
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How To Build Your URL Short System : World No.1 Premium URL Shortner #MatchURL

How To Build Your URL Short System : World No.1 Premium URL Shortner #MatchURL

Shamim IT LOGO

 Hi friends, how are you? A couple of days ago  I published a video about the importance  

of URL shortening services and I told you that  you can build your own service. Also on my channel  

here, you will find a video on how to start a  business with this service, a SAAS business.

So in this video I will go through step by  step, I will show you step by step how to set up  

and host the premium URL shortening service so  you can have your own service so you can use  

it for your own business, or sell it and  start a SAAS business online.

Stay tuned.

Hi friends I'm Hasan from H-educate and today I'm  really so excited to publish this video

where I will show you step by step how to host and set up  your own business your own service please before  

we start don't forget subscribe now to my channel  hit that red button and turn notifications and if  

you like the video go and smash the like button to  help me publish more and more videos on YouTube so  

let's stop talking and go directly into our work.

So what are the requirements for this video?  For this setup?

Number one: You must have the premium  URL shortening script. It costs only 33 dollars  

one time payment and you build your own business  your own service.

If you haven't bought it yet

please go to the description below you'll have a  special link go and get it if you want to continue with us.

And don't worry if you don't want to get  it now it's okay just watch the video understand  

the concept and when you feel comfortable when you  want to implement it you can buy the script. 

Anyway, so number one is to have this script. Number two  is: You need a domain name a domain like in my case  

for my service it's so you need to buy a  domain name. In my case I will be using a domain  

from "GoDaddy" so if you don't have also a domain  name and you want to set up with us this script  

please go and buy a domain name you can start with  maybe one dollars per year it's cheap by the way.

So search for a domain and buy it from "GoDaddy" I  have a lot of videos about this I don't want to  

waste your time now by checking out and buying a  domain. We have a lot of videos on YouTube a lot of  

articles a simple search you can do it if you want.  

So in my case if I go now to my domains I have a sample domain I will be using for this tutorial.

Number three is: You need a hosting service  

A VPS service to handle this script I prefer VPS  and not shared hosting to get the best performance  

for this application and the best service and  the cheapest service with the best performance  

is Contabo go to the description below you'll  find a link to Contabo VPS services you will get  

this page directly and you will buy this service. So these are the requirements a VPS server a  

domain and the script that you want to install. So  let's start directly and buy a VPS from Contabo  

You can see here I am in Contabo main page and I will go with the cheapest VPS it costs you only  

4 euros like 5.5 dollars I think  per month but it gives you 4 gigabytes of ram  

300 gigabytes SSD boosted hard drive and two  cores I think it's the best offer all over  

the internet from Contabo. Anyway so click here  customize and order and please follow up with me  

here we'll select Ubuntu 20 for the operating  system it's totally free go down and here select  

LAMP. LAMP simply is a bunch of applications like  MySQL, PHP, Apache so it will make things ready  

for you you can directly start and publish and  upload the script so it will save you a lot of  

time click LAMP and go down here select how  many months you want if you select 12 months  

you will avoid the setup fee in my case I will go  with one month just for testing now and showing  

you and showing you this. Click order now that  simple if you don't have an account just sign  

up and add your billing you can use PayPal  Skrill, bank transfer or even credit card  

Whatever you want just pay this 5 euros. Now  I'm existing customer I will add my email here  

in Contabo agree just check this  and submit your order that's simple  

that's simple and then click on this button:  place order, after you click this you will  

receive an email to your account your inbox like  this one it will tell you to confirm the order  

so just click on this link here and your order  will be confirmed that's it and a couple of hours  

Contabo will send you the login info so you  will get this login data this email with your  

IP the password and everything else so now we  have the VPS we have the domain I will be using  

let's see what I have I will  use this domain for my setup this domain so go to the DNS management  zone so we can configure the DNS later on so now  

we have the VPS we have the domain and we have the  script we are ready to host and publish it on our  

server let's start together so now the first step  after you get the VPS and your domain is to map  

together is to map the domain name to the IP so we  can access the server using the domain name simply  

I will copy the IP address of the VPS  server from here from the email copy it  

and go to my DNS management zone to my domain  click edit and paste it here by the way I am using  

this domain H-servers because H-sites is  in use by one of my other servers anyway there's  

an example domain just paste the IP in the first  A record so now the domain name this domain will  

be pointing to this IP if you want to test this  and verify you can go to website called  

and then simply go to the ping tool and paste  the domain name here solve the captcha and simply  

click on go and now you can see it's pointing  to this IP address which is my VPS IP address  

that's simple so step one is to map is to  connect the domain to the VPS server so we  

can access the server using this name instead  of the IP that simple now we can close the  

domain we will not use it again anymore so now  the second step is to connect to our server and  

upload the script. That simple. I will open an  application called WinSCP this application  

is totally free you can download from the  link in description below it's totally free  

so just enter here your domain name or the IP  and say here root and just copy the root IP

from your email copy it ctrl+c go again here  and paste the password and click on login yes

and that simple. Go back here  in the server let's minimize this

okay and you can see here is my server folders  

just go down and go to the var  directory open it then www then html  

and here you will upload the script files if you  go here to the browser and we try to go to our

domain you will see it's this sample  PHP page okay so our server is working  

our domain is working now I will remove these  two pages delete so we can upload our own script  

the URL script inside the server. How to upload it?  after you buy it from CodeCanyon you can simply  

here download the script download it you will  get a zipped file I will go here to my downloads  

here is the zipped file I will extract here here's  the folder you can see this is the documentation  

and this is the main script simply drag the  main zipped folder to my server and upload it

just wait a second and here we are this the folder on our server now it's on the VPS  

server. That simple. We uploaded the files step  two is to extract the files how we will do this  

you can do this using WinSCP but will take  some time using that command and you may get  

some problems so like your file custom commands  and Tar or UnTar/GZip but I don't recommend this  

most of the times it will give you some errors  or it will take a long time to extract this file  

so I will open an application called PuTTY  also it's totally free it's an SSH client you  

can get also from description below just  download it and also paste here or enter  

your domain name. That simple, click yes  and here we are let's minimize this  

and it will tell you to log in I  will say root and again I will get  

the password copy and then go here and simply just  click on the right click on your mouse click on  

the right click it's funny click here right click  and the password will be pasted automatically  

it will not be visible for security reasons but  it's there somewhere just right click and click  

on enter press enter and now we have logged in to  our server using SSH and we can manage our server  

okay so this step two is to upload the script  and now we are going to extract it what I'm  

going to do here in the server is to install  a small tool that will help me unzip the file  

so simply run this command: sudo apt-get install unzip I will keep that comment  

description below so don't worry about  it anyway it's so simple click enter  

very nice and we installed this small tool  the unzip tool I will clear the screen again  

just run clear and now I will navigate or  change the directory so run this command cd  

or change directory go to /var/www/html so now I  am in this directory I will list the files "ls" and  

you can see the here the file  simply I will say unzip that simple  

click enter and now the file is extracted  I will go here and say refresh and you can  

see now the script is extracted and we can access  our script or our website but before we continue  

we have to create a database for this script how  to do this? Let's see it together so again here  

I will clear everything and I will now log into  MySQL database system simply say:

mysql -u root -p

enter and enter the root password of  your server again I will copy it from here copy  

and paste here right click enter and here I am  inside MariaDB MySQL server so the first step  

now is to create a database for this server  for this sorry script for the application  

now what's nice if you go now and open my blog  here you will find a full article on how to  

install a PHP script on a server step by step  go here "How to publish PHP website(install code  

canyon scripts) so you can use this guide step  by step to follow up and copy the commands so  

I explain here everything get a VPS get a domain all  the links are here anyway go down and we want to  

create a database you can see connect through  PuTTY and log into MySQL and let's create  

a database so I will copy this command  here to create a database you can see here  

the title create MySQL database so I  will copy this first command here copy it  

I will open notepad so I can edit this command  I will change the database name I will call it  

urlDB anything you want I will copy it again  and go to PuTTY and paste here right click enter  

and awesome now we have a database and now I will  create a user to access this database specialized  

only for our application so let's go down and  you will get this command to create a user copy  

it open notepad again and I will go here just  change the username I will say dbuser whatever  

you want and enter the password for the database  here I will use the same password of my VPS  

it's a secure password so paste it here copy  the command open PuTTY again and paste it here  

enter now we have this user  then I will copy this again  

to grant and give privilege for this user on our  database paste it here I will just change the  

user again here the password here whatever  you want paste copy this again open PuTTY  

paste enter and here we are we create a database  we create a user and we give the privilege then  

we need to FLUSH the privileges to give access  FLUSH this is the last command then exit 

super super simple so now we uploaded the script to  the server we created a database now simply we  

are going to configure it we connect the MySQL to  the script and run the application very nice so I  

will open a new web browser and I will try now to  open the website or the application  

enter you can see now we are in the premium URL  Shortener installation page very nice it will  

show you all the requirements you need it's very  simple a small wizard but it will show you now  

some problems like it will tell you this file is  not accessible and this folder is not accessible  

so how to fix this simply go here again to WinSCP  and you will see the config sample file and if you  

go here to includes simply here the config sample  file go to properties and set the permissions to  

777 that's it and click ok then I will refresh the  page very nice it's now accessible. That simple  

also we have the content folder let's  go again here to the content folder  

properties and set it to 777 check this box  and click on ok. That simple let's refresh now  

very nice. All the requirements are met you can now  proceed click on this link here now it will tell  

you to connect your database the database that  we created just say here localhost we are hosting  

on the same server database name what is our  database name? Remember it is urlDB database user  

it is dbuser that simple what is the password?  Here is my password super simple and very nice  

we connect the database and now it will give you  this small problem it will tell you that the file  

includes config.php cannot be found please  rename this file to config.php simply go  

now to WinSCP again to includes and rename this  sample just rename it to config.php and refresh  

and here we are database has been successfully  imported and everything is awesome just to remind  

you about the database please make sure to enter  the correct username the correct database here  

and everything anyway now it will tell you to  create an admin account I will say as an example  

"admin@H-educate" admin username: admin and enter  my password the site URL finish installation  

and click on finish installation very simple now  it will tell you automatically delete install  

PHP very nice deleted it and awesome and that's  it this is our URL shortening script as you can  

see this is our landing page so you can now log  in and start shortening the links and you can  

see and you can edit the logo whatever you want  and see something like my service by the way  

if you are wondering why my landing page is  somehow different if you go here to log out  

you can see this landing page is somehow different  I am using a theme if you go again to CodeCanyon  

to my products you will see I am using this  SAAS theme SAAS theme for premium URL Shortener  

I will also keep the link in description below  so don't worry about anything so if you want  

this theme instead so this is how we can set up  the link premium URL Shortener on your server  

to sum up get a domain get a VPS, Contabo is the  best cheap and powerful connect both together  

upload the script create database and set up the  script on the server so now we have one last step  

if you go here now to the example login you will  get an error you need to fix something in your  

server to make everything perfect just one simple  fix and we are ready simply let's go back to our  

article to step number seven and go down you'll  find the Apache here configuration I will copy the  

directory section copy it go to WinSCP again let's  go back back back go here to etc directory folder  

go to Apache go to sites-enabled then simply click  on edit here and paste this directory section or  

tag and simply save this file that simple now  go back to PuTTY and we need to restart the server  

so let's restart the Apache service enter and  here we are let's go back to our script refresh  

go to login and here we are I will login  to my account to show you the magic now  

we are in our own premium URL Shortening service  this is your own service you can now go here  

to admin section and you can enable earnings  and start selling the service if you want or  

simply use it for your own business I hope you  enjoyed this video if you have any questions  

anything you want comment them below or  simply go to submit your  

questions submit anything and I'll be with you  almost almost every other day.

See you later.

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