general discussion but it's
talking about optical drives in your
computer's whether or not you have them
optical drive survey here it is someone
posted it in the floatplane chat during
the big stream you did earlier today and
the results are super weird and I want
when show people to vote on it so that
we see gave me a screen share you sure
let me know when you're ready in the
meantime I've got a topic for you guys
sorry tech quickie VR ownership doubled
in 2018 so tech quickie just uploaded a
video about why did VR crash and
basically the community response has
been excuse me
VR did not crash so steams monthly
hardware survey suggests that the
proportion of PC players with the VR
headset plugged in roughly doubled in
2018 now the part that it's really hard
to go from four to eight the part that
we're supposed to the part that I feel
like I should probably point out is that
it went from point two percent to point
four percent from two to four yeah point
to know I know some point was making
yeah yeah
I love VR guys but like now it did also
go to 0.8 percent in December survey so
this is about 720,000 of steams
ninety million monthly active users for
context the proportion of steam users
running a Linux based system also sits
at about eight percent now here's a
question for you if we did a video about
why did Linux crash for gaming would
anybody have objected to it I know one
person white sake what up dude outside
of that I don't know so yeah the thing
is with VR and like oculus has the new
thing they announced have you seen that
they all in one yeah yeah yeah and that
that'll be really interesting when it
hits the table and stuff but there was a
love John there was a few notes that I
sent to John about the why did VR crash
video yeah it didn't end up getting put
in and maybe would have helped some
context on a few different things yeah
but it it it's it's not it's not doing
great and I follow all the different sub
reddits I do all the different things
I'm still very much in the VR community
it's not doing as well as it was and
when I was literally in the oculus
headquarters at Facebook I talked to
this dude from Naughty Dog and he was
talking about how yup it's not really
going quite as well as we had hoped and
we don't suspect it's going to for the
next like three to five years now they
know this this isn't us just saying it
this isn't other people observing it
it's not dead no so rhythm game beat
saver was was among the top grossing VR
titles on Steam for 2018 and it sold a
hundred thousand copies in less than a
month at launch and Mountain blade super
cool and ham sabers
cool there's still titles that are
coming out that are really cool they're
still content creators and making videos
about the games idle a box we are last
night it's still it's still a thing the
thing that I think the VR community
should be really proud about and should
be latching on to is VR is here to stay
now people are making money in the space
it's not going to disappear ancing VR
has been attempted many times throughout
history and is finally kind of making it
but it's not nearly the smash hit that I
think people were hoping it would be
known including Facebook yes and plenty
of other companies and there are lots of
other problems that will continue to
exist five-ever I'm sorry I'm sorry I
said five ever no that's okay what can I
do for you
prompter no prompter we should bring it
just in case
I just want is good yeah there's there's
Pro and like some of those things are
being worked on I've been saying for a
very long time it's going to be hard to
get the general public into VR
until you get your hands and feet in and
until you get some haptic feedback in
and until you're not trying to sell the
general public garbage drilling yes
you're frakkin well bad tracker not even
that I'm talking like the all-in-one
like inside out tracking that just isn't
good yeah and like now I've seen better
inside out tracking than before the
Little Rock tried it no it's better
there's been notable improvements and
there's been new experience the whole
time does makes reality but the thing is
is that the rate of progress and I'm
gonna say something that you might not
like but the rate of progress to me
indicates that VR will never make it VR
will morph and it will become a are so
VR is the devil is the the developmental
stage so have you seen a transparent
display yet yes okay so with that in
mind I think there will be two separate
I don't think VR is gonna be necessarily
the same as it is right now the reason
why I think VR is going to still be big
is because people's desire to close out
everything okay is pretty high okay
and I think that's where VR space will
be is removing reality I don't
want to be here anymore I want a scape
ISM I want everything gone I want to sit
in my room and have it all go away and
then I think AR is also going to be
massive potentially even bigger right
but I think they will yeah I think
they're growing kind of in parallel
right now and I think they will split
even more so I should clarify I don't I
wouldn't have made an argument that
sound if I'd realized what I was doing I
wouldn't have made an argument that
sounded like VR will disappear
completely I just don't think it will
hold a candle to the success of AR once
that really happened I feel like VR is
going to be home console big ok I feel
like AR is going to be cellphone's big
ok I think that's probably fair I don't
know that VR will be home console big I
then I don't know we're talking way far
reaching stuff I could be super wrong
I'm not gonna fall on that sword I just
I think it's gonna be pretty big it
depends on like it depends on where
we're a are goes there may be practical
limits to what we can do with they are
and so if we get display technologies
that are high enough density for a true
virtual desktop experience like that's
something that I really foresee as a way
to work better but that's why I'm saying
yeah cell phone big like everybody's got
a cell phone
ok but what I'm saying is like if AR
can't get there if they are damned if VR
gets good enough that the display
density is so fine that I can really
feel like I am sitting in a real space
where I can read crisp text on a virtual
monitor in front of me and I can have
another one up there or whatever else I
could see for productivity oh that's
like that's the end game sure I know
people people should I do that now and
it's not so like just please understand
the VR subreddit guys and other places
there's there was a post that I saw very
recently that was like pretty big that
was like this is why we say no when they
say VR is dying it's because we want it
to survive we're not we have to be
realistic when were when were standing
in the reviewers
dance we have to be realistic yeah I
can't say it is currently the second
coming when it's not because we will
lose credibility VR is really cool right
now I think it has a lot of really cool
applications the Box VR is really sweet
did you try
I haven't what's what I've heard from
that I can't put VR in my house my roof
is too low I don't fit you could just
borrow some light stands for a bit and
just like once the roof is too low oh
okay yeah
anyways anyway really cool the beat
saber is wicked I have played that just
not at my house cuz I can't sit up here
on my house but beat saber is really
really cool and like I one thing that I
always have been saying from the start
is that getting nerds and including
myself up and out of their chair and
doing things is such a cool so there's
there's two major friction points here
getting nerds moving and then getting
normies to wear like goggles and that
will get sweat on it and that takes up
like like you see picture of people like
gonna enjoy VR this weekend and they've
mood all moved all their furniture out
of the way like that's actually too much
of a barrier for a lot of people when
they come home from work and they just
want to flop on the couch like
unfortunately I was saying I played box
VR last night but then the counterpoint
that I didn't bring up was that I
haven't touched my headset in over three
months and there's no there is a lot of
people that play basically every day and
that's freaking awesome there is a very
dedicated community and there are people
making money making VR games and there
is very healthy things in the space but
it didn't explode like it was supposed
to yeah they were making VR specific PC
cases they were making VR capable or
compatible hardware which was too stupid
like all the stuff was stupid but that's
how big the industry thought it was
gonna be I would sit in meetings with
different companies and they would be
like we don't know if we want to release
this product because we don't know how
to tie it into VR and like what you're
fine no one cares
it's Durden me so crazy for a long time
but that's where the industry thought it
was going that is currently dead right
VR is doing fine and will grow like
crazy and will be massive and it's gonna
be fantastic I'm super excited for the
future but we're not in that boom state
that a lot of people thought we're going
to be in the meantime we're still gonna
need these if you want multiple displays
on your laptop the original article here
is from laptop mag comm and this is a
dell patent drawing for a laptop that
has the computer in the middle and a
foldable display on either side and
apparently some means of like so it
looks like a rail on display dual
displaying it or something I don't know
exactly how it works but it looks pretty
cool to me I'm you just get us BMO
monitors that's the thing be cool and
stuff but that's clergy this is maybe it
looks like you rail them on so I don't
know how not clutch another steam no
longer supports Windows XP or Vista so
Windows 7 and 8.1 will continue to be
supported for the time being so suck it
XP and Vista users and I guess that's
pretty much it for the one show today do
you have anything else just like kind of
random you wanted to talk about her I'll
maybe do the same thing I did last week
that's cool how'd our floodplain Stream
go that was disturb was that was James
going like this on his boobie but with
his shirt all the way I thought he was
trying to make like farts no no it was
just like slap jiggling is boobie okay
yeah interesting that's oh we should
probably do some super chats I guess are
you gonna talk about CES see yes I have
no idea what's going on at CES no I just
like Nick booked all my meetings I'm
just gonna like I'm gonna walk in and be
like oh cool
I have a meeting with like the usual
suspects so I'm gonna see Razer sure I
know of at least a couple cool things
from a soos because our CES videos were
shot in the studio like two weeks ago I
know okay that makes sense it's and it
has always made sense yeah we should
honestly there should be no reason for
us to have to go to sea you know really
did you just ship it to us and then
we'll just forward it to the show yeah
and then our videos could be better they
could be more well informed they could
be we could take our time they could be
more information you know what no what
they should do
no it you know what you should do yeah
we should have
CES at Linus Media Group headquarters
bring in like Kyle bring in J bring in
Paul bring in everybody you know what
LTS let's just turn LT X into like the
better CES yeah yeah sweet
LT X is gonna be sick all the creators
want to show up already anyway those
guys better have an update on the blog
Colton there is this
I chose there an update there is alright
there is let's do it cuz last week last
week there was no update Colton -
updates I think I only saw one okay
Colton Potter January 1st explore back
wait hold on a second Colton is this
just a picture click on it click on that
well can't I click on this one if that's
a different one well I want to see both
of them but that's old that just links
to click on the new one
oh I see ok it's really confusing like
where the line is it's like yeah ok like
the title is like this could just as
easily be this and this this picture
yeah ok can we change that Colton
alright thanks LTX 2019 bigger better
for previous years our most important
goal was to put on a fun event first and
foremost but being new to the whole
event thing we ended up with a lot of
randomness it was still really fun like
a hamster ball run it's fun that was fun
we ended up with a bit of an identity
crisis so this time things are gonna be
much more fun and engaging and also more
focused so here's what we're doubling
down on tech and gaming I heard from a
very small youtuber quite recently with
a really cool collection of retro tech
that they're like yeah I'd be like down
to come up so we have gotten but as far
as I know we are supposed to have gotten
back to this person don't guess because
it's probably not who you're guessing
I've watched a lot of small okay anyway
we're getting back to this part we or we
have gotten back to we will cover your
flight we will cover transportation for
all your stuff we are not gonna have
we're gonna put some money into a booth
cool for all your stuff to be there
where there's still some parts of the
agreement that we need to work on
because we can
be liable for the stuff getting damaged
like yeah we are we are doubling down on
tech community and creators so we're in
the process of locking down our first
draft of the event layout but we're
gonna share that with you as soon as we
and we figured out most of the crazy
booth ideas and are now in the process
of contracting companies to build them
so some returning fan favorites include
the case toss and we're gonna make it
fairer because it okay cases previous LT
exes came to a there were different
cases but honestly that's not the huge
issue because people can pick what case
they throw so that's on them but the
cases would fall apart yeah we would
disintegrate by the end of the event so
people at the end would be able to throw
much further so we are going to plastic
wrap them we're gonna shipping wrap them
so that all these stuff will still the
amount of weight you'll see so it'll be
the same way the dynamics will still be
different but yes it'll be a lot closer
what can I do for you Eddie my prompter
remote okay the blindfold mindful the
cable management will be back and we
have new ideas like the gaming setup
challenge so this one you're already
gonna have everything but you actually
have to build your chair desk set up
your PC cable manage your whole setup
and then snap a pic woah it's gonna be
cool that will take a while it'll take a
while but the idea was we wanted things
that people can actually interact with
for a while and we're gonna do the
prising really differently as well so on
top of a grand prize that we announced
at the end of the event we also want to
do intermediate prizes to encourage
obstacle to to participate at any given
time I know some people do one a day or
something yeah so you can spread it out
we wanted a I know you're gonna have
people monitoring these booths is there
gonna be like a shoutcaster is the
gaming setup thing competitive or is it
just one at a time so it's competitive
and there will be multiple ones but you
won't be competing head-to-head
okay okay so I'm gonna on a grand kind
of yeah okay leaderboard II kind of like
yeah I'm super won last year yeah okay
yeah we're gonna have a headphone
testing zone that's one thing that is so
hard to like we've almost outright stop
doing headphone videos because it's so
hard to get across what they're like
this is very cool
so the idea is that you'll be able to
really like try in person close back
open back oh it's - who the Colton
Stephanie whatever lots of cleansing
wipes yes please complete hands on PC
building workshop that'll be there we're
hoping to end up with at least 50 booths
this year plus cool stuff to see and do
so that the queue times aren't nearly as
extreme the VR booth will be back
our goal is anywhere from 10 to 15 VR
setups I was literally talking to Joe
about that yesterday yeah because we
only had three last year and it was it
was quite the choke point there's even
talk of a pre or after party I don't
know if I'll be able to attend
personally but you know and then of
course there's dream hacks involvement
so they'll be handling our oh we're
apparently announcing how many seats a
400 plus BYOC seats noise there will be
a few play zone plus more to be
announced at a later date and a free
play zone on stage we plan to include
more segments there's more than that
many computers because there's 400 plus
BYOC specific yeah and a free play out
and free play zones are usually fairly
sizable at those types of it yeah that's
pretty beast on stage panels Q&A; is a
few surprises and then we're in early
stages of gating creator involvement we
don't want to promise anything but we
can say that having js to sense Barclays
see from gamers INXS Lewis rossmann
having those guys there last year was a
total blast so that is definitely
something we're pursuing and definitely
something we are already talking to
people about can we do a floatplane QA
sure that seems cool yeah there's bound
to be someone there that wants to talk
to you about that just checklist er I
can't I can't promise anything because
if there's cooler stuff you're gonna get
bumped yeah but and it might not be able
to be mainstage but we could almost
definitely do it somewhere cool yeah
yeah cuz we're gonna have like a creator
meetup place and that you could
basically do like a creator meetup Oh
perfect yeah yeah yeah we're also gonna
have a floatplane people there so I
think would be cool to like cool yeah so
yeah it's gonna be sick and that's
pretty much it guys
oh wait I said I promised I would do
some super chats also can I do my thing
what thing the thing I did last time
yes okay I'm gonna do a stream after
this people are gonna spam the name of
in chat probably but I switch on TV /
lieutenant squarely afar it will have a
focus especially at the start when it
actually happens because it seems to die
off as it did last week but it will have
a strong focus of floatplane QA
there's the migration happening if you
have any questions about the migration I
would strongly prefer you ask me there
instead of emailing right now we have a
massive amount of email tickets a huge
percentage of which are just questions
about random things about floatplane
instead of getting help about migrating
your account which is totally fine but
we're really buried right now so I would
prefer if you ask your questions to me
in in like a chat basis thing so other
people can hear the answer - yes yeah
exactly yeah because we we might have
like 300 right now so yeah there's
probably morning so that's scary um this
weekend this is not related to your
topic but I would like your advice I
work for a company that does home
automation and networking for clients
second super chat this is fan of fan is
fan 64 I am on the lower totem pole of
the job ie grunt work running wires and
such I try to do their networking which
they said they're willing to teach me
but the terminologies and all that and
they're they're all experienced already
it makes it quite difficult for me my
question is would it benefit me to
actually take a course for networking or
grin and bear it and try to learn from
my company slowly but surely I would
definitely recommend doing at least some
basic course work when it comes to
networking just having that sort of
Eureka moment of how exactly the
topology works is probably worth the
investment do you know I agree I would
be careful about what course you're
taking them because if having a
certificate or diploma or degree is not
going to directly help your career
there's quite a few courses in that
stack that will not necessarily help you
so try to make sure that you're picking
what course you take as a one-off so you
don't take like an introductory course
that teaches you what an Ethernet cable
'yes yes that is a thing there's some
really really basic stuff to do that so
if you're already in the career I would
recommend not wasting your time if you
have if you want some advice actually
there's a ton of people with experience
on the ltte floors I would strongly
recommend creating an account there and
posting just posting your question there
yeah Doberman sorry we aren't planning
another overclocking video in the near
future Alan you're welcome for the help
a fusion plays thanks for being a new
Dominic says it's 2019 what says 2018
people are telling me to change the date
to 2018
what Oh stream title oops I changed that
well you also like bugged it up after Oh
so I think somewhere in the fix it got
dropped it might have been me or who
knows I'm not sure I'm box warehouse
says can I get a selfie yes I don't know
not promising anything it's got every
year it's gotten harder and harder for
me to walk around on the show floor yeah
pars of all hey we from extreme hosting
have sent an email to you guys please
check it out ok Austin says I thought
your iPhone 10's review is pretty harsh
but then I watched one bang Nellas video
or however you spell his name ok thanks
Alex says it's 2019 thanks hi Linus I'm
in need of a data storage server where
can I have or where one where I can have
a drive assigned to a person need
hardware software advice oh boy
forum yeah there's some really
knowledgeable people on the forum like
for Peter 8 Wow
my Peter knows everything and he's been
there forever he's very very basic
Mukherjee yes yeah
BJ am ceci says I just wanted to say I
came here to say that I'm gonna watch
the archive when you're done by pretty
good McHale says I follow you you should
follow me it's up to you all other than
that always love your show and send a
hundred and fifty dollars whoa I hate to
be that guy but I'm not gonna follow
because I don't do that I actually it's
like a total like troll on the Linus
tech tips Instagram account we follow
only one thing LTX and I think I might
have actually unfollowed it recently
because like an Instagram hilarious
every time I not every time I open the
app but oh that time it did it and then
it disappeared so a lot of the time so I
open the app there's this like thing
that's like hey you should people you
follow will show up here hey and I just
don't know we still follow one guess
what boom LTS unfollow direct follow for
follow or or that kind of stuff is not
it's just I have never done it once but
not legitimate anyways but yeah um
Carson just started watching your
channel and join you a lot thanks Carson
yeah I then on yes we know it's not the
right date Jack says I've been watching
forever guys two capitals on forever
guys not familiar with the show
yeah thanks Jackson ah open 1209 look at
the date it's not 2018 yeah okay I den
why would you not start a platform ie
floatplane on AWS and then revert to
your own hardware after that is a
tremendous question and we are we
actually have reasons yeah insane amount
of start-up costs for that you just be
bleeding through the nose the entire
time you're on there it's also hard to
infrastructure pivot that's like a
pretty weird thing to do what we plan on
doing once we get it to work is have
load balancing set up so that we can pop
off to those really expensive services
if we get if we get to the point where
we can't serve good quality to everyone
and then we'll have time to bump up our
infrastructure at the same time but
getting those things all working is
difficult we also didn't necessarily
know what scale we wanted when we first
started full plane there's like there's
there's a lot to it for our part now
that we're down this path it's much
easier to build the best thing we can
build and then fall back to CDN if
needed yes because we're already a chunk
into it okay neuro says it's also like
like seriously you could you could bury
yourself doing that strategy so it's
also really scary apparently neuro
technology exploration would love us to
check out a video on the future of
computing HCI brain computer interfaces
and apparently the research group has
done a bunch of work so that's
interesting sounds potentially cool
shuh 125 this is a good one look I made
it home last time I did this I was
pretty drunk
what I was talking about last time I
sent a flag to Luke from overseas no I
immediately recognized great thanks for
the everything building a new system
first build ever love you guys act super
chats I'm actually super stoked that Xu
made at home I'm very happy that you
made it home
I know Shu she was super cool you rent a
hundred and fifty bucks just now whoa
okay I can't read the dollar amounts
from here but yeah you've read shus
letter oh did I that was the flag oh
that thing that's Shu oh that was
awesome yeah oh she's super cool how's
it going glad you made it home dude yeah
also that all right Ben asked winter LTX
tickets for sale oh what a good question
Nick you don't happen to know do you put
a lot of people okay sorry we haven't
announced it yet stay tuned guys I think
we're still working out some details of
Dreamhack like as you can imagine with a
partnership like this there's a lot of
stuff to work out who gets how much
floor space who takes how much of the
ticket revenue blah de blah de blah and
we're committed to working with them and
they're committed to working with us
like we're gonna we're gonna get her
done but we can't really put tickets on
sale until we've agreed on how much is
it going to cost so okay just like HR
penguin says can't wait for our Linus
I sense he'll go full PewDiePie LTE meme
reviews for the win LT Tom
claps graphics card alright
thanks John Williams and that's all the
super chats we can do for today we will
see you guys again next week same
bat-time same bat-channel holy crap we
went way over time oh yeah it's almost
wait no I won't be here next week for
mine show let's go XP when's your flight
because I get back Thursday night oh
wait I haven't been I'm certainly gonna
try then yeah I'll try to be here for
lunch oh sure I can't promise it though
cuz I might be like sick as a dog so
yeah weekly all right hi guys in Vegas
okay so you want you here for sure yeah
okay or I could do it or I could do it
from there there might even still be a
creator there that I could pull into
guest naked probably cuz I won't be
seconds like a poem

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