
Friday, October 2, 2020

How to Make Weed Hot Chocolate #Tasty Food


How to Make Weed Hot Chocolate #Tasty Food

cannabis isn't something that it's

really easy to physically overdose on it

takes more than a human could ever

possibly eat I've seen people get so

anxious that they just need to leave or

they want to run away and that they

demand to be taken somewhere else but

you know really you can't escape from

yourself and you can't escape from

what's in your bloodstream so you gotta

kind of just call 911 one like freaking

out hi I'm Brian Wallace chocolate maker

and ethno botanist I'm the founder of

endorphin chocolate and today I'm gonna

teach you how to make cannabis infused

hot cocoa chocolate has been consumed as

a beverage for thousands and thousands

of years as a beverage you can also

infuse different herbs to different

spices into your cocoa which is what

we're going to be doing today with the

cannabis and when we're doing this we're

actually kind of tuning into the

historical used to cacao as this bitter

drink or this bitter beverage often

times in ceremony and ritual really

beautiful depictions and some of the

Aztec glyphs of shamans and priests

pouring cocoa from vessel to vessel to

produce a rich luxurious broth to make

our hot chocolate today we're gonna be

using cocoa paste what this is is a

hundred percent cacao and it contains

the cocoa butter still and the adventure

that the cocoa paste takes from the tree

to your tongue starts obviously at the

tree the cocoa pods that grow directly

from the trunk of the tree can be any

number of colors and inside each one of

those cocoa pods we have forty to sixty

cocoa beans we can crack these open

remove the husk and from that we get the

nibs and then from the nibs when we

start to grind in a stone grinder it

forms these beautiful little shards and

that's called cocoa paste or cocoa

liqueur this is actually going to

dissolve really nicely into the hot

cocoa you can pick it up at a health

food store you can pick it up at some of

the natural foods markets co-ops I sell

it on the endorphin website the other

star of the show today is some nice

California grown Blue Dream cannabis

buds cannabis and chocolate are perfect

complements to each other cocoa is a

great delivery vehicle for cannabis

because the cocoa beans and the cocoa

pace that we're gonna be using here to

make our hot chocolate have about 50%

cocoa butter content we're gonna be

using that to help extract the cannabis

and make it more bioavailable to our

bodies so we're gonna start off actually

by infusing the cannabis into some nut

milk I use an unsweetened almond milk

because I like to be in control of what

sugars that I we want to choose a milk

that has a decent fat content because

again we're gonna be extracting the

cannabinoids which are fat soluble right

into the fat of our milk we have a

little crock pot here we're gonna be

shooting for an ideal temperature range

of at least 125 but no higher than 200

you don't want any higher than 200

because then you'll actually start

vaporizing the compounds in your

cannabis that you want to be consuming

you can also do this on the stove next

we're gonna grate up some of this ginger

some of this turmeric turmeric has some

great anti-inflammatory compounds in it

helps circulation in the body and it

will absolutely stain anything it comes

into contact with and I do the ginger as

well really quick ginger is just an

all-around great herb for digestion I'd

say a good rule of thumb is to use a

thumb's worth of fresh ginger or fresh

turmeric root we're gonna take some of

this cardamom and the black pepper and

you notice these are actually a whole

pod so I intentionally don't buy those

pre powdered most of the spices you're

gonna buy in the store have already been


they've already been powdered a lot of

these essential oils have evaporated off

with these essential oils they as well

are fat soluble so when we add them to

this nut milk when we add a little bit

of coconut oil to it they are extracted

into the fatty mass these spices unlike

the ginger and the turmeric are actually

pretty potent so we use much smaller

amounts we're just gonna use a few

little peppercorns here just maybe five

to ten and then we're also going to grab

a little chunk of cardamom may be twice

the amount of black pepper three times

we're gonna just mash them up in here

let's throw a cardamom black pepper

right here into the nut milk it's

already starting to get warm when you're

picking out your cannabis it's great to

know the concentration of your THC of

your CBD for this particular strain this

blue dream of tenth of a gram is a great

starting point

give us about 15 milligrams of THC per

cup so 4/10 of a gram is what we want to

be weighing out here you're going to

want to start breaking them up and what

this does is it increases the surface

area and helps the extraction process

and then we're gonna take our flowers

and add them to a crock pot add them

right there on top of the black pepper

and cardamom that we crushed up we're

gonna do one little finishing touch and

we're gonna add just a spoonful of

coconut oil and this is just going to

help increase the fat content and help

facilitate extraction of those

cannabinoids coconut oil starts melting

pretty quickly and it's already starting

to smell really nice in here

after we've stirred it all together to

get the buds nice and moist to make sure

that the herbs and spices aren't just

sitting on top we're gonna let that sit

on low for six to eight hours I like to

just make mine at night it'll be ready

in the morning here we are

6 to 8 hours later our infused nut milk

is ready to go it's super dark


it's from the buds and primarily from

the turmeric giving that really

beautiful color to it take this and just

strain it out we can grab spatula and

press that out just to make sure we got

everything out of there this is all

pretty much uniform consistency there's

a little bit of extra stuff at the top

and that's some of the proteins from the

nuts we're looking for a temperature

range of at least 120 degrees maybe up

to 150 s that's kind of an ideal range

that I'd work with so check the

temperature here we're at 129 that's

perfect we're gonna take this infuse

lovely golden cannabis milk and we're

gonna pour it right in the blender for

each serving we want to use about a

third of a cup to a half a cup of cocoa

paste when I say 1/2 cup that includes

the airspace that's in there we just

fill it up like that so we do that four

times it's already starting to melt down

you can kind of see it here on the sides

the blender will finish the job for us

but first

sugar in there and this is coconut sugar

I love using the sugar because low

glycemic it doesn't give me spike in my

blood sugar and subsequent crash and now

we're gonna blend it make sure you have

your hand locked in tight on the top of

that blender lid so it doesn't fly off

and decorate your house a new color


now that we've blended it you can see

some beautiful rich bubbles on the top

froth the aroma is absolutely

intoxicating you can see that it pours

it's really thick it's really viscous

and that's because of the high fat

content of this so for the recipe for

this we'd infuse hot chocolate click the

link below and you'll find all the

details all the ratios Wow

chai spice golden milk cannabis infused

hot chocolate

guaranteed to fill as good as it tastes

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