
Thursday, December 2, 2021

10 Essential College Study Tips from EdTech Leader Kunduz


10 Essential College Study Tips from EdTech Leader Kunduz

Students have heard it all before. Solid study habits are key to collegiate success. However, the team at Kunduz understands that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to studying or learning. Students have different needs, approaches, and backgrounds that call for a variety of tactics and resources. Students can leverage the Kunduz homework helper to prepare for their studies, and can also try the following tips as well! For more ideas, the EdTech provider put together a list of ways its students have found success with their studies. 

Kunduz Tips for Prepping a Study Space 

#1: Clear Distractions

This step is more than just putting a cellphone on Do Not Disturb, although that is certainly a part of it. Start by choosing an uncluttered and quiet place to study, even if that means heading to the library. The working surface area should just have the essentials and study notes on hand. 

#2: Consider Lighting

Eye strain is a condition that happens when you spend too much time staring at a computer screen. In order to minimize the symptoms of tired eyes, make sure the study space has ample lighting, either natural or from nearby lamps. 

#3: Block Blue Light

Be on the lookout for the effects of blue light. Many study materials and resources, including tutoring apps from Kunduz, rely on screens. Just enable the blue light filter option to prevent excessive exposure throughout the day from affecting your sleep habits. 

#4: Get Inspired

While clutter is not the goal, placing meaningful reminders for goals can help motivate anyone studying for a big test. Jot down a key quote or post a list of what is most important nearby to keep inspired even during the toughest test prep. 

Using Apps for Successful Studies

#5: To-Do Lists

Improve your study habits and time management skills with a to-do list. Apps like TickTick and Todoist are options for getting organized so you never miss an assignment!

#6: Note Taking

There’s nothing wrong with keeping a notebook, but digital notes ensure that students have their content with them at all times. Notion and Evernote work like notebooks with different pages, sections, and search functions. It’s also good to note that if you have a studying device like an iPad, Notability and GoodNotes would also be good sources for note taking! 

#7: Tutoring Assistance

Questions can pop up any time, but a teacher or help center may not be always available. On-demand tutoring services from Kunduz bridge this gap with a network of over 40,000 tutors ready to help with a number of subjects. 

Takeaways for Studying Smarter from Kunduz

#8: Write While Reading

Reading alone is not studying. Students need to be sure to grasp concepts through active learning. One trick to help with this is to write or take notes on what you are reading, not just your course lectures. This keeps you engaged and helps your mind recall details later on. 

#9: Don’t Wait for Help

Students who notice they’re stuck on a concept may choose to put off digging for an answer. This reasoning should be avoided as it will only put you further behind. Reach out as needed to teachers, math or writing centers, or online homework help resources like Kunduz for personalized assistance

#10: Take Breaks

While putting off questions for days at a time can be detrimental, taking intermittent breaks during study sessions can actually help. All-nighters and multi-hour study sessions can cause brain fatigue. Stop occasionally to take a brisk walk, have a healthy snack, and celebrate progress along the way!

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