
Monday, April 6, 2020

Start A Work From Home Business With Zero Money #Best Education Page #Online Earning

Start A Work From Home Business With Zero Money

hey what is up this is Tyler Pratt so if
you want to start a work from home type
business and you just don't have any
cash you just don't have you're limited
on funds but you want to get up and get
running and start making some side
income doing it well in this video I'm
gonna walk you through step-by-step how
to get it up get it running how you can
do it all online travel do whatever you
want to do with this and I'll just show
you the steps now you are gonna have to
trade time for money with this you will
have to put in the effort to make this
work for you it's not gonna just happen
by just not doing anything but if you do
want to get some information on passive
income two or three hundred ollars
consistently coming in every day we'll
make sure you hit that link in the
description below I'll give you my
number one recommended opportunity right
here online everyday I like to come out
with great new videos for you work from
home online jobs just anything to help
you have success there is a subscribe
button there's also a bell next to it
hit both of those and then you won't
miss any of the videos alright so start
a work from home business with zero
money okay so you want to come online
you want to work from home you want to
you know you want to be able to spend
more time with your family and friends
and all that good stuff you can do it
online it's gonna it's possible there's
just a few few kind of steps blueprint
strategies whatever you want to look at
it that you really need to kind of put
together in order to make this work for
you okay so one of the best ways to do
this is starting a blog okay it's one of
the easiest one ways is one of the best
ways to get up and get running that you
don't need any money with it okay it's
gonna be a great way to get you up and
get you your first wins that's what you
really need online you need first you
just need some wins right you don't need
to make a million dollars overnight you
just need to you just need to get some
wins going and creating a blog is gonna
help you do that is gonna be a great place
to sign up and go there and you can sign
it for free and you can get a blog up
and running now how they recommend that
you that you start here with the plan
that I'm going to show you but to
eventually get to the point where you
get you get your own domain you get your
own hosting account okay you can to get
your own domain with WordPress but I
like to see people getting their own
their own domain getting our hosting set
up it's very easy just go to like
Hostgator go to like Bluehost for like
five dollars a month you can get a
hosting account you just control it more
but again you can get started with
WordPress com get up and get running you
can create a blog real simple blogs like
this it's just very easy and the thing
about blogs is you just kind of fill it
with content when you fill it with
content that's relevant then Google's
gonna pick up this content and they're
gonna put you in the search results so
when somebody searches online they can
go through the search results and
they'll be able to click on the link go
to your blog read your content and then
click on your banners okay that's the
whole goal with this this is gonna help
you get up and get running online so
creating a blog is gonna be simple with
WordPress and then you just have to fill
it with content now the thing is you
want to go to find some keywords I use
AdWords a lot for my keyword planner I'm
always just searching for new keywords
that I want to come target with a lot of
the stuff that I do online so take for
example just just type in let's type in
like health insurance okay let's see
what pops up let's get started so you
can see right here health insurance it's
two hundred forty six thousand monthly
searches every month it's a huge amount
of searches medical insurance private
health insurance there's a lot of my
health insurance quotes but health
insurance that keyword right there is
very popular you could create a blog
just around that keyword right there
okay just a whole entire blog you can
create content around that and I'm gonna
show you how to create content here in a
sec but first of all you wanna if you're
going to create the blog around this
keyword then all of it has to be
congruent the offer that you that you
have the content that you have the
actual domain all of it has to work
but once you get content up and running
and it's all geared towards around
health insurance then you're gonna have
a lot better chance of attracting the
right type of audience to your blog so
if we go to offer vault you just got to
look for something promote right you got
to put banners on your blog you got to
put you got to put some links on there
in order to get people to click on them
go to an offer in order to get paid so
if we type in health insurance here and
we're gonna let it search it's like it's
searching it now for four offers okay so
to be so right at the top you're gonna
see sponsored links you can click on
these but look right here health
insurance 30 dollars per lead so when
somebody goes to a sales page and they
just fill out their information they
could be throw out their name their
address their phone number you're gonna
get paid on that it's very easy there's
not a lot of there's no getting with
leads it's usually just leads there's
not nobody's paying for any of those
things it's just somebody puts in their
information they get a lead you get paid
for it so if you can just go to to this
network right here you can get signed up
and promote this and you can go in there
and you know get the banners for this
and you can put those on your blog
there's a lot of different offers in
here that you can choose from there's
health insurance here from this is
mobile fused there's other ones health
insurance life transfer says think calls
think calls
this one right here reunite wire so all
these networks have offers that you can
promote and all you can do is take the
banners that give you with your link and
you throw them up on your blog okay so
we have that now one of the challenges
that people have is okay I've got a blog
I got my offer I got to fill it with
content I got to put some content on
there in order to get Google to actually
you know index my sites so a great place
and this is I've done this for years is
I've come to place called ezinearticles
okay so you just go to
insurance right here so you can you'll
see up here there's health insurance
right here so I just click on health
insurance and these pop up so health
insurance why is it important reduction
earnings due to medical problems so if
you want to get content for your site
you want to fill up your blog with
content you need to create some type of
content almost daily for your blog you
got to really be active with it now you
can come to ease on articles and you can
get ideas for your own content okay I'm
not saying don't come to these on
articles and just copy the text here
that's and copy this and put it on your
blog it won't work I promise you okay
Google will see that it's duplicate
content and they'll just they will
ignore your blog but you can come here
and what you can do is you can look at
the title here okay and you can just
read through the content and you can
read through the content get an idea
about health insurance or whatever you
want to talk about and then you open up
a text editor and you type out yourself
an article and you can just use the
ideas that you got from this article
again you're not copying you're taking
your own spin on and you're gonna create
a piece of content you can do this you
can come back here to the next one okay
so you can look at all of these there's
all kinds of different health insurance
articles that are in here that you can
use now again I'm not saying copy the
text here that's it's not going to work
if you take this and you just copy it
and put it on your blog won't work you
have to read through an article like
this and look at what the article is
about get the ideas and then take it and
put it in your own word
put it in to what you think health
insurance is so you don't have to be an
expert of health insurance okay you
don't even have to know anything about
it you can just go find articles like
this read them and then put the same
content into your own words put it on
your blog and then what is what's gonna
happen is it's gonna be unique content
Google is gonna love your blog they're
gonna Google will start to index your
content a lot more because it's unique
content and then you're gonna get a lot
more exposure with your blog and you're
gonna be able to get more traffic and
people clicking on your links ultimately
you want to get your blog to get traffic
from Google to your blog and then from
your blog they're gonna read your
content and then click on your links to
go to the health insurance offer okay
now again you can do this from any niche
any keyword you want I just was using
health insurance right now because it's
it save it it's a very popular type of
keyword you always want to find keywords
that are that are that get tons of
searches if you find a keyword that's
only getting like you know a couple
thousand searches it won't do you any
good of creating a blog with that it'll
just be a waste of time
all right so all you got to do is start
off with WordPress com go to
start there and then you can migrate
over to your own hosting account later
on and just find some keywords find a
great offer okay and then just go to
like easy articles get some ideas about
some content that you want to create you
can create that content and you can put
it up nice good your win google wins the
cpa networks when everybody's good now
your now you have a home-based business
and now you're working from home and
you're able to spend time with your
family and friends and have a good time
doing it okay but you got to take action
with this you can't just expect this to
work it's not going to fall in your in
your lap you really have to go out there
and work on this to make this work for
you so if you do want to get some
information on passive income two or
three dollars consistently we'll make
sure you hit that link in the
description below I'll give you my
number one recommended opportunity right
here online so if you like this video
click on the like button also share it
with your friends comment below let me
know how I can help you and your success
this is Tyler Pratt I hope you enjoyed
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that and we'll see you on the next one

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