
Sunday, August 23, 2020

YouTube Copyright OUT OF CONTROL - WAN Show Feb 15, 2019 #Helpful Post

YouTube Copyright OUT OF CONTROL - WAN Show Feb 15, 2019 #Helpful Post

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls
welcome back to the man show it's been
another week which means you have to sit
through another win show that is to say
you want to sit through another Rancho
because no one is actually forced to sit
through the wine show except Luke and
you and me yeah yeah have you heard this
song there's this I didn't think about
it until you just did that intro there's
a someone made an electronic song
recently using like our voices as some
of the lines in the song and he intros
the song with you entering the wine show
no I have not heard the song he tweeted
it your personal account you should oh
okay I haven't actually looked at my
personal Twitter inlay I suspected kind
of as much probably a couple of weeks oh
so we're just linked it in chat
apparently people nice okay give me just
just a note here I gotta get logged into
floatplane so I can see our floatplane
peeps one of the things one of the
things we're gonna talking about this
week is YouTube's copyright being kind
of kind of craziness yeah but actually a
fairly positive story from it at least
turn around so there's a there's a
couple of actual two so I was really
what I was wanted to do was explain the
difference between a Content ID match
ending copyright strike okay because
there seems to be a lot of confusion and
there was that a Content ID match there
was a significant well it depends which
controversy you're talking about because
there was a controversy we were wrapped
up in oh yeah I didn't know this yeah so
well we'll get into that a little bit
later writing and then in terms of other
topics James has been busy shooting the
monoprice gaming battle station video
with me for the last couple of hours so
he's done very little actual preparation
of the land show documents today some
stuff but there is some stuff Activision
Blizzard laid off 800 people just like
what 10% of their staff 8% excuse me
pardon me so spending as far as I know
very good profits yep so we'll talk talk
more about that later and what else we
got a European link tax language has
been finalized
linked taxes so YouTube's copyright
enforcement is probably gonna get more
complicated as opposed to less
complicated if all of that stuff goes
through so this is closely related to
the article 13 controversy that was
going on a couple of months back the
13th stuff is still going on oh yeah
yeah very much very much still a thing
this is just sorry I mean it was it kind
of reached a fever pitch my article 13
pitchforks are pretty important for me
so keep them up if you wouldn't mind
yeah if you want to make Luke's job not
like phenomenally way more difficult
it's gonna the biggest problem in my
opinion even though I'm trying to become
a platform I still think the biggest
problem in my opinion is for creators
because it's going to increase the wall
for creators coming into the market it's
going to make creators lose their jobs
because it's going to be harder for the
platform's gonna cost more for the
platform's to support themselves I think
it's gonna be harder for the creators so
we'll talk about it in more detail later
for the intro I saw this coming and I
don't know why the way you said the
intro is like he's not gonna click it
right away don't know what
no ide

the guy's the best boss respond it's
like if I'm them I'm like I don't even
know alright alright so the first thing
I want to jump into is actually the you
were gonna do Wow we're gonna do the
title topic right now yeah it's amazing
this has never been done before probably
first in a while um so I'm gonna I'm
gonna try and find it on the forum I'm
not logged into the forum there's
reasons for that basically security
security privacy reasons for that yeah
but it just makes it harder for me to
find this particular thread bla bla bla
bla bla bla
Oh seriously oh man what was what was
the search term I think it had I'm
pretty sure it had strike and Linux in
the threads somewhere so let's go ahead
and let's go find that pattern actually
do we wanna do we want to talk about the
you know let's talk about what happened
to Kyle Kyle one yeah so Kyle's Kyle's
our bud you know what we'd be we'd be on
Team Kyle regardless of you know whether
he was right or not just kidding we
wouldn't actually if Kyle was wrong we
would say he was wrong we have that kind
of relationship we'd be like Kyle and
Lyle y'all are both wrong so y'all need
to just back down you know anyway so
here's what happened I should preface
this by saying it has been resolved yeah
so here's a tweet from Kyle from two
days ago good news and update my counter
notification to Vox his claim was
reviewed by YouTube in my favorite the
reaction videos back up so a couple of
months back
Kyle posted a video on his bit weight
YouTube channel also on Flo plain
reacting to the Verge's should we call
it a don't see building guide it also
never came off of flow plea but yeah
that's a whole separate conversation
you'll get to that later
yeah so to the Verge's pc building guide
that was
just phenomenally poorly done like it
turned into just a instant legendary
level mean you don't use tweezers and a
Swiss Army knife to build your computer
and I never wear a LIVESTRONG bracelet
computer wearing a computer building a
computer just contained a ton of at best
dubiously correct information and hope
your computer case has rubber feet below
the power supply or else you might you
know you might get shocked yeah it was
bad it was really really poorly done
anyway so he went into this character
that he calls Lyle
because fun fact kyle is half asian
which i actually didn't know until one
at one point I'm super tactful we're
like at dinner I'm like so what
ethnicity are you cuz I could I just
couldn't tell in fairness to me he's
mixed so it's not like I was you know if
I was gonna guess you know pureblood
anything then I was gonna be wrong
regardless okay yeah anyway he's like no
I'm half asian like oh okay cool anyway
so that's why he's allowed to do this
character which for anyone else to do
would be incredibly racist
so he's this sort of he has this kind of
heavily Chinese accented Lisle character
that he uses to kind of provide broken
English feedback on various things in
this case he did a reaction to the
Verge's PC building guy it's actually
very funny no offense to anything else
kyle has ever done but it was by far the
best video he's ever created bar none I
mean it helps that the source material
that he was working with was comedy gold
absolutely and he all he had to do was
platinum plate it and it was just like
yeah wow this is just this is quality
and if you're good it is back up on his
YouTube channel or it never went off of
his flow page yes thank you for bringing
that up to the second time kind of know
whatever your name is like I got you
yeah that's that should be your
alternate character kook I don't know
what accent you can do that
nothing politically correct for sure
yeah okay so in the day so let's go back
in time again in the days following the
verges original upload there was just
massive backlash throwing the see
building community we mostly I think
stayed out of it I think we posted a
couple tweets just a tongue-in-cheek but
lots of people quite a few people posted
like video responses there were some
pretty there was some pretty in-depth
discussion on our forum about it just
because it was so bad anyway the verge
stood by it for a while that was weird
which was what made it far worse if it
just said hey we were wrong cuz they
honestly rather than make fun of them my
first outreach to them was some hope do
you guys want to collaborate to take
another shot at this and I and they just
never replied so they never replied to
just an earnest offer of help and then
they doubled down and the the the the
creator of the video in particular said
some pretty stupid stuff on Twitter I
don't remember any of the particulars
because it was a while ago but just
basically defending it like oh yeah well
you know we fixed those things after the
video like don't call it a guy yeah it's
not a guide if it was broken at the end
it was like actually problematic because
it was a guide yeah which which added a
lot of problem it wasn't like hey I'm
building a computer you want to watch it
was this is how if they had made
mistakes in the context of doing like an
IRL twitch stream yeah which we saw very
recently uh everybody has to everybody
does something for the first time and
doesn't do it perfectly at some point
believe it or not like if you've ever
watched me do anything related to my car
you'll know know what's up I don't think
you have but it's bad it's a bad scene
I'm better that kind of stuff yeah we're
like watching me use tools I mean you
wouldn't know you're just as bad as me
but I use a lot of them for the first
time with you
remember they steer with the tape the
tape protection it's a good thing we
both still have both of our eyes yeah so
so what made it worse was just not
acknowledging the problems and doubling
down and then making it even worse than
here we are these months later so Roy
was kind of forgotten yeah the verge did
eventually pull their video yeah not
before they like hid the like/dislike
bar hid comments like they tried
everything to keep it up
but eventually they were just like yeah
this is probably a problem and pulled it
down then what happened is earlier was
it earlier this week what's the actual
date on this ah
February 12th February 12th they issued
a copyright strike so they issued a DMCA
takedown request for Kyle's video so not
only did Vox media the owner of the
verge yeah go and have the video removed
from their own channel which is well
within their right to do and probably
for the best
they went out and they submitted a
takedown request for Kyle's video now
here's the problem with that were you
keeping track of what was going on with
Ethan Klein and that reaction video that
he posted that he ended up taking all
the way to court it's been a bit but I
watched the the I watched all of the
lawyers videos on watch this video sorry
for those who some people take three oh
yeah yeah yeah so anyway Ethan flying
h3h3 yeah anyway yeah so so what
happened there and I'm a little rusty on
the details but but basically what
happened was HTH we used to upload a lot
more just kind of what do I call them
they like like watch a video and like
cringe on it like yeah reaction like
takedowns like just like bait where they
just kind of crap on the original video
creator and so what happened in that
case and I forget what the name of the
of the person who issued the takedown
was and it doesn't matter because screw
that guy we're not gonna talk about that
guy who'd cool but he got upset because
Ethan was mean to him and in his defense
Ethan was pretty mean and it was like
back then used to be pretty brutal yeah
like just kind of unnecessary but I
guess it gets you so cool um anyway he
got mad and he was like well hold on a
Ethan's video contains a ton of my
copyrighted material I should be able to
DMCA takedown that because it's got my
content in it the issue is that there's
a little thing called fair use
so Ethan's defense was we'll look this
is fair use because I am critiquing it I
am so there's four there's basically
four fair use factors so you can use
someone else's copyrighted material as
long as you can you can defend your sort
of fair use use of it now the problem is
that fair use is a really gray and
nebulous part of copyright law it's not
as simple as like if you meet criterias
X Y Z and Omega you qualify as fair use
and there are some guidelines so you'll
notice for example I forget what the
actual number of seconds is but news
shows will often limit the amount of
source material that they use to like
ten seconds or something along those
lines but that's not the law cuz like it
consider if you just posted like a half
hour video that someone else made and
every 45 seconds you win good that's not
really transformative that's not really
like not really review so like yeah
where is the hard line it's a very hard
line to actually yes so so there's
there's a number of things there's the
amount and the substantiality of the
content that has been reused so that's
why news programs will take like ten
seconds because then it's not the whole
thing's pretty easy to argue there's the
purpose and character of the use does it
have its own
purpose for existing there's the nature
of the copyrighted work so if it was
something along the lines of a let's say
an instructional video and you were to
go ahead and take each step of the
instructions have it be up on screen
running in its entirety and go that
seems like a good idea like kind of like
what Luke was saying then that would
sort of affect whether or not that would
be considered fair use and then finally
there's the effect upon the works value
which is closely related where if I were
to create this my video commenting good
job original video creator every once in
a while while it plays would that affect
their ability to monetize that content
probably so you so you can end up with a
really solid fair use argument for
utilizing all kinds of content like
movie review channels rely heavily on
fair use because in a lot of cases
they'll have five ten fifteen minutes of
unedited like Hollywood movies playing
on the channel but the reason they can
get away with that is that they are
reusing it for the purpose of critique
they are commenting on it and it doesn't
affect the ability of that Hollywood
studio to monetize that content because
no one is watching that review and going
oh I have fully enjoyed all the nuances
of the editing cinematography soundtrack
acting and story it's not like that yeah
so it's highly transformative it's for
critique or review which is generally
pretty well protected by fair use the
nature of the copyrighted work here is
movie so that's very separate from how
it's being used and it the effect on the
works value is arguably very little now
the problem with all of that is it's all
grey and fair use rather than being just
a hard-and-fast law is an argument that
you have to defend in court so if
someone issues a DMCA takedown the only
way to dispute it if you say no this is
fair use and they say um actually it's
not is to take the
to court and have the courts agree with
you so now this has been a very long
story we're finally coming back to the
issue with h3h3 s critique video of this
weird guy's video that he uploaded that
was done he won basically so even though
he had uploaded almost the entire
original video and was just kind of
interspersing his reactions to it that
was still considered critique and it was
still considered transformative a
reaction video was deemed to be original
content even though it was heavily
dependent on the original copyrighted
work alright so how does this figure
into Kyle's thing basically Vox media
pulled a full douche move here and
issued a DMCA takedown for what has been
maybe not proven but at least
preliminarily tested by the courts to be
a fair use rebroadcast of a copyrighted
work and the only reason I can think of
that they would do that aside from just
just being embarrassed and acting out of
sort of like initial knee-jerk reaction
which they clearly didn't because it's
been a couple months been a while yeah
is either because they are ignorant of
this sort of pre-existing case or
because they are just trying to bully
and intimidate a much much smaller
outfit into just not disputing it
because they're afraid that if they do
dispute it the next step is court fees
neither of those are great and honestly
I mean I can't I can't speak to the
mindset of the executives at Vox media
or whoever it is that ultimately decided
to do this but my gut feeling is that
they were just going peer intimidation
factor because I can I can tell you guys
as someone who was a much smaller yet
like we're at a point now where if
someone came after us like an h3 we
could say okay
see you in court buddy fine that's
it's gonna be how it's gonna be let's do
it stance but there was a time when we
weren't and I remember getting these
kinds of you know strikes or Content ID
notices and being like is this it is
this the end of this company because
that's what it would have been it's
really scary it's absolutely scary and
it's been happening to people where it
has resulted in being at the end of them
in regards to being a content creator so
he's on that platform basically
currently the verge has an official
do they really yo know Yolo snail I do
not think we have seen their roof oh I
would love to see do you want to fire
that up while I go ahead find it yeah
yeah I was gonna finish up a couple
thoughts so so basically this leaves the
the the DMCA takedown system open to
abuse by copyright owners who just want
to in some cases just remove something
that they don't like so here's one
pewdiepie got copyright strike by
because a twitch streamer took offense
there was one youtuber who was
that's funny even not through YouTube's
system we had some copyright holder for
some like classical sheet music in
Germany come after us demanding I think
it was like $10,000 or something stupid
like that for a song that we used in a
video that was actually from YouTube's
music library this is a couple years
back a few years back and I was super
upset because I was like okay I don't
really understand how this works in
international music copyright law crazy
complicated because they're separate
copyrights for the performance for the
original sheet music and and I was like
I was looking at it going well this is
this is ridiculous because I'd be happy
to pay some kind of fee because yeah we
did use the sheet music but ten thousand
dollars or whatever it was like that's
extortionate like we we made a fraction
of that off the Adsense of the video and
the sponsors that we insert it into it
how can you possibly expect me to pay
you more than I made well then you
shouldn't use the song in the first
place ultimately we just didn't pay
because we kind of figured some Rando
holding company like copyright holder in
Germany what are they gonna ultimately
do to us like fly their lawyers out here
and make come on you gotta be kidding me
and they didn't end up following it up
but we were again we were in a position
where we could afford to take that risk
you want me to go ahead and screen show
you sure all right it's basically a big
wall of text so there isn't a ton for
you guys to look at but what they're
saying is the legal team Vox media's
legal team who was very diligent and
protective of their work was made aware
of some PC video reactions stuff and
fire did not meet our standards and had
oh oh oh that's sorry uh so they pulled
their stuff okay
yeah okay I misread that cool yeah yeah
I know that comment was actually totally
fine apparently it was it was two videos
as far as I know said those two videos
used 90% of our footage without any
edits cuts or other transformative use
and one of particular is featured what
our legal team felt was a pretty racist
character okay necessarily disagree with
that but it's also like none of your
but he didn't edit their footage but I
think in reviewing footage that's
probably the more respectful thing to do
and he cut himself in which is probably
exactly what should have been done
anyways there was also a complaint I
don't remember exactly where they said
it of where everything could have been
avoided if they just reached out to this
person how would I know to reached out
to nyle a patel yeah okay
and besides here's something you know
what no hold on a minute okay nyle e why
didn't you reach out to Kyle if you had
a problem a lot of times to be
completely honest and you don't want to
use it all that often but being a
sometimes Twitter is like one of your
most useful things yeah because things
don't get done and then you tweet about
it then it gets done very fast or better
yet you could just a guarantee Kyle has
an email address on it
YouTube channel that you can use to
email and 99% of the medium-to-large
creators that I've been made aware of do
have such a thing I'm just I'm curious
now but anyway I'm gonna throw it back
on your screen so you're sharing yeah so
the specific quarter but that part is I
want to address a situation around some
YouTube copyright strikes since since
retracted which is true as far as I know
issued by the verge and Volks media that
have gotten pretty toxic and could have
been avoided if the parties involved had
simply reached out to me directly again
there was the 90% of our footage without
any edits cuts or otherwise
transformative use and one of them
featured a particular that the legal
team said was a particularly a racist
character again I don't think anyone in
any form of review would want to edit
the original footage I don't think
that's the point at all how Kyle does
not have an email on his YouTube page he
does have an address though and he does
have his Twitter so yep you're right
Twitter would have been the way to go
here alright pretty easy I bet you Miley
has a Twitter YouTube notified the two
channels in question said said there was
a chance our requests wouldn't make it
through and our legal team asked our
legal I was looking for their cases our
team made the case YouTube agreed the
videos were not for Houston issue the
strikes when this was brought to my
attention a few hours later I told them
that although I fully agreed with their
legal argument I did not think we should
use copyright strikes against legitimate
channels even if we thought the videos
crossed the line and again I fully agree
with our legal team that these videos
cross the line of fair use so basically
they Wow okay so basically they haven't
learned anything
yeah so here's the thing whether or
whether or not like it does this does
this post actually say that their
lawyers felt like the character was
racist because that has nothing to do i
oh it does but i don't think that was a
reason for the action okay so i don't
think it actually applies it does say
our legal team felt this was not fair
use and oh yeah ah those two reactions
okay which are legal what our legal team
felt was a pretty racist character yeah
but you don't get to you don't get to
just let your personal sensitivities get
involved in a legal issue you know so
whether or not it's fair use actually
doesn't really have anything to do with
whether you like the character being
portrayed or not yeah also I mean
there's a whole there's I mean we could
have a whole conversation that I'm it's
probably best that I personally stay out
of about whether or not it's a racist
character if the person happens to be of
at least partially the race that they
are making fun of I mean are you gonna
tell me that like a Jewish comedian is
not allowed to make Jewish mother jokes
for example are you gonna are you gonna
say that it seems pretty it seems like
kind of a dumb thing to say what does
have strong evidence in here of
screenshot emails is technically in here
it doesn't say because he blurted out
his email which is or her sorry I don't
actually know who this is
but it blurred out their their email so
I'm not a hommerson sure it was them but
that doesn't matter it looks like
someone from a at Vox Mediacom email
account retracted the copyright
infringement so it wasn't YouTube that
agreed with Kyle it was clearly someone
from Vox retracting the claim okay hold
on a sec Meridian in the chat I got to
disagree with you an Asian faking an
accent of another Asian that can't speak
English in the normal way is just as
racist as if a white guy did it
lulz but that has nothing to do with
legality here it's actually not racist
is to do with race making fun of
someone's accent yes it's rude it's
really rude yeah but there's but it's
not race yes with yeah without art yeah
so let's just let's just make sure that
we're not getting our terminology wires
crossed here it's not accent as where
you're from yes or in some cases not
even yeah cuz you could make my wife is
not from
most assuredly speaks with a westcoast
Canadian accent like where you spent
your formative years most of what to but
to say that it would be like yeah
again the strikes were retracted at my
specific instruction that seems to be
true not through any YouTube dispute
process also seems to be true the verge
has written many times with the problems
of YouTube's copyright enforcement
mechanism and I do not think it works
well enough for us to use it in cases
like this ok one thing I did not do was
tweet about it because I didn't think
the nuance of this situation would lend
itself to tweets and are we still
reading this garbage sure oh and also
quite honestly because I didn't think it
was a big deal there were strikes and
strikes were retracted I assumed
everyone would move on
well this article is not making it
better just just if you want my two
cents and just we don't sending us wait
wait hold on if we have these words on
screen is this pure use get the words
off the screen not a racist character
there but oh we got it we got a big
problem there but I think the problem is
you're just 10 ply button Oh nobody
oh jeez yeah oh man I guess ok we're
done here I mean we can be reading it
out directly is probably gonna be I
don't know who knows okay so what I was
gonna say is that there were strikes the
strikes were attractive things yeah yeah
but they weren't retracted immediately
and they were retracted very quickly I
will 100% give you that if you're
watching what you're probably not but
they weren't retracted immediately and
strikes or a direct attack yes on
someone's income and stability three
strikes and you're out Kyle just bought
a house yo he certainly did Gary and
strikes also immediately affect your
channel one strike can't live stream
just like that like it's it's it's a big
problem it's not okay yeah that's a
that's it's an attack it is straight up
an attack and the other thing too is
that there are alternatives to copyright
to DMCA taking down something that don't
result in a strike like doing the thing
that you said at the beginning of your
article of reaching out directly to Kyle
that's an option but I don't know he's a
pretty racist guy they probably don't
want to talk to him well can be mean
yeah Lyle Lyle's of rude dude the
Verge's youtube channel has since been
brigaded with dislikes and nasty
comments and there are now death threats
we have to think about here's one good
luck staying alive the internet doesn't
forget just to be super clear about that
one 99% sure right the site and the
YouTube channel not you think you're
at least with that one allowed that's
the only one shown here so at least with
that one yeah there's all pretty
disappointing blah blah blah blah simply
ask me about it you should have asked
him about it yeah before attacking I
hope everyone involved can take a moment
and think about making sure they
actually know what they think they know
and the value of communicating directly
instead of just simply reacting just as
the end of that was just gold I just I
don't even think I need to talk about
that part that's just oh that's good
that's that whole oh man
ending it with that was great thank you
that was fantastic
oh man
I couldn't have like oh yeah I don't
even know I couldn't have requested a
better last paragraph alright so now
let's move on to a controversy that I
woke up to on the forum this morning
this is I'm very interested in this
because I have not heard of it so this
was posted by firelighter for 87 on the
forum the Linux gamer did a response
video to I actually didn't even know
about this video until I found out about
it reading about this
this drama that I was embroiled in on
the forum this morning anyway
did a response video to our Linux gaming
finally doesn't suck video sorry sorry
so sorry can we jump back for a split
second can you jump to my screen I can
apparently this is nily yeah okay cool
it's reckless
I knew his Twitter handle I didn't
actually mean before any of it went
sideways oh it was pretty sideways by
Hertha strike on Wednesday when was
Kyle's original tweet did Paul basically
post on Twitter exactly what we just
said you could have also just reached
out to Kyle is that what I saw give me
one second oh boy yeah you're still
screen sharing I think we're fine okay
cool that's the that's the floatplane
stream by the way yeah hold on I want to
see what Paul said at the beginning here
this all could have been avoided if the
parties involved yeah I love you Paul
you're awesome you're awesome good job
Paul oh but yeah so apparently the
strike was pulled back on Wednesday by
nily yeah but it happened on Tuesday
that is really fast turnaround to be
completely honest that might have been
like right when he was made aware of it
to be clear it might have been my mom
that is quite fast turnaround but it
still happened and yeah I don't know
dude doesn't own Vox he's
editor-in-chief of The Verge and that
was Vox lawyers so it might have
happened completely unbeknownst to him I
don't remember exactly what he said
about that in the article but he might
have literally said that I don't know
but yeah we can move on now we can talk
about important context now we can talk
about this video where the Linux gamer
uploaded this thing fullscreen claimed
my Linus tech tips response video so
basically is some people were pretty
upset some people kind of understood it
but a lot of people we're drawing
parallels to the situation between Vox
media and Kyle let's just have a look
here some people were like particularly
mad and see if I can find any of that
blah-blah-blah-blah-blah I'm sorry with
this happen so far this is mostly
discussion of like the content of his
response video and like yeah whether our
video was okay and whether you know
here's discussion of whether or not we
have any kind of partnership with
fullscreen yes we joined the fullscreen
multi-channel network like four years
ago I forget what the point of it was I
think oh no I think I do remember so we
were actually twitch for a very short
period of time
actually had a youtube MCN so we were
partnered with them and then they like
dissolved that the the the girl who was
in charge of it was there for like six
months and then just like disappeared
one day and I was like oh okay
bye I guess anyway so we joined
fullscreen because some of our buddies
including Austin were with fullscreen at
the time they had a rep that was
bringing them lots of deals in the wire
oh yeah sure yeah I guess we'll be on
fullscreen too and fullscreen had like
kind of a smooth-talking
blowhard guy that was like yeah we're
gonna have like all the tech and I'm
like yeah yeah cool you're an idiot but
like you know whatever my buds are on
there so sure why not anyway shortly
after we joined fullscreen this rep who
had been doing such a great job of
bringing tech deals to other tech
influencers left and like kind of went
direct with those guys and then we just
like never got off it cuz it's gonna
matter so here's something that you guys
might not know once you decouple your
account from so okay just to clarify
wait I'm not sure if I can say the terms
of the deal so I won't say what the
terms of our deal with fullscreen are
but I will say that we signed our deal
at a time when n CMS were much more
hungrily trying to Hoover up creators
and it was at a time when it was
possible to get what's known as a 100
percent deal so nowadays my
understanding is that the MC n takes
anywhere from five or ten or even more
percent of your Adsense views and in
exchange they're supposed to provide a
bunch of services including the one
we're about to talk about as well as
bring you like larger brand deals to
more than make up for that gleaning that
they do off the top but we signed on at
a time when it was possible that MC ends
just to have headline creators on their
networks we're signing people to crazy
deals where they didn't take any share
whatsoever so our deal I can't tell you
what the terms of it are but I can say
that it is such that it doesn't bother
us in any meaningful way
and something that I didn't know until I
switched and seems a couple times was
that you actually lose all of your
historical revenue data from your
YouTube dashboard if you change your MCN
or if you get rid of your MCN and you go
vanilla YouTube so tech quickie and
channels super fun are an actually tech
linked for that matter and - cat tips
are all just directly YouTube partnered
with no MCN and then Linus tech tips is
on the full-screen network but we do
very little with fullscreen they they
bring us very little in terms of like
deals or anything almost an
understatement okay so anyway there's
some speculation in here that we aren't
on the full-screen network we are and
there's also some speculation in here
that they like owned us which they most
certainly do not
yeah that's that's not that's not a
thing linus Media Group Incorporated is
entirely independent and has no
third-party ownership stakes in it
oh okay blah blah blah blah blah blah
it's multi-channel network here's a
video from game theorists good old game
there's good stuff okay blah blah blah
blah and Tian Han will copyright okay
where's the people that are mad I think
it didn't happen until later here we go
I don't know just so mad so mad about
okay whatever you know what I can't find
it right now basically people were upset
because they really just didn't see it
oh that's great okay yeah fine there we
right there still not a crime like
perjury which is potentially what Linus
did by bringing down this by having a
Content ID claim against this video what
when did Linus lie under oath during a
court hearing for legal purposes that's
what a DMCA claim is lying under oath
hey you know it isn't but be falsely
reporting a crime is basically what he's
saying but it was an automatic claim
that was actually generated by YouTube's
own Content ID system and yeah so
someone someone got it pretty right here
we go
spotty thank you spotty for this
excellent post here you seem to be
misinformed there's a huge difference
between a copyright strike a DMCA
takedown and a Content ID claim so
copyright strikes come from DMCA
takedowns like what Vox media did with
Kyle's video where their lawyers get
together decide it's racist and not fair
use and contact YouTube and have that
thing pulled Content ID is an automated
system based on like machine learning
and being fed a bunch of known content
that is mostly designed so that like if
you have a bot that automatically
downloads someone's videos and like
reuploads them on your own channel it's
just gonna find that you like that's
garbage and just clean that up
yes and there's a big difference in what
effect it actually has on the channel so
a copyright strike results in your
channel actually getting features pulled
from it and potentially removed if you
get enough of them like live streaming a
Content ID claim what happens
is you get a notification you get an
email that you've received a Content ID
claim and then you get the time step
sometimes you get the timestamps within
the video that that the the Content ID
system has determined are a match for
someone else's copyrighted works then
you get a chance to file a dispute and I
actually didn't know this particular
aspect of it until last week but this is
cool in the event that I write and what
happens is the video actually stays up
you keep all your views you keep your
like dislikes your subscribers or
whatever but the monetization of that
video goes to the original copyright
holder but this is something interesting
if you dispute that claim within a
pretty short period of time and I don't
I don't know if this is actually in
YouTube's Terms of Service so I don't
want to like someone told me so I don't
want to nail them down on exactly what
that is I don't know if they're gonna
change it or whatever else but if you
dispute it fairly promptly and it
doesn't have to be like within the first
hour or anything like that but pretty
promptly what happens is that not only
does the video not go away but you
actually get to take that money back
that was claimed by the copyright holder
in the meantime you don't actually lose
any of your revenue so Content ID did
you have to be pretty quick on that one
it's like days yeah but like don't waste
time yeah basically yeah so so Content
ID is actually a much more benign and
less harmful way of dealing with this
than I think a lot of people necessarily
understand as evidenced by some of the
reactions in the video here excuse me in
the forum thread here because all you
have to do is say no actually I own the
copyright to this or no this is fair use
again knowing though that they could
come back and say actually it's not fair
and it's it's one clarification there is
it's not YouTube coming back it's it's
here are some common rental they filed
it originally so if you're like hey this
is actually fine they could just be like
no so there is that power imbalance
there yes but at the very least they
aren't striking you and
really big difference because they're
not damaging okay you might lose the
money that you might have made on that
video but what you don't lose is the
ability to continue to run your channel
yeah um so I think one of the reasons
and the reason for the title of this
stream which actually ended up being
almost entirely about this yeah one of
the reasons that this is coming up so
much right now is that it is my belief
and again I can't say who or where I
might have gotten this idea from because
I don't know if that hypothetical person
is allowed to hypothetically tell me
what I'm a hypothetically about to
repeat okay but it is my understanding
that YouTube has recently made some
changes to the Content ID system making
it more sensitive this is purely
speculation on my part I have no
evidence for this whatsoever but I would
guess that part of this is in
preparation for the changes that are
being made to the article 13 thing
that's happening over in Europe so they
are making content ID more sensitive is
my understanding of what's going on and
this is the evidence that I have for
that is that I am actually getting a ton
of Content ID claims both ways so I'm in
sort of an unusual situation where I own
two one more but two in particular two
YouTube channels that periodically
borrow footage that was originally
uploaded on the other so I actually woke
up the other day with the tech quickie
inbox full of Content ID claims from -
Media Group incorporated on the line is
tech tips channel no son don't do that
so it's actually hilarious oh my god so
anyway back to the whole the Linux gamer
thing I didn't know about the Content ID
claim I wouldn't have given two hoots if
the video did exist I didn't even know
about the I didn't know about the video
until I woke up this morning and the
Content ID claim not only had already
been issued but had already been
by the automated system I don't remember
I was going with this you can asically I
gave no cares didn't even know about it
and it was already resolved before I was
even aware that there was an issue so
sorry tinfoil hat folks out there
- media group is not in the business of
running around and issuing DMCA
takedowns to people who criticize our
work or create memes based on our
content or otherwise transform what we
do you know we believe very very
strongly in the power of community you
know we have turned criticism of our
content into new content like what we
did with Louis Rossman and his reaction
video to our video card baking piece one
of my favorite videos like on the
Internet is a guy named Nitro blast you
can find on YouTube took a video of my
station just kidding it's a good video
of me whipping a pair of headphones
around and smacking them into the ground
and then stomping on them and then
throwing them against the wall don't you
remember that but it was for these like
activewear earbud review that I did back
in like 2013 Cher and he put the
stomping and the throwing against the
garage door to the Wii the original Wii
soundtrack it's hilarious just go whose
channel probably this seems like more
work than it's probably worth there's
like a hundred oh no this is it Luke
sports tips alright here we go it's
hilarious I love this video
ud MCAS you're done son we're playing
this video and you'll like it
so the headphones fall out
it's the string clip review so each one
it's like the throw and the stomp which
is behind your freaking notification
both have a sound effect buddy
I love this thing because it's me also
we don't have sound right now but I
think it's hilarious and then at the
beginning of this show I talked about
some guy who made a song yeah and in the
song he used our voices and I think it's
great we're not gonna go after any of
that kind of stuff
using our content in tasteful ways is
cool yep and even in not tasteful ways
as long as well within your fair use my
taste I meant ripping it off completely
and just posting it raw yes we should
really do our sponsor oh it was muted
for them too
Oh was it like is YouTube actually muted
I don't know sorry guys there's nothing
nothing I can do about that right now we
really need to do our sponsors
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you have floatplane news 9 because we're
basically like done the show at this
point yeah so let's talk about it I want
to talk about it do you want I want to
talk about it you want to do it I wanna
talk about it you can cruise around and
ask questions and I can talk about yeah
yeah okay but you don't worry I'm not
gonna I'm not gonna show it I'm not
gonna show it yeah yeah okay I'm just
gonna I'm gonna sign in as uh whatever
we were having a long conversation cuz
guys we are feeling pretty good about
low-flow plane right now yeah everyone
in the flow plane shot is spamming their
early-adopter emojis nice 10 million pew
pew planes in check oh my god there's
also no rate-limiting on the chats let's
go fast at some point okay we'll get in
touch with night okay we'll get get some
night bot sport going on here it's gonna
take some time though gonna take some
oh shoot what's going on here I'm
playing the emojis called pew pew so oh
right sorry I'm on the wrong thing it's
all good man whoa
all right I told chat there's no
rate-limiting and then they took that to
heart a little bit yeah guys come on
chill chill
so we're trying to try to have a stream
here okay what Nick what can I do for
you nothing okay cool no oh LTX update
oh well tax updates holy crap do we have
an update did they do one ah no there's
no there's no LTX update this week but
Wow I have an update for LT X so my
update is that we are gonna be filming
the LT x announcement video that's going
to go on the LTTE Channel we're gonna
film it next week that'll be coming soon
and it will include details like when
you can buy tickets it's coming pretty
look quick fast I'm very very excited
this is not working do you know why this
isn't working
it worked on mine it's just oh it's
working going really slow
oh this isn't on our like actual good
stuff basically okay so this is like our
Pinner server yeah you don't want to
show the front um I could you know what
yeah as long as I don't show this
password then I'm good right yeah so I
could show me copy pasting this past
well just show the front and look around
and this is the front no this is oh that
is that before I sign in how do you get
to that
oh that's before the login page yeah
okay so just take this away okay so guys
don't judge the responsiveness of the
site right now this is running on like
some press on it's on it's on it's it's
on garbage talent like stuff like don't
worry about it it is before the
production okay so there sign in there's
join the girls how the page they can't
see the dot there there you go okay
sorry alright say hello to floatplane
learn more or joy learn more right now
that doesn't doesn't yeah it will scroll
you down yeah this search actually works
but it's a search for channels and
there's no channels in this environment
so not gonna find anything so this is
yours to be like yeah you explain you
explain okay right here there's like a
spindle of tiles that show what
creators are on the site but as there
there aren't any on this like
pre-production version it's just empty
so yeah that will be a thing and then
down here there's just some stuff that
just explains these pictures the bottom
one and the top one of those three are
just photos that Brandon took and then
the middle one is a photo of Brandon
yeah it's just posted Lee it's just a
stylish okay okay alright so now we can
unshare actually read the legal stuff is
that a real link it is hey we have Terms
of Service and stuff now that's awesome
yeah look at that it's been on the site
the whole time it's just it wasn't as
easy to find
you should probably unshare now right
yeah unsure music okay and we're back oh
go away no I don't want to save a
password I love how when you press never
it still prompts you the next time you
do you think okay so if I go to here we
go my home hold on it's like a browse
creators wait where do I go what are you
doing I want our browse creators I want
to go to channel super fun okay yay
actually this one isn't a set up as some
of the other one because they're a lot
you're also not well you're not
subscribed to that one right you sign
into tech wiki so you probably only
subscribe to tech wiki so the other ones
were locked because you don't
information is to see it cool so here's
my home here's some videos so basically
the main new thing that happened on
these pages and this tech wiki page
doesn't have a banner at the top in a
second cuz you logged in to a different
account yeah this one's fine okay yeah
it just shows locks yeah so you don't
have permission to see that content yeah
the main thing that we changes we added
a support column to the far right hand
side so creators gonna be able to start
setting up multiple plans if they would
yeah they would so choose they don't
have to yeah and something we're working
on this is a placeholder I guess a
this is this is not the production
environment put that there
guess AJ I just I don't actually even
know I just wanted to see what it could
be it could be anyone yeah really good I
think I know who it was but I basically
one other thing I don't know what I said
basically another thing that we're
working on yeah as you can see there's a
tech cookie account yes I don't know
when this is gonna be done I don't know
how feasible this is gonna be but we
want you guys to be able to split your
accounts up cool and then there would be
now that we have multiple tiers you'd be
able to subscribe to the tier that has
all of the basic access to all of the
different accounts sure can I poke
around in the CMS - yeah so uploading
videos like works pretty low well these
days - have any videos in here no this I
wouldn't video library one cool thing is
you can go to edit and now there's you
can select what tiers this one only has
one tier cool you can select what tiers
are able to see the thing we've got your
live settings yeah I want to leave don't
go to the other button in there go to
settings I'm not gonna streaming keys
don't worry settings where you can make
your Wow zero one zero one one zero zero
one zero we are robots lorem ipsum
whatever show monthly income you can
turn that on or off that's pretty cool
so yeah so just above where the support
button is yeah it shows like you can
have how many subscribers you have and
how much you make but flow plane isn't
really designed around being a donations
platform it's more of a subscription to
a service so it doesn't fully fall in
line with that so if you want to set up
your account that way you can but by
default we have it off price two
thousand dollars nice you get nothing
nice there we go alright this is gonna
be the start tier awesome
so get rekt here now this year's tier
now this plan will not be seen publicly
because it's not published yet okay
because we want people to be very
careful publishing a plan is permanent
yeah you will have to contact floatplane
administrators to make certain changes
and that's because they would be I
published it yeah well that's why I'm
contacting the flow can I make some
changes please sir damn it and the
reason for that is to try to protect the
the people subscribing to the creator so
the Creator understands the implications
of just ripping a plan out of out of
people who are currently paying for
something so if we go out of the Creator
CMS we go to the wiki channel oh there
we go and we have to get rekt here yeah
and I believe that all I have to do is I
can like add a card and like this stuff
actually I think the question burning in
everyone's minds now then is when do we
go into beta I I need this stuff in I
need the new upload and transcode
systems I need the support page I need
the FAQ page if stream is gonna get a
little bit better we're working on this
multi CDN thing that's going on it's
it's coming well we'll be there soon
what the the main benchmark for me for
beta is that a few major pain points
need to be solved every video can't have
this new bubble on it
this search thing should probably work
like extremely basic functionality needs
to be in place and we still have a bit
of that I didn't know there was a oh
yeah yeah it doesn't do anything it's
actually been there like the whole time
god never noticed yeah yeah yeah yeah so
the we're actually getting pretty close
and I think the new multi-column layout
and the front page yeah should add a
little bit of good feeling to the site
not being quite as alpha as it was and
we have some more of those types of
things so more on the crater side like
the upload and transcode stuff which is
like tera let's real talk let's be
honest the way our trans code works
right now is if tech deals uploads one
of his epic 4
or 4k world of warships streams to
floatplane it's like 75 gigs - tek-tips
has to wait like three hours because
everything is done in series so that
that won't happen anymore
so like there's reasons we haven't broad
just brought on a bunch of creators
because there's honestly stuff that's
really ready and then there's stuff
that's not as ready it's one thing to
have a video playback site yeah honestly
Luke could have set that up in 48 hours
in fact three years ago he did yay
it just sucked thanks man the hard thing
is scaling and the really cool thing
about this if you want to play a video
to one person pretty easy yeah well the
really cool thing though is that Luke
has had both the blessing and curse of
having one medium to large scale creator
yeah to use as and really like mad props
to all of our viewers who have who have
been with us genuinely really appreciate
through floatplanes growing pains
because you guys have been the testers
for this not only that you have funded a
significant amount of the development of
this platform indirectly like we're
still we're still burning money like
we're still it's still a startup bit
open oh yeah but it has some revenue and
it has this proof of concept that we
know that the model can work and you
guys have been just an incredible part
of that and making it happen so so
anyway we've had both the benefit and
the drawback of having this scale that
we have to live up to and that has
taught us a lot about how to get
ourselves ready to bring on other
creators there's been some buzz from
some pretty big names around creating
alternatives to YouTube and there was
even one that was supposed to be as far
as I know March by now yeah like a month
ago yeah and it's not if we've learnt
anything about making this platform is
setting launch dates is
scurrying usually doesn't work out and
also that like what we're doing is not
easy and so again like mad props this
time to the floatplane dev team because
what you guys are doing would normally
be done by a team of 3040 people with
fifty million dollars of vc backing like
that's the kind of project we're working
on and so yeah it's taken some time but
because of our amazing community because
of the tenacity of our devs we are
actually finally getting close to being
able to bring on other creators and
start to scale the thing out and because
Luke whose strength really wasn't
organization when I met him understand
and and we've taken a really building
block style approach and the early days
not so much but we learned and we've
taken a really modular building block
style approach to building the platform
that makes it so that we will be able to
scale it when the time comes and add
functionality much more easily then if
you just kind of throw something
together in 48 hours which I was like
Luke strength was grossly
misrepresenting his experience yeah ya
know the funny thing is that Luke oh we
had a freeze on OBS so if people are
complaining about a freeze in the stream
someone in spamming I need notification
alright sounds good dude go turn on your
settings oh yeah notifications are
working they technically exist there's
improvements that need to happen to
those just like almost everything else
but but if they technically exist if you
go into settings you can set on push
notifications or email notifications per
creator yeah oh should we talk about the
our community's gonna freak out about
this well Paul just messaged me and said
we should look into his conversation
with nyle a so I think we should almost
dive into that a little bit more almost
okay we can talk about it's not ready
so there's been some requests for flow
plane stop there's been a lot of
requests for flow planes a lot more open
source stuff there's also been a lot of
for apps to exist and other things and
one of the members on the team that I
don't know if I'm he's been on the team
definitely long enough for me to say his
name but I don't know he wants his name
to be public so I will say it yet I will
figure that out later and then no later
but has been working on setting up the
base of our mobile apps and then we're
going to be working on making it open
source so people can contribute to them
if they would like but we're trying to
get the base really solid first and then
open the API and do some other things
like that so people can be able can work
with that if they would like it's not
necessarily about trying to save work or
trying to save money we were definitely
willing to do it ourselves
it just was gonna take longer and we've
had a lot of members of our community go
like hey honestly I just love to help
with this so that I could just have an
app there's people that have more like
just made one so and I'm like okay
that's actually like really cool
impressment stuff but no so so yeah
we're running down that path like if
there's gonna be third-party support for
this initiative anyway we just want to
make sure that we're doing it properly
and so so this is this is a way for us
to get something done faster and at the
it's the weirdest thing give the
community what they want which seems to
be to help us out which is weird but
like but you guys are cool you guys are
awesome so really really excited about
that do you want to pull up Paul's
Twitter conversation there oh sure
give me one second what is Paul joining
floatplane well he he wants to we just
need to be ready oh yeah so it's us yeah
yeah oopsy looking that up why did I do
a couple super chats cuz I saw a couple
of ridiculous ones come in biking with
Panda what kind of name is that love
from the open ZFS team I hope Luke
becomes a platform Sunday can you send
me some jerky and coffee thanks guys
that was a disjointed message thank you
for that Wow I Katan 11 says I love you
guys content been watching you for years
thank you you rock Jonas it's got
floatplane last weekend first time
watching on floatplane it's so good
there weren't thanks flag boy copyright
in America is nuts big companies soon
youth groups huh Wow really like
cheerleaders dancing winter guard etc
for hundreds of thousands of dollars
because they use their music oh really
yeah wow that's rough oh yeah I don't
know I don't know about the hundred
thousands of dollars thing
I don't know about any of the values but
there's been tons of tons of stuff yeah
The Insider says they got banned by the
The Verge PC build guide creator guy
Stefan so yeah no I believe they were
just like blocking people on Twitter and
stuff like that so I've even heard of
cases where like a dude was playing a
radio in the back of his shop to
literally just himself but because it
was on a commercial premises they like
tried to hit him with some something a
song was played I remember there's
there's been some like absolutely crazy
stuff I have no idea
wow that's kind of nice Sam the bird
says hey Luke go on a date with me hey
sorry Thunder does games want to go to
LTX but can't get off work oh that's a
bummer well thanks for your support
anyway and we will have like a like a
Virtual Ticket so stay tuned for that
Luke's alter ego says nto cute the
Canuck the world's most stereotypical
Canadian I like it great I'm down uh s
PM says ribs strong Lyle very strong
indeed oh geez oh boy ah PC genius says
love you Luke when his days two cents
coming to floatplane
he's bit I'd that's another one James
wanted to join for a long time it's just
I don't want their entrances to the
platform to be really bad I want it to
be a good experience for the users and
for them and floatplane isn't quite
there yet we're getting really close
we're starting to feel it the front page
is coming on the website we've got the
multi tiers thing having a black page
having what we could have literally done
with Squarespace in 20 minutes yes but
we wanted to do it on our own site and
that kind of stuff it's it's it's coming
along it's coming with the cover pages
feature it basically is the cover babies
anyways David says I sent an email
asking about the VIP ticket for LTX
wanted to know if it included a two-day
pass and Dreamhack b-y-o-see at night I
believe so
yeah I believe so stay tuned I think the
VIP tickets are gonna go really fast
they're like not gonna be cheap they are
hundreds of dollars and I'm sorry but
that's already like it'll already sell
in like an hour yeah they're almost
under it's they're expensive but they're
almost under I don't even know what we
talked about like doubling the price
this yeah just to your party gonna have
to next just to give people who like
aren't sitting there with their finger
on the trigger ready to go a chance to
get one but then we were like no so it's
actually I believe gonna be the same
price as last year it's a hard case
because if you if you don't price it
high enough people are just gonna buy
them way too fast and then there's just
a ton and litter mad the only people
with like watching BOTS are gonna be the
ones that notice it or scalpers are just
gonna buy it if you price it way too
high than you look like a jerk people
will not be able to scalp them oh yeah
because the VIP ticket is personalized
to you the person who bought it okay
yeah I think I'm good for now there's
actually a bunch more yeah sorry guys
there's like actually a lot more but
we're there's we actually need to go
home at some point we went way over time
Jimmy so to do this Paul cenk there's
one person in full in chat who said they
don't have the emote even though they've
been sub since the forum and I recognize
your name and I know that's true contact
support at floatplane calm look at that
teen careful okay she didn't have a
domain now with a support you can see
things are coming along these are cool
okay let's talk to you really quick yeah
sure on your screen okay so we've
already read this first this is
hilarious this this was great I love how
how well it lined up with what we were
saying so Paul said this all could have
been avoided if well oh he's quoting
this all could have been avoided if
they simply reached out to me directly
says nyle a hypocrisy basically because
the same thing could happen the other
way around then he just did a screenshot
of the article yeah moving on do not
there's a few other responses nyle a
response directly hopefully I'm saying
your name right sorry if I'm not it's
not a reality show
none of the stakeholders actually
reached out and again it's reversed this
right I reverse the strike on Wednesday
Paul said did you make any attempt to
reach out to them before having a legal
team take action that affected their
ability to make a living if not saying
they should have reached out to us first
carries zero weight nya Lee says I do
not think our team should use the strike
system no which is why I reversed it
what okay that didn't answer Paul's
question all right that's what he says
he's like you didn't answer my you seem
to not want to admit any fault or accept
responsibility for anything in this
situation so you're blaming your team
for issuing the strike but you're the
one who took action to remove it I
remove the strike I did not make a
series of videos that led to an obvious
coordinated harassment Kim what are you
even talking about but what led to the
coordinated harassment campaign was you
didn't pull your video immediately when
it was obviously horrible and yeah it
was like problematic as it was a guide
Paul said well then you're obviously the
victim here at the mercy of okay
basically what I do to perform a
transfer grid which we activated because
we are evil couldn't possibly be that
you're in the wrong and a bunch of
people agree that based on preponderance
of evidence again I refers to strike on
Wednesday no one no one's saying you
I appreciate they did that quickly but
no one no one's saying you didn't before
any of this went sideways that the
criticism whatever it is of a thing that
I undid is the other thing that I undid
is the other thing that I ended and the
nature of that criticism is coordinated
and toxic being coordinated no one's
coerced so I'm the the like what's that
what's that app where all the chat we're
all like all the tech youtubers have
this signal account that we all message
well snow it's not an app like it's Wade
no it's
it's it's a big it's ok sauce is pretty
cute it's got a cylinder okay yeah it's
got a cylinder and then there's like
there's like this like this metal kind
of frame piece that goes across the
front sure okay yeah and it stands about
this high so you got the cylinder with
this frame piece on the front here and
then it's got a big light in the back
and you aim it at the sky oh yeah yeah
okay it's got a back tack you two were
under attack come support immediately we
coordinated and toxic attack I am firm
and saying that is unacceptable well I
completely Paul now says well I
completely disagree but thanks for
applying here at least I think everyone
now has a much clearer idea of what your
official stance is on the matter I think
his official stance is that he took it
back on Wednesday we took the original
video down all right so on that note the
man show's over some guys again next
week same bat-time same bat-channel
maybe that's why I always say that
everyone coordinates like something's
happening something to happen he didn't
say the Batman Oh drat yes we're good
bye everyone bye how's a long show yeah
we had something to talk about I know
not about that meets you fully see but
they did the right thing they do the
certain coffee striking people months
after the event to remind everyone about
fully under oh man good show

ere's the deal my house was built in
1985 or something along those lines and
these are the original garage door
openers so I was like you know what I
want to get for myself I'm gonna get
myself a nice fancy smart garage door
opener and I bought this unit from
Chamberlain on Amazon for I don't knows
like a few hundred bucks or something it
had good reviews or whatever everything
seemed hunky-dory I got it out I started
opening it up and I'm reading the manual
and I make it all the way to this page
in the manual that refers me to a
website that then I scroll like way down
I click a thing and finally I find out
that the if this then that integration
for Chamberlain's garage door openers is
a subscription service Jake can you be
my can you be my you know expert
consultant here for a minute is there
any reason that if this then that
integration would require a subscription
like a paid subscription a paid
subscription no I don't think so no no
there really isn't so I could afford it
it was only $1 a month
but the reality of it is that
Chamberlain we're gonna do it ourselves
we're gonna take these ancient garage
door openers we're gonna make them smart
with the help of what like 30 bucks
worth of gear off alleys Express Amazon
they got that folks
Animas I got one more for you here this
guy you got this guy
what's this cost I these are like 30
bucks each
all right you probably would have better
off just paying the fee this is gonna
pay itself back in like five years it's
the principle of the thing
and speaking of the principle of the
thing madrenas Coffee madrenas blends
specialty cold brew coffee Xin 215 ounce
grabby no cans for your convenience and
you can check them out and use offer
code Linus we're gonna have that down
below to save 40% today or even tomorrow
but don't put it off like 40% goes crazy

so just to give you some idea how
overdue it is that's huge bang it worked
late well you can't you can't stop it
yeah you can't Oh
so let's start with the highly advanced
system for my garage door openers here
we've got these two doorbell ringers oh
they're not even better ten out of ten
do you even push the button know that
the buttons are loose so if you kind of
jiggle them around they kind of go every
once in a while they just so perfect and
they're definitely very very attached to
the wall Wow you can replace those you
know they're just regular switches look
at your Jake shot me with a Nerf dart
that we started then over here we've
basically got the safety sensitivity
like there's no there's no beam or
anything that's just like how hard it's
gonna push on you and then this is open
and this is closed but like I don't
really a loopy I don't really know what
that is it's like it's dripping grease
yeah do you get that on your car
meanwhile I'm storing this in here with
this like epic garage by the time this
video comes out this will not be in here
by the way guys so so don't break and do
this house yeah please so walk us
through what we've got here the basic
premise is this is a Wi-Fi switch it's
like those buttons over there but
instead it's got some relays here we're
gonna wire this up to your garage door
you just one of them and then you should
be able to just click a button on your
phone and it should actuate this and
that's all you got to do now does it
replace the hardware button it can do
both we can just run it in seriously but
in series but like together with it and
then because this isn't gonna tell us
whether the garage door is open or not
you're gonna have a second thing this is
from a company called roost they sent
this to us thanks for that
and they actually normally make these
for insurance purposes like your parents
your house insurance might require so it
logs like whether it was open or not at
the time that a theft occurred or
whatever yeah so we're just gonna stick
this on the garage door and we should be
able to on the app see if his garage
then we've got this guy so this is a
little bit cheaper does that other one
you up to four yeah it was a four car
rich people but you don't have to use
them for garages it can be like to turn
anything on really okay sure so this one
is just for single yes and then you just
take your micro USB there you go and you
can also just power it with a any five
volt power supply so you can use a
battery or a battery pack and this will
probably last for like months cool well
we're gonna plug it in step one just do
it step one step two magic happen keep
doing it so hold on a second do I need
to like are we even we're not even
getting into any high voltage wiring
here are we no this is literally none
it's 12 volt we need a flathead get a
little excited over there oh my god
that's the og screwdriver yeah I keep it
here now cuz I don't want to like get it
confiscated at the airport or something
that almost happened except this one
time this was amazing so what I did is I
took the bit out of it put it in here
they literally take it out of my bag and
go oh yeah it's a good thing this is
really one I'd have to take it
Oh Saved by the Bell you even for real
right now cuz meanwhile I've got all
this other stuff in here that's pointing
AC / DC 7 234 232 volt 10 amps at 250 AC
or 30 DC sure casual right so just like
all the things yeah okay what's the app
it's called II we link is there is there
is there a paid subscription for that
not ET integration are you sure it's
almost like it's a free API dear user
its dollar a month for IFTTT intergrate
and I'm just kidding it's not is there
somewhere we can plug this in that isn't
up there yeah yeah for sure I'll do over
here OOP ah lights we may put it in the
plastic it's just here while we test it
yeah I just want to not be standing on
top of a ladder while we try to set this
up okay power up the model then press
and hold pairing button for five seconds
until the LED indicator blinks twice and
on repeatedly what does blinks twice and
on repeatedly mean okay
oh yeah is okay make sure your phone in
the model aren't closer enough to Wi-Fi
router found second-generation device
hey hey yeah so if you click one of
those it should you should hear the
relay click hold on wait for it this is
sick yeah like 30 bucks if you only need
one it's lonely I think I checked it was
like nineteen dollars Canadian that's
awesome so now all we need to do is rip
this ghetto stuff I think you should
just leave those and then we can have it
also so if somebody needs to come in
here that doesn't have the app like
couldn't we just put this here and then
just splice in some wire I need to
figure out which ones because otherwise
if we put this up by the garage door
opener I'll grab the wires okay
do you get wire strippers uh yeah I got
wire strippers oh yeah yeah baby you got
lots of strippers oh oh even a little
multimeter you know they make like 1,500
on multimeters I'm sure they do for
people who are far more qualified to use
multimeters than I am I am so excited to
be able to open my garage door yeah like
honestly I'm excited for you sometimes
when I'm working oh my god scare me I'll
even see him there well he's been doing
his martial arts training oh man mini
ninja well I get my butt kicked
didn't leave much slack in those wires
we should be replacing these at the same
time do you have any buttons uh Wow oh
so well that explains like why it's
broken it just fell apart so this just
pushes that onto there like that so you
actually know what we could probably
like fix it pretty easily this might
have just been put back together wrong
oh there we go yeah this is definitely
screwed this was assembled wrong this
was flipped around I think okay well
when I see this button is actually it's
fixed it's like fine now it's not loose
anymore yeah I can just put some hot
glue in and it'll be like fine I think
where's that screwdriver oh why do you
always make me do this it's really tight
every time I work with you I end up
reaching into your pocket frankly I've
had enough you've had enough when I tell
you you've had enough okay all right
maybe just tighten it a little more yeah
that was a nice technique I don't have a
ton of talents but I'm pretty good at
screwing things up every time you see
that wire that you don't want to pick up
just because you're so mad doesn't seem
like there's not a lot that can go wrong
honestly yeah I think it'll probably
work fine knock on wood
but you have to do the knocking it's
your house I think yeah probably do you
don't have to roll on this David this is
awful well you can just check yeah okay
you just go like this and then a light
goes on there you go okay it's one oh no
I meant like which of these three
oh well it's labeled oh is it yeah so
you've got your ground and then you've
got your know you've got NC which
usually stands for no connection I'm
gonna look up this video of this other
guy complicated
I'm in the shower wasn't me no once a
little over there wasn't me
we definitely left way too much wire on
that one yeah and it might actually
bridge that I guess it doesn't really
matter I should be okay
okay so plug it in just put that's it
smart garage door we click it again
before it closes
oh and it pauses and then click Oh have
to go down after that ok so now we just
have to wear the other one up yeah
should we cut let's cut these wires it
looks awful I can do that later ok but
you're never connect I'll do it I'll do
the first one that same done daeng
download pending why is this down okay
I'm gonna go stand closer to my access
point here what's going on oh yeah go
for it let's do it you just taking one
it was David's idea nope you have no
devices click to add a new device wait
to hear a beep then click next I'm
assuming there was a beep at some point
there's the beep Oh what are you doing
oh no it's connected so there it is volt
Wi-Fi battery good ok so now we have to
stick this okay so is it what is it like
an accelerometer that are like yeah it
has yeah okay that's cool you should
probably clean this off that's your
cleaning too I mean I have cloths well
oh now I got cobwebs on me Oh anyways
what did he put it on there already I
already wipe it off with my hand are you
doing I just played okay well thanks I
let me clean let me clean my hand off
No okay what would make this perfect is
if it just fell please don't fall off
its gonna make me look really stupid if
it does come on buddy yeah thank you so
that's it now I can control my ancient
garage doors and I can see if yeah heck
yeah we chest-bumping are we high five
high five okay No why not what no no you
weigh a lot more than okay go ahead okay
one two three the math drops sennheiser
HD 6xx headphones are one of my
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for watching guys you just like this
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the video description also down there is
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like this one like these ones and so
this will be coming soon this will not
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yeah it's awesome you should go check
that out ltte merch calm also down there
is our community forum which you should
I don't have a ton of talents but I'm
pretty good at screwing things up I mean
I think there can you please make it
seem like I came up with that right on
the spot when he said that's a pretty
good technique there with the
screwdriver I think we were screw these
you were screwing horizontally it would
make me so happy if we could edit that
to make it seem like I'm a lot however
than I am lovely my anticipation is
everyone together no they really are
mean people LMG editors just to
straight-up bad people

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